sql 資料去重並且保留一條(在一定的時間範圍隨機獲取時間)
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-28
-- 將lmt作為唯一標識確保唯一
update SWS_ST_SPB_P set lmt = t.lmt
SELECT stcd, mpcd, tm, v1, v2, v3, r1, r2, r3,
DATEADD(second, ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % DATEDIFF(second,'00:00','23:59'), CONVERT(char(20),tm,20) ) as lmt
from SWS_ST_SPB_P s
) t
where s.stcd = t.stcd and s.mpcd = t.mpcd and s.tm = t.tm
-- 重複資料只保留一條
DELETE from SWS_ST_SPB_P where
stcd in (SELECT stcd from SWS_ST_SPB_P GROUP BY stcd, mpcd, tm HAVING count(*)>1)
and tm in (SELECT tm from SWS_ST_SPB_P GROUP BY stcd, mpcd, tm HAVING count(*)>1)
and mpcd in (SELECT mpcd from SWS_ST_SPB_P GROUP BY stcd, mpcd, tm HAVING count(*)>1)
and lmt not in (SELECT max(lmt) from SWS_ST_SPB_P GROUP BY stcd, mpcd, tm HAVING count(*)>1)