阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-28
String profileid = COM_Util.getProfileIdToName(Label.LAB077); List<user> userList = [SELECT contactId FROM user where profileid =:profileid and IsActive = true]; List<id> conIdList = new List<id>(); for(User u :userList){ conIdList.add(u.contactId); } List<contact> conList = [select AccountId from contact where id in:conIdList]; List<id> accIdList = new List<id>(); for(Contact con :conList){ accIdList.add(con.AccountId); } // 取引先のチェック List<Account> userCheckList = [select id ,Name From Account where isdeleted = false and Name in:accNameList and id in:accIdList];
List<Contact> conList = [select id ,Name ,AccountId ,Account.Name ,Account.ACC_E_MAIL__c from contact where contact.CON_TYPE__c = '種別名' and id in (select contactId from user where profileid =:profileid and isActive=true )];
Map<id,Contact> conMap = new Map<id,Contact>([select id,Name from Contact where Account.Name LIKE :'%' + entryAccName + '%']);
List<plantApply__c> plaList = [select Id,PAP_ENTRY__r.Name from PlantApply__c where PAP_ENTRY__c in : conMap.keyset()]; //PAP_ENTRY__c is Contact
List<plantApply__C> plaList2 = [select Id,PAP_ENTRY__r.Name from PlantApply__c where PAP_ENTRY__r.Account.Name LIKE :'%' + entryAccName + '%' ];