最近寫程式中需要將資料輸出儲存到Excel檔案中。翻看《C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4》(Second Edition)發現可以在Qt中運用ActiveX控制元件,這真是太好了。
首先在.pro檔案中新增CONFIG += qaxcontainer
QString filepath=QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this,tr("Save orbit"),".",tr("Microsoft Office 2007 (*.xlsx)"));//獲取儲存路徑 if(!filepath.isEmpty()){ QAxObject *excel = new QAxObject(this); excel->setControl("Excel.Application");//連線Excel控制元件 excel->dynamicCall("SetVisible (bool Visible)","false");//不顯示窗體 excel->setProperty("DisplayAlerts", false);//不顯示任何警告資訊。如果為true那麼在關閉是會出現類似“檔案已修改,是否儲存”的提示 QAxObject *workbooks = excel->querySubObject("WorkBooks");//獲取工作簿集合 workbooks->dynamicCall("Add");//新建一個工作簿 QAxObject *workbook = excel->querySubObject("ActiveWorkBook");//獲取當前工作簿 QAxObject *worksheets = workbook->querySubObject("Sheets");//獲取工作表集合 QAxObject *worksheet = worksheets->querySubObject("Item(int)",1);//獲取工作表集合的工作表1,即sheet1 QAxObject *cellX,*cellY; for(int i=0;i<curRow;i++){ QString X="A"+QString::number(i+1);//設定要操作的單元格,如A1 QString Y="B"+QString::number(i+1); cellX = worksheet->querySubObject("Range(QVariant, QVariant)",X);//獲取單元格 cellY = worksheet->querySubObject("Range(QVariant, QVariant)",Y); cellX->dynamicCall("SetValue(const QVariant&)",QVariant(ui->tableWidget->formula(i,0).toInt()));//設定單元格的值 cellY->dynamicCall("SetValue(const QVariant&)",QVariant(ui->tableWidget->formula(i,1).toInt())); } workbook->dynamicCall("SaveAs(const QString&)",QDir::toNativeSeparators(filepath));//儲存至filepath,注意一定要用QDir::toNativeSeparators將路徑中的"/"轉換為"\",不然一定儲存不了。 workbook->dynamicCall("Close()");//關閉工作簿 excel->dynamicCall("Quit()");//關閉excel delete excel; excel=NULL; }
QAxWidget excel("Excel.Application");
1) 顯示當前視窗:
excel.setProperty("Visible", true);
2) 更改 Excel 標題欄:
excel.setProperty("Caption", "Invoke Microsoft Excel");
3) 新增新工作簿:
QAxObject * workbooks = excel.querySubObject("WorkBooks");
4) 開啟已存在的工作簿:
workbooks->dynamicCall("Open (const QString&)", QString("c:/test.xls"));
5) 獲取活動工作簿:
QAxObject * workbook = excel.querySubObject("ActiveWorkBook");
6) 獲取所有的工作表:
QAxObject * worksheets = workbook->querySubObject("WorkSheets");
7) 獲取工作表數量:
int intCount = worksheets->property("Count").toInt();
8) 獲取第一個工作表:
QAxObject * worksheet = workbook->querySubObject("Worksheets(int)", 1);
9) 獲取cell的值:
QAxObject * range = worksheet->querySubObject("Cells(int,int)", 1, 1 );
以上操作不一定每個都可用(都好用),僅作為參考吧。起碼我第9)個就沒成功,不知為何?後來我改用了Range(QVariant, QVariant)的方法來替代它。
The COM object is a QAxObject with the CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}.
