阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-28
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <cassert> #include <cmath> #include <fstream> using namespace std; using namespace cv; // This video stablisation smooths the global trajectory using a sliding average window //const int SMOOTHING_RADIUS = 15; // In frames. The larger the more stable the video, but less reactive to sudden panning const int HORIZONTAL_BORDER_CROP = 20; // In pixels. Crops the border to reduce the black borders from stabilisation being too noticeable. // 1. Get previous to current frame transformation (dx, dy, da) for all frames // 2. Accumulate the transformations to get the image trajectory // 3. Smooth out the trajectory using an averaging window // 4. Generate new set of previous to current transform, such that the trajectory ends up being the same as the smoothed trajectory // 5. Apply the new transformation to the video struct TransformParam { TransformParam() {} TransformParam(double _dx, double _dy, double _da) { dx = _dx; dy = _dy; da = _da; } double dx; double dy; double da; // angle }; struct Trajectory { Trajectory() {} Trajectory(double _x, double _y, double _a) { x = _x; y = _y; a = _a; } // "+" friend Trajectory operator+(const Trajectory &c1,const Trajectory &c2){ return Trajectory(c1.x+c2.x,c1.y+c2.y,c1.a+c2.a); } //"-" friend Trajectory operator-(const Trajectory &c1,const Trajectory &c2){ return Trajectory(c1.x-c2.x,c1.y-c2.y,c1.a-c2.a); } //"*" friend Trajectory operator*(const Trajectory &c1,const Trajectory &c2){ return Trajectory(c1.x*c2.x,c1.y*c2.y,c1.a*c2.a); } //"/" friend Trajectory operator/(const Trajectory &c1,const Trajectory &c2){ return Trajectory(c1.x/c2.x,c1.y/c2.y,c1.a/c2.a); } //"=" Trajectory operator =(const Trajectory &rx){ x = rx.x; y = rx.y; a = rx.a; return Trajectory(x,y,a); } double x; double y; double a; // angle }; // int main(int argc, char **argv) { // For further analysis ofstream out_transform("prev_to_cur_transformation.txt"); ofstream out_trajectory("trajectory.txt"); ofstream out_smoothed_trajectory("smoothed_trajectory.txt"); ofstream out_new_transform("new_prev_to_cur_transformation.txt"); VideoCapture cap("F:\\OPENCV實驗室\\test9.avi"); assert(cap.isOpened()); Mat cur, cur_grey; Mat prev, prev_grey; cap >> prev;//get the first cvtColor(prev, prev_grey, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); // Step 1 - Get previous to current frame transformation (dx, dy, da) for all frames vector <TransformParam> prev_to_cur_transform; // previous to current // Accumulated frame to frame transform double a = 0; double x = 0; double y = 0; // Step 2 - Accumulate the transformations to get the image trajectory vector <Trajectory> trajectory; // trajectory at all frames // // Step 3 - Smooth out the trajectory using an averaging window vector <Trajectory> smoothed_trajectory; // trajectory at all frames Trajectory X;//posteriori state estimate Trajectory X_;//priori estimate Trajectory P;// posteriori estimate error covariance Trajectory P_;// priori estimate error covariance Trajectory K;//gain Trajectory z;//actual measurement double pstd = 4e-3;//can be changed double cstd = 0.25;//can be changed Trajectory Q(pstd,pstd,pstd);// process noise covariance Trajectory R(cstd,cstd,cstd);// measurement noise covariance // Step 4 - Generate new set of previous to current transform, such that the trajectory ends up being the same as the smoothed trajectory vector <TransformParam> new_prev_to_cur_transform; // // Step 5 - Apply the new transformation to the video //cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0); Mat T(2,3,CV_64F); int