MySQL 管理長時間運行查詢
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-28
sch wait schedule shel mysq serve sub not in 管理 最常用的查詢
select concat (‘kill ‘,id,‘;‘) from
where time >= 2
-- and user = ‘業務賬號‘
and command not in (‘sleep‘,‘Connect‘)
and state not like (‘waiting for table%lock‘);
and info like ‘%Metabase%‘
create event my_long_running_query_monitor on schedule every 5 minute starts ‘2015-09-15 11:00:00‘ on completion preserve enable do begin declare v_sql varchar(500); declare no_more_long_running_query integer default 0; declare c_tid cursor for select concat (‘kill ‘,id,‘;‘) from information_schema.processlist where time >= 3600 and user = substring(current_user(),1,instr(current_user(),‘@‘)-1) and command not in (‘sleep‘) and state not like (‘waiting for table%lock‘); declare continue handler for not found set no_more_long_running_query=1; open c_tid; repeat fetch c_tid into v_sql; set @v_sql=v_sql; prepare stmt from @v_sql; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; until no_more_long_running_query end repeat; close c_tid; end;
#!/bin/bash password=xxxxxx mysql -uroot -p$password -N -s -e "select concat (‘kill ‘,id,‘;‘) from information_schema.processlist where time >= 300 -- and user = ‘業務賬號‘ and command not in (‘sleep‘,‘Connect‘) and state not like (‘waiting for table%lock‘);" > killmysqlsession.txt #cat killmysqlsession.txt | while read line #do #echo $line #mysql -uroot -p$password -e "$line" #done mysql -uroot -p$password < killmysqlsession.txt #或者登陸實例source killmysqlsession.txt
MySQL 管理長時間運行查詢