- _Application
Event Interfaces
- AppEvents
Public Slots:
- void AddChartAutoFormat(QVariant Chart, QString Name, QVariant Description = 0);
- void AddCustomList(QVariant ListArray, QVariant ByRow = 0);
- QVariant Caller(QVariant Index = 0);
- void CheckAbort(QVariant KeepAbort = 0);
- bool CheckSpelling(QString Word, QVariant CustomDictionary = 0, QVariant IgnoreUppercase = 0);
- QVariant ClipboardFormats(QVariant Index = 0);
- QVariant ConvertFormula(QVariant Formula, XlReferenceStyle FromReferenceStyle, QVariant ToReferenceStyle = 0, QVariant ToAbsolute = 0, QVariant RelativeTo = 0);
- void DDEExecute(int Channel, QString String);
- int DDEInitiate(QString App, QString Topic);
- void DDEPoke(int Channel, QVariant Item, QVariant Data);
- QVariant DDERequest(int Channel, QString Item);
- QVariant Dummy1(QVariant Arg1 = 0, QVariant Arg2 = 0, QVariant Arg3 = 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0);
- bool Dummy10(QVariant arg = 0);
- void Dummy12(IDispatch* p1, IDispatch* p2);
- QVariant Dummy13(QVariant Arg1, QVariant Arg2 = 0, QVariant Arg3 = 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0, QVariant Arg14 = 0, QVariant Arg15 = 0, QVariant Arg16 = 0, QVariant Arg17 = 0, QVariant Arg18 = 0, QVariant Arg19 = 0, QVariant Arg20 = 0, QVariant Arg21 = 0, QVariant Arg22 = 0, QVariant Arg23 = 0, QVariant Arg24 = 0, QVariant Arg25 = 0, QVariant Arg26 = 0, QVariant Arg27 = 0, QVariant Arg28 = 0, QVariant Arg29 = 0, QVariant Arg30 = 0);
- QVariant Dummy2(QVariant Arg1 = 0, QVariant Arg2 = 0, QVariant Arg3 = 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0);
- QVariant Dummy20(int grfCompareFunctions);
- QVariant Dummy3();
- QVariant Dummy4(QVariant Arg1 = 0, QVariant Arg2 = 0, QVariant Arg3 = 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0, QVariant Arg14 = 0, QVariant Arg15 = 0);
- QVariant Dummy5(QVariant Arg1 = 0, QVariant Arg2 = 0, QVariant Arg3 = 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0);
- QVariant Dummy6();
- QVariant Dummy7();
- QVariant Dummy8(QVariant Arg1 = 0);
- QVariant Dummy9();
- QVariant Evaluate(QVariant Name);
- QVariant FileConverters(QVariant Index1 = 0, QVariant Index2 = 0);
- IDispatch* FileDialog(Office::MsoFileDialogType fileDialogType);
- QVariant GetOpenFilename(QVariant FileFilter = 0, QVariant FilterIndex = 0, QVariant Title = 0, QVariant ButtonText = 0, QVariant MultiSelect = 0);
- QString GetPhonetic(QVariant Text = 0);
- QVariant GetSaveAsFilename(QVariant InitialFilename = 0, QVariant FileFilter = 0, QVariant FilterIndex = 0, QVariant Title = 0, QVariant ButtonText = 0);
- void Goto(QVariant Reference = 0, QVariant Scroll = 0);
- void Help(QVariant HelpFile = 0, QVariant HelpContextID = 0);
- double InchesToPoints(double Inches);
- QVariant InputBox(QString Prompt, QVariant Title = 0, QVariant Default = 0, QVariant Left = 0, QVariant Top = 0, QVariant HelpFile = 0, QVariant HelpContextID = 0, QVariant Type = 0);
- QVariant International(QVariant Index = 0);
- IDispatch* Intersect(IDispatch* Arg1, IDispatch* Arg2, QVariant Arg3 = 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0, QVariant Arg14 = 0, QVariant Arg15 = 0, QVariant Arg16 = 0, QVariant Arg17 = 0, QVariant Arg18 = 0, QVariant Arg19 = 0, QVariant Arg20 = 0, QVariant Arg21 = 0, QVariant Arg22 = 0, QVariant Arg23 = 0, QVariant Arg24 = 0, QVariant Arg25 = 0, QVariant Arg26 = 0, QVariant Arg27 = 0, QVariant Arg28 = 0, QVariant Arg29 = 0, QVariant Arg30 = 0);