vert_border = HORIZONTAL_BORDER_CROP * prev.rows / prev.cols; // get the aspect ratio correct VideoWriter outputVideo;"compare.avi" , CV_FOURCC('X','V','I','D'), 24,cvSize(cur.rows, cur.cols*2+10), true); // int k=1; int max_frames = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT); Mat last_T; Mat prev_grey_,cur_grey_; while(true) { cap >> cur; if( == NULL) { break; } cvtColor(cur, cur_grey, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); // vector from prev to cur vector <Point2f> prev_corner, cur_corner; vector <Point2f> prev_corner2, cur_corner2; vector <uchar> status; vector <float> err; goodFeaturesToTrack(prev_grey, prev_corner, 200, 0.01, 30); calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prev_grey, cur_grey, prev_corner, cur_corner, status, err); // weed out bad matches for(size_t i=0; i < status.size(); i++) { if(status[i]) { prev_corner2.push_back(prev_corner[i]); cur_corner2.push_back(cur_corner[i]); } } // translation + rotation only Mat T = estimateRigidTransform(prev_corner2, cur_corner2, false); // false = rigid transform, no scaling/shearing // in rare cases no transform is found. We'll just use the last known good transform. if( == NULL) { last_T.copyTo(T); } T.copyTo(last_T); // decompose T double dx =<double>(0,2); double dy =<double>(1,2); double da = atan2(<double>(1,0),<double>(0,0)); // //prev_to_cur_transform.push_back(TransformParam(dx, dy, da)); out_transform << k << " " << dx << " " << dy << " " << da << endl; // // Accumulated frame to frame transform x += dx; y += dy; a += da; //trajectory.push_back(Trajectory(x,y,a)); // out_trajectory << k << " " << x << " " << y << " " << a << endl; // z = Trajectory(x,y,a); // if(k==1){ // intial guesses X = Trajectory(0,0,0); //Initial estimate, set 0 P =Trajectory(1,1,1); //set error variance,set 1 } else { //time update(prediction) X_ = X; //X_(k) = X(k-1); P_ = P+Q; //P_(k) = P(k-1)+Q; // measurement update(correction) K = P_/( P_+R ); //gain;K(k) = P_(k)/( P_(k)+R ); X = X_+K*(z-X_); //z-X_ is residual,X(k) = X_(k)+K(k)*(z(k)-X_(k)); P = (Trajectory(1,1,1)-K)*P_; //P(k) = (1-K(k))*P_(k); } //smoothed_trajectory.push_back(X); out_smoothed_trajectory << k << " " << X.x << " " << X.y << " " << X.a << endl; //- // target - current double diff_x = X.x - x;// double diff_y = X.y - y; double diff_a = X.a - a; dx = dx + diff_x; dy = dy + diff_y; da = da + diff_a; //new_prev_to_cur_transform.push_back(TransformParam(dx, dy, da)); // out_new_transform << k << " " << dx << " " << dy << " " << da << endl; //<double>(0,0) = cos(da);<double>(0,1) = -sin(da);<double>(1,0) = sin(da);<double>(1,1) = cos(da);<double>(0,2) = dx;<double>(1,2) = dy; Mat cur2; warpAffine(prev, cur2, T, cur.size()); cur2 = cur2(Range(vert_border, cur2.rows-vert_border), Range(HORIZONTAL_BORDER_CROP, cur2.cols-HORIZONTAL_BORDER_CROP)); // Resize cur2 back to cur size, for better side by side comparison resize(cur2, cur2, cur.size()); // Now draw the original and stablised side by side for coolness Mat canvas = Mat::zeros(cur.rows, cur.cols*2+10, cur.type()); prev.copyTo(canvas(Range::all(), Range(0, cur2.cols))); cur2.copyTo(canvas(Range::all(), Range(cur2.cols+10, cur2.cols*2+10))); // If too big to fit on the screen, then scale it down by 2, hopefully it'll fit :) if(canvas.cols > 1920) { resize(canvas, canvas, Size(canvas.cols/2, canvas.rows/2)); } //outputVideo<<canvas; imshow("before and after", canvas); waitKey(10); // prev = cur.clone();//cur.copyTo(prev); cur_grey.copyTo(prev_grey); cout << "Frame: " << k << "/" << max_frames << " - good optical flow: " << prev_corner2.size() << endl; k++; } return 0; }