1. 程式人生 > >繼續編譯4


[email protected]:/home/zhangbin/vlc/x86/vlc# ./configure --enable-static --enable-shared --with-pic --enable-dbus --enable-debug --enable-gprof --enable-cprof --enable-run-as-root --enable-libproxy --enable-live555 --enable-lirc --enable-dc1394 --enable-dvdread --enable-screen --enable-realrtsp --enable-dvbpsi --enable-ogg --enable-mad --enable-avcodec --enable-libva --enable-switcher --enable-avformat --enable-swscale --enable-postproc --enable-a52 --enable-libmpeg2 --enable-vorbis --enable-flac --enable-speex --enable-tremor --enable-theora --enable-png --enable-libass --with-x --enable-glx --enable-sdl-image --enable-freetype --enable-fontconfig --enable-android-surface -enable-directfb --enable-pulse --enable-alsa --enable-opensles --enable-fribidi --enable-visual --enable-gnutls --enable-media-library --enable-sqlite --enable-loader --enable-vlc > configure_vlc3.txt 
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-libproxy, --enable-switcher, --enable-visual, --enable-media-library, --enable-sqlite, --enable-loader
configure: WARNING: No package 'live555' found.
configure: WARNING: No package 'zvbi-0.2' found.
configure: WARNING: Library opencv > 2.0 needed for opencv was not found
configure: WARNING: Library smbclient needed for smbclient was not found
configure: WARNING: Library libssh2 needed for sftp was not found
configure: WARNING: Blackmagic DeckLink SDI include files not found
configure: WARNING: Library gnome-vfs-2.0 needed for gnomevfs was not found
configure: WARNING: No package 'libcddb' found: CDDB access disabled.
configure: WARNING: Library libvncclient >= 0.9.9 needed for libvnc was not found
configure: WARNING: Library freerdp >= 1.0.1 needed for libfreerdp was not found
configure: WARNING: No package 'libsidplay2' found (required for sid).
configure: WARNING: Library shout >= 2.1 needed for shout was not found
configure: WARNING: Library twolame needed for twolame was not found
configure: WARNING: Library libdca >= 0.0.5 needed for dca was not found
configure: WARNING: Library ogg opus needed for opus was not found
configure: WARNING: Library dirac >= 0.10.0 needed for dirac was not found
configure: WARNING: Library fluidsynth >= 1.1.2 needed for fluidsynth was not found
configure: WARNING: No package 'zvbi-0.2' found. Enabling the telx module instead.
configure: WARNING: Library kate >= 0.3.0 needed for kate was not found
configure: WARNING: No package 'xcb-randr' found. Panoramix filter will not be supported.
configure: WARNING: No package 'xcb
-keysyms' found. Hotkeys will not work.
configure: WARNING: Library librsvg-2.0 >= 2.9.0 needed for svg was not found
configure: WARNING: No package 'jack' found, trying jack1 instead
configure: WARNING: No package 'jack' found
No package 'jack' found.
configure: WARNING: Library libchromaprint >= 0.6.0 needed for chromaprint was not found
configure: WARNING: Skins2 interface disabled due to missing dependencies.
configure: WARNING: No package 'libvsxu' found.
configure: WARNING: Library libudev
>= 142 needed for udev was not found
configure: WARNING: Library libnotify gtk+-2.0 needed for notify was not found
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-libproxy, --enable-switcher, --enable-visual, --enable-media-library, --enable-sqlite, --enable-loader

[email protected]:/home/zhangbin/vlc/x86/vlc# 

Get:2 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/universe libkate-dev i386 0.4.1-1 [55.9 kB]
Fetched 101 kB in 2s (44.7 kB/s)  
Selecting previously unselected package libkate1.
(Reading database ... 218413 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking libkate1 (from .../libkate1_0.4.1-1_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libkate-dev.
Unpacking libkate-dev (from .../libkate-dev_0.4.1-1_i386.deb) ...
Setting up libkate1 (0.4.1-1) ...
Setting up libkate-dev (0.4.1-1) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
[email protected]:/home/zhangbin/vlc/x86/goom2k4-0# 

apt-get install dirac

 apt-get install libzvbi-dev



[email protected]:/home/zhangbin/vlc/x86/vlc# ./configure --enable-static --enable-shared --with-pic --enable-dbus --enable-debug --


出現沒有編譯的問題時進行4大clean() 1.在servers下的(tomcat)伺服器右鍵選擇clean Module Work Directory 作用:刪除工作空間中臨時的編譯檔案. 2.在如上的伺服器上右鍵選擇clean 作用:刪除專案中的臨時編譯檔案 3.在


核心下載地址:Linux kernel 1、將下載好的核心原始碼壓縮包置於ubuntu18.04虛擬機器中(在windows上解壓會導致部分檔案損壞) 2、解壓下載的壓縮包,在/usr/src中 tar -xvf linux-4.15.tar.gz -C /usr/src後 cd /us


[email protected]:/home/zhangbin/vlc/x86/vlc# ./configure --enable-static --enable-shared --with-pic --enable-dbus --enable-debug --

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