- void MacroOptions(QVariant Macro = 0, QVariant Description = 0, QVariant HasMenu = 0, QVariant MenuText = 0, QVariant HasShortcutKey = 0, QVariant ShortcutKey = 0, QVariant Category = 0, QVariant StatusBar = 0, QVariant HelpContextID = 0, QVariant HelpFile = 0);
- void MailLogon(QVariant Name = 0, QVariant Password = 0, QVariant DownloadNewMail = 0);
- void OnKey(QString Key, QVariant Procedure = 0);
- void OnRepeat(QString Text, QString Procedure);
- void OnTime(QVariant EarliestTime, QString Procedure, QVariant LatestTime = 0, QVariant Schedule = 0);
- void OnUndo(QString Text, QString Procedure);
- void Quit();
- IDispatch* Range(QVariant Cell1, QVariant Cell2 = 0);
- void RecordMacro(QVariant BasicCode = 0, QVariant XlmCode = 0);
- bool RegisterXLL(QString Filename);
- QVariant RegisteredFunctions(QVariant Index1 = 0, QVariant Index2 = 0);
- QVariant Run(QVariant Macro = 0, QVariant Arg1 = 0, QVariant Arg2 = 0, QVariant Arg3 = 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0, QVariant Arg14 = 0, QVariant Arg15 = 0, QVariant Arg16 = 0, QVariant Arg17 = 0, QVariant Arg18 = 0, QVariant Arg19 = 0, QVariant Arg20 = 0, QVariant Arg21 = 0, QVariant Arg22 = 0, QVariant Arg23 = 0, QVariant Arg24 = 0, QVariant Arg25 = 0, QVariant Arg26 = 0, QVariant Arg27 = 0, QVariant Arg28 = 0, QVariant Arg29 = 0, QVariant Arg30 = 0);
- void Save(QVariant Filename = 0);
- void SaveWorkspace(QVariant Filename = 0);
- void SendKeys(QVariant Keys, QVariant Wait = 0);
- void SetActivePrinter(QString ActivePrinter);
- void SetAltStartupPath(QString AltStartupPath);
- void SetAutomationSecurity(Office::MsoAutomationSecurity AutomationSecurity);
- void SetCalculation(XlCalculation Calculation);
- void SetCalculationInterruptKey(XlCalculationInterruptKey CalculationInterruptKey);
- void SetCaption(QString Caption);
- void SetColorButtons(bool ColorButtons);
- void SetCommandUnderlines(XlCommandUnderlines CommandUnderlines);
- void SetCursor(XlMousePointer Cursor);
- void SetCutCopyMode(XlCutCopyMode CutCopyMode);
- void SetDecimalSeparator(QString DecimalSeparator);
- void SetDefaultChart(QVariant FormatName = 0, QVariant Gallery = 0);
- void SetDefaultFilePath(QString DefaultFilePath);
- void SetDefaultSaveFormat(XlFileFormat DefaultSaveFormat);
- void SetDisplayAlerts(bool DisplayAlerts);
- void SetDisplayCommentIndicator(XlCommentDisplayMode DisplayCommentIndicator);
- void SetEnableCancelKey(XlEnableCancelKey EnableCancelKey);
- void SetEnableEvents(bool EnableEvents);
- void SetEnableSound(bool EnableSound);
- void SetExtendList(bool ExtendList);
- void SetFeatureInstall(Office::MsoFeatureInstall FeatureInstall);
- void SetFixedDecimal(bool FixedDecimal);
- void SetGenerateTableRefs(XlGenerateTableRefs GenerateTableRefs);
- void SetHeight(double Height);
- void SetInteractive(bool Interactive);
- void SetIteration(bool Iteration);
- void SetLargeButtons(bool LargeButtons);
- void SetLeft(double Left);
- void SetMapPaperSize(bool MapPaperSize);
- void SetMaxChange(double MaxChange);
- void SetMoveAfterReturnDirection(XlDirection MoveAfterReturnDirection);
- void SetODBCTimeout(int ODBCTimeout);
- void SetOnCalculate(QString OnCalculate);
- void SetOnData(QString OnData);
- void SetOnDoubleClick(QString OnDoubleClick);
- void SetOnEntry(QString OnEntry);
- void SetOnSheetActivate(QString OnSheetActivate);
- void SetOnSheetDeactivate(QString OnSheetDeactivate);
- void SetOnWindow(QString OnWindow);
