“Ogg”這個詞彙通常意指Ogg Vorbis此一音訊檔案格式,也就是將Vorbis
A* |
B* |
C* |
… |
.. |
A# |
… |
B# |
C# |
D* |
D# |
Bos bos bos eos eos eos bos eos
圖1 OGG檔案的組織形式
bos:beginning of stream;
eos:end of stream;
2.OGG page頁結構
0 8 16 24 31
OggS |
V |
Header_type |
Granule_position |
Serial_number |
Page_sequence |
CRC_checksum |
Num_segment |
Segment_table |
………………………… |
………………………… |
………… |
payload |
………………………… |
圖2 OGG頁頭部結構
1)頁標識:ASCII字元,0x4f 'O' 0x67 'g' 0x67 'g' 0x53 'S',4個位元組大小,它標識著一個頁的開始。其作用是分離Ogg封裝格式還原媒體編碼時識別新頁的作用。
7)CRC_cbecksum:迴圈冗餘校驗碼校驗和,4個位元組,包含頁的32bit CRC校驗和(包括頭部零CRC校驗和頁資料校驗),它的產生多項式為:0x04c11db7。
8)Num _segments:給定本頁在segment_table域中出現的segement個數,1個位元組。其最大值為255.頁最大物理尺寸為65307bytes,小於64KB。
由segment可以得到packet的值,每個packet的大小是以最後一個不等於255的segment結束的,從頁頭中的segment_table可以得到每個packet長度,舉例:如果一組segment依次順序為FF 45 FF FF FF 40 FF 5 FF FF FF66,那麼第一個packet的長度為255+69 = 324,第二個packet大小829,同理。
header_size = 27+Num_segments;(byte)
page_size = header_size +segment_table中每個segment的大小;
Logical bitstream with packet boundaries
> | packet_1 | packet_2 | packet_3 | <
|segmentation(logically only)
packet_1 (5segments) packet_2 (4segs) p_3 (2 segs)
------------------------------ --------------------------------
.. |seg_1|seg_2|seg_3|seg_4|s_5 | |seg_1|seg_2|seg_3|| |seg_1|s_2 |..
------------------------------ --------------------------------
| page encapsulation
page_1 (packet_1 data) page_2 (pket_1data) page_3 (packet_2 data)
------------------------ ---------------- ------------------------
|H|------------------- | |H|----------- | |H|------------------- |
|D||seg_1|seg_2|seg_3| | |D|seg_4|s_5 | | |D||seg_1|seg_2|seg_3| | …
|R|------------------- | |R|----------- | |R|------------------- |
------------------------ ---------------- ------------------------
pages of |
other --------| |
logical -------
bitstreams | MUX |
page_1 page_2 page_3
------ ------ ------- ----- -------
… || | || | || | || | || | …
------ ------ ------- ----- -------
physical Ogg bitstream
圖3 OGG封裝流程示意圖
4.OGG Vorbis位元流結構
Vorbis位元流是以三個資料包頭開始的。這些頭資料包按順序依次是:The identification header、The comment header和設定資料包。這些都與解碼Vorbis音訊檔案密切相關的。
u[packet_type] : 8 bit value
u0x76, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x62, 0x69, 0x73: the characters'v','o','r','b','i','s' as six octets
2)The identification header
The identificationheader identifies the bitstream as Vorbis, Vorbis
version, and the simpleaudio characteristics of the stream such as sample rate and number of channels.
u[vorbis_version] = read 32 bits as unsigned integer
u[audio_channels] = read 8 bit integer as unsigned必須大於0
u[audio_sample_rate] = read 32 bits as unsigned integer必須大於0
u[bitrate_maximum] = read 32 bits as signed integer
u[bitrate_nominal] = read 32 bits as signed integer
u[bitrate_minimum] = read 32 bits as signed integer
u[blocksize_0] = 2 exponent (read 4 bits as unsigned integer)必須小於等於[blocksize_1]
u[blocksize_1] = 2 exponent (read 4 bits as unsigned integer)
u[framing_flag] = read one bit不能為0
Thebitrate fields above are used only as hints. The nominal bitrate fieldespecially may be considerably of in purely VBR streams. The fields aremeaningful only when greater than zero.
a)All three fields set to thesame value implies a fixed rate, or tightly bounded, nearly fixed-ratebitstream
b)Only nominal set implies a VBRor ABR stream that averages the nominal bitrate
c)Maximum and or minimum setimplies a VBR bitstream that obeys the bitrate limits
d)None set indicates the encoderdoes not care to speculate.
3)The comment header
Thecomment header includes user text comments (\tags") and a vendor stringfor the application/library that produced the bitstream.
Thecomment header is logically a list of eight-bit-clean vectors; the number ofvectors is bounded to 232 .. 1 and the length of each vector is limited to 232.. 1 bytes. The vector length is encoded; the vector contents themselves arenot null terminated. In addition to the vector list, there is a single vectorfor vendor name (also 8 bit clean, length encoded in 32 bits). For example, the1.0 release of libvorbis set the vendor string to \Xiph.Org libVorbis I20020717".
The vector lengths and number of vectors are stored lsbfirst, according to the bit packing conventions of the vorbis codec. However,since data in the comment header is octetaligned,they can simply be read asunaligned 32 bit little endian unsigned integers
The comment vectors are structured similarlyto a UNIX environment variable. That is,comment fields consist of a field nameand a corresponding value and look like:
1 comment[0]="ARTIST=me";
2comment[1]="TITLE=the sound of Vorbis";
The fieldname is case-insensitive and may consist of ASCII 0x20 through 0x7D, 0x3D ('=')excluded. ASCII 0x41 through 0x5A inclusive (characters A-Z) is to beconsidered equivalent to ASCII 0x61 through 0x7A inclusive (characters a-z).Thefield name is immediately followed by ASCII 0x3D ('=');
thisequals sign is used to terminate the field name.0x3D is followed by 8 bit cleanUTF-8 encoded value of the field contents to the end of the field.Field namesBelow is a proposed, minimal list of standard field names with a description ofintended use. No single or group of field names is mandatory; a comment headermay contain one, all or none of the names in this list.
uTITLE Track/Work name
uVERSION The version field may be used to differentiate multipleversions of the same track title in a single collection. (e.g. remix info)
uALBUM The collection name to which this track belongs
uTRACKNUMBER The track number of this piece if part of a specific largercollection or album
uARTIST The artist generally considered responsible for the work. Inpopular music this is usually the performing band or singer. For classicalmusic it would be the composer.For an audio book it would be the author of theoriginal text.
uPERFORMER The artist(s) who performed the work. In classical musicthis would be the conductor, orchestra, soloists. In an audio book it would bethe actor who did the reading. In popular music this is typically the same asthe ARTIST and is omitted.
uCOPYRIGHT Copyright attribution.
uLICENSE License information, eg, 'All Rights Reserved', 'Any UsePermitted'.
uORGANIZATION Name of the organization producing the track (i.e. the'record label')
uDESCRIPTION A short text description of the contents
uGENRE A short text indication of music genre
uDATE Date the track was recorded
uLOCATION Location where track was recorded
uCONTACT Contact information for the creators or distributors of thetrack. This could be a URL, an email address, the physical address of the producinglabel.
uISRC International Standard Recording Code for the track; see theISRC intro page for more information on ISRC numbers.
Hint: Field names are not required to beunique (occur once) within a comment header. As
an example, assume a track was recorded bythree well know artists; the following is
permissible, and encouraged:