阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-28
2、過載 + 運算,實現類似html + head的功能;
class Tag(list): tagname = '' def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): self.attributes = kw if self.tagname : name = self.tagname self.isSeq = False else: name = 'sequence' self.isSeq = True self.id = kw.get('id', name) #self.extend(arg) for a in arg: self.addObj(a) def __iadd__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Tag) and obj.isSeq: for o in obj: self.addObj(o) else: self.addObj(obj) return self def addObj(self, obj): if not isinstance(obj, Tag): obj = str(obj) id=self.setID(obj) setattr(self, id, obj) self.append(obj) def setID(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Tag): id = obj.id n = len([t for t in self if isinstance(t, Tag) and t.id.startswith(id)]) else: id = 'content' n = len([t for t in self if not isinstance(t, Tag)]) if n: id = '%s_%03i' % (id, n) if isinstance(obj, Tag): obj.id = id return id def __add__(self, obj): if self.tagname: return Tag(self, obj) self.addObj(obj) return self def __lshift__(self, obj): self += obj if isinstance(obj, Tag): return obj def render(self): result = '' if self.tagname: result = '<%s%s%s>' % (self.tagname, self.renderAtt(), self.selfClose()*' /') if not self.selfClose(): for c in self: if isinstance(c, Tag): result += c.render() else: result += c if self.tagname: result += '</%s>' % self.tagname result += '\n' return result def renderAtt(self): result = '' for n, v in self.attributes.iteritems(): if n != 'txt' and n != 'open': if n == 'cl': n = 'class' result += ' %s="%s"' % (n, v) return result def selfClose(self): return self.tagname in selfClose
def TagFactory(name):
class f(Tag):
tagname = name
f.__name__ = name
return f
for t in tags: setattr(thisModule, t, TagFactory(t))
#生成一個page物件 report_html = PyH(ur'樂視頁面測試報告') '''可以使用<<運算子往page類新增tag節點,可新增的如下 tags = ['html', 'body', 'head', 'link', 'meta', 'div', 'p', 'form', 'legend', 'input', 'select', 'span', 'b', 'i', 'option', 'img', 'script', 'table', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'fieldset', 'a', 'title', 'body', 'head', 'title', 'script', 'br', 'table', 'ul', 'li', 'ol'] ''' report_html << h1(u'樂視頁面測試報告',cl='header1',style='color:red; text-align:center') #Tag物件,也可以使用<<往裡面新增節點 myul = report_html << ul(cl='ul_report') logintb = myul << table(cl='tb_login',border=2) logintb << tr(cl='tb_tr') << td(cl='tb_login_head') << p(u'登入測試用例: 1 個',style='color:blue; text-align:center') #最後使用printOut輸出到檔案或者console report_html.printOut('result.html')