- void SetReferenceStyle(XlReferenceStyle ReferenceStyle);
- void SetRollZoom(bool RollZoom);
- void SetShowDevTools(bool ShowDevTools);
- void SetShowToolTips(bool ShowToolTips);
- void SetStandardFont(QString StandardFont);
- void SetStandardFontSize(double StandardFontSize);
- void SetStatusBar(QVariant StatusBar);
- void SetThousandsSeparator(QString ThousandsSeparator);
- void SetTop(double Top);
- void SetTransitionMenuKey(QString TransitionMenuKey);
- void SetUILanguage(int UILanguage);
- void SetUserControl(bool UserControl);
- void SetUserName(QString UserName);
- void SetVisible(bool Visible);
- void SetWidth(double Width);
- void SetWindowState(XlWindowState WindowState);
- IDispatch* ShortcutMenus(int Index);
- QVariant Support(IDispatch* Object, int ID, QVariant arg = 0);
- void Undo();
- IDispatch* Union(IDispatch* Arg1, IDispatch* Arg2, QVariant Arg3 = 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0, QVariant Arg14 = 0, QVariant Arg15 = 0, QVariant Arg16 = 0, QVariant Arg17 = 0, QVariant Arg18 = 0, QVariant Arg19 = 0, QVariant Arg20 = 0, QVariant Arg21 = 0, QVariant Arg22 = 0, QVariant Arg23 = 0, QVariant Arg24 = 0, QVariant Arg25 = 0, QVariant Arg26 = 0, QVariant Arg27 = 0, QVariant Arg28 = 0, QVariant Arg29 = 0, QVariant Arg30 = 0);
- void Volatile(QVariant Volatile = 0);
- bool Wait(QVariant Time);
- QVariant _Evaluate(QVariant Name);
- QVariant _Run2(QVariant Macro = 0, QVariant Arg1 = 0, QVariant Arg2 = 0, QVariant Arg3 = 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0, QVariant Arg14 = 0, QVariant Arg15 = 0, QVariant Arg16 = 0, QVariant Arg17 = 0, QVariant Arg18 = 0, QVariant Arg19 = 0, QVariant Arg20 = 0, QVariant Arg21 = 0, QVariant Arg22 = 0, QVariant Arg23 = 0, QVariant Arg24 = 0, QVariant Arg25 = 0, QVariant Arg26 = 0, QVariant Arg27 = 0, QVariant Arg28 = 0, QVariant Arg29 = 0, QVariant Arg30 = 0);
- QVariant _WSFunction(QVariant Arg1 = 0, QVariant Arg2 = 0, QVariant Arg3 = 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0, QVariant Arg14 = 0, QVariant Arg15 = 0, QVariant Arg16 = 0, QVariant Arg17 = 0, QVariant Arg18 = 0, QVariant Arg19 = 0, QVariant Arg20 = 0, QVariant Arg21 = 0, QVariant Arg22 = 0, QVariant Arg23 = 0, QVariant Arg24 = 0, QVariant Arg25 = 0, QVariant Arg26 = 0, QVariant Arg27 = 0, QVariant Arg28 = 0, QVariant Arg29 = 0, QVariant Arg30 = 0);
- void _Wait(QVariant Time);
- void GetIDsOfNames(GUID* riid, int** rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, int& rgdispid);
- void GetTypeInfo(uint itinfo, uint lcid, void** pptinfo);
- void Invoke(int dispidMember, GUID* riid, uint lcid, uint wFlags, DISPPARAMS* pdispparams, QVariant& pvarResult, EXCEPINFO*& pexcepinfo, uint& puArgErr);
- void NewWorkbook(IDispatch* Wb);
- void QueryInterface(GUID* riid, void** ppvObj);
- void SheetBeforeDoubleClick(IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch* Target, bool& Cancel);
- void SheetBeforeRightClick(IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch* Target, bool& Cancel);
- void SheetChange(IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch* Target);
- void SheetFollowHyperlink(IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch* Target);
- void SheetPivotTableUpdate(IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch* Target);
- void SheetSelectionChange(IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch* Target);
- void WindowActivate(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Wn);
- void WindowDeactivate(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Wn);
- void WindowResize(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Wn);
- void WorkbookAfterXmlExport(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Map, QString Url, XlXmlExportResult Result);
- void WorkbookAfterXmlImport(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Map, bool IsRefresh, XlXmlImportResult Result);
- void WorkbookBeforeClose(IDispatch* Wb, bool& Cancel);
- void WorkbookBeforePrint(IDispatch* Wb, bool& Cancel);
- void WorkbookBeforeSave(IDispatch* Wb, bool SaveAsUI, bool& Cancel);
- void WorkbookBeforeXmlExport(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Map, QString Url, bool& Cancel);
- void WorkbookBeforeXmlImport(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Map, QString Url, bool IsRefresh, bool& Cancel);
- void WorkbookNewSheet(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Sh);
- void WorkbookOpen(IDispatch* Wb);
- void WorkbookRowsetComplete(IDispatch* Wb, QString Description, QString Sheet, bool Success);
- void WorkbookSync(IDispatch* Wb, Office::MsoSyncEventType SyncEventType);
- void exception(int code, QString source, QString disc, QString help);
- void signal(QString name, int argc, void* argv);
Member Type Documentation
- xlAll =-4104
- xlAutomatic =-4105
- xlBoth =1
- xlCenter =-4108
- xlChecker =9
- xlCircle =8
- xlCorner =2
- xlCrissCross =16
- xlCross =4
- xlDiamond =2
- xlDistributed =-4117
- xlDoubleAccounting =5
- xlFixedValue =1
- xlFormats =-4122
- xlGray16 =17
- xlGray8 =18
- xlGrid =15
- xlHigh =-4127
- xlInside =2
- xlJustify =-4130
- xlLightDown =13
- xlLightHorizontal =11
- xlLightUp =14
- xlLightVertical =12
- xlLow =-4134
- xlManual =-4135
- xlMinusValues =3
- xlModule =-4141
- xlNextToAxis =4
- xlNone =-4142
- xlNotes =-4144
- xlOff =-4146
- xlOn =1
- xlPercent =2
- xlPlus =9
- xlPlusValues =2
- xlSemiGray75 =10
- xlShowLabel =4
- xlShowLabelAndPercent =5
- xlShowPercent =3
- xlShowValue =2
- xlSimple =-4154
- xlSingle =2
- xlSingleAccounting =4
- xlSolid =1
- xlSquare =1
- xlStar =5
- xlStError =4
- xlToolbarButton =2
- xlTriangle =3
- xlGray25 =-4124
- xlGray50 =-4125
- xlGray75 =-4126
- xlBottom =-4107
- xlLeft =-4131
- xlRight =-4152
- xlTop =-4160
- xl3DBar =-4099
- xl3DSurface =-4103
- xlBar =2
- xlColumn =3
- xlCombination =-4111
- xlCustom =-4114
- xlDefaultAutoFormat =-1
- xlMaximum =2
- xlMinimum =4
- xlOpaque =3
- xlTransparent =2
- xlBidi =-5000
- xlLatin =-5001
- xlContext =-5002
- xlLTR =-5003
- xlRTL =-5004
- xlFullScript =1
- xlPartialScript =2
- xlMixedScript =3
- xlMixedAuthorizedScript =4
- xlVisualCursor =2
- xlLogicalCursor =1
- xlSystem =1
- xlPartial =3
- xlHindiNumerals =3
- xlBidiCalendar =3
- xlGregorian =2
- xlComplete =4
- xlScale =3
- xlClosed =3
- xlColor1 =7
- xlColor2 =8
- xlColor3 =9
- xlConstants =2
- xlContents =2
- xlBelow =1
- xlCascade =7
- xlCenterAcrossSelection =7
- xlChart4 =2
- xlChartSeries =17
- xlChartShort =6
- xlChartTitles =18
- xlClassic1 =1
- xlClassic2 =2
- xlClassic3 =3
- xl3DEffects1 =13
- xl3DEffects2 =14
- xlAbove =0
- xlAccounting1 =4
- xlAccounting2 =5
- xlAccounting3 =6
- xlAccounting4 =17
- xlAdd =2
- xlDebugCodePane =13
- xlDesktop =9
- xlDirect =1
- xlDivide =5
- xlDoubleClosed =5
- xlDoubleOpen =4
- xlDoubleQuote =1
- xlEntireChart =20
- xlExcelMenus =1
- xlExtended =3
- xlFill =5
- xlFirst =0
- xlFloating =5
- xlFormula =5
- xlGeneral =1
- xlGridline =22
- xlIcons =1
- xlImmediatePane =12
- xlInteger =2
- xlLast =1
- xlLastCell =11
- xlList1 =10
- xlList2 =11
- xlList3 =12
- xlLocalFormat1 =15
- xlLocalFormat2 =16
- xlLong =3
- xlLotusHelp =2
- xlMacrosheetCell =7
- xlMixed =2
- xlMultiply =4
- xlNarrow =1
- xlNoDocuments =3
- xlOpen =2
- xlOutside =3
- xlReference =4
- xlSemiautomatic =2
- xlShort =1
- xlSingleQuote =2
- xlStrict =2
- xlSubtract =3
- xlTextBox =16
- xlTiled =1
- xlTitleBar =8
- xlToolbar =1
- xlVisible =12
- xlWatchPane =11
- xlWide =3
- xlWorkbookTab =6
- xlWorksheet4 =1
- xlWorksheetCell =3
- xlWorksheetShort =5
- xlAllExceptBorders =7
- xlLeftToRight =2
- xlTopToBottom =1
- xlVeryHidden =2
- xlDrawingObject =14
- xlAboveAverage =0
- xlBelowAverage =1
- xlEqualAboveAverage =2
- xlEqualBelowAverage =3
- xlAboveStdDev =4
- xlBelowStdDev =5
- xlActionTypeUrl =1
- xlActionTypeRowset =16
- xlActionTypeReport =128
- xlActionTypeDrillthrough =256
- xl24HourClock =33
- xl4DigitYears =43
- xlAlternateArraySeparator =16
- xlColumnSeparator =14
- xlCountryCode =1
- xlCountrySetting =2
- xlCurrencyBefore =37
- xlCurrencyCode =25
- xlCurrencyDigits =27
- xlCurrencyLeadingZeros =40
- xlCurrencyMinusSign =38
- xlCurrencyNegative =28
- xlCurrencySpaceBefore =36
- xlCurrencyTrailingZeros =39
- xlDateOrder =32
- xlDateSeparator =17
- xlDayCode =21
- xlDayLeadingZero =42
- xlDecimalSeparator =3
- xlGeneralFormatName =26
- xlHourCode =22
- xlLeftBrace =12
- xlLeftBracket =10
- xlListSeparator =5
- xlLowerCaseColumnLetter =9
- xlLowerCaseRowLetter =8
- xlMDY =44
- xlMetric =35
- xlMinuteCode =23
- xlMonthCode =20
- xlMonthLeadingZero =41
- xlMonthNameChars =30
- xlNoncurrencyDigits =29
- xlNonEnglishFunctions =34
- xlRightBrace =13
- xlRightBracket =11
- xlRowSeparator =15
- xlSecondCode =24
- xlThousandsSeparator =4
- xlTimeLeadingZero =45
- xlTimeSeparator =18
- xlUpperCaseColumnLetter =7
- xlUpperCaseRowLetter =6
- xlWeekdayNameChars =31
- xlYearCode =19
- xlColumnThenRow =2
- xlRowThenColumn =1
- xlArabicNone =0
- xlArabicStrictAlefHamza =1
- xlArabicStrictFinalYaa =2
- xlArabicBothStrict =3
- xlArrangeStyleCascade =7
- xlArrangeStyleHorizontal =-4128
- xlArrangeStyleTiled =1
- xlArrangeStyleVertical =-4166
- xlArrowHeadLengthLong =3
- xlArrowHeadLengthMedium =-4138
- xlArrowHeadLengthShort =1
- xlArrowHeadStyleClosed =3
- xlArrowHeadStyleDoubleClosed =5
- xlArrowHeadStyleDoubleOpen =4
- xlArrowHeadStyleNone =-4142
- xlArrowHeadStyleOpen =2
- xlArrowHeadWidthMedium =-4138
- xlArrowHeadWidthNarrow =1
- xlArrowHeadWidthWide =3
- xlFillCopy =1
- xlFillDays =5
- xlFillDefault =0
- xlFillFormats =3
- xlFillMonths =7
- xlFillSeries =2
- xlFillValues =4
- xlFillWeekdays =6
- xlFillYears =8
- xlGrowthTrend =10
- xlLinearTrend =9
- xlAnd =1
- xlBottom10Items =4
- xlBottom10Percent =6
- xlOr =2
- xlTop10Items =3
- xlTop10Percent =5
- xlFilterValues =7
- xlFilterCellColor =8
- xlFilterFontColor =9
- xlFilterIcon =10
- xlFilterDynamic =11
- xlFilterNoFill =12
- xlFilterAutomaticFontColor =13
- xlFilterNoIcon =14
- xlAxisCrossesAutomatic =-4105
- xlAxisCrossesCustom =-4114
- xlAxisCrossesMaximum =2
- xlAxisCrossesMinimum =4
- xlPrimary =1
- xlSecondary =2
- xlCategory =1
- xlSeriesAxis =3
- xlValue =2
- xlBackgroundAutomatic =-4105
- xlBackgroundOpaque =3
- xlBackgroundTransparent =2
- xlBox =0
- xlPyramidToPoint =1
- xlPyramidToMax =2
- xlCylinder =3
- xlConeToPoint =4
- xlConeToMax =5
- xlHairline =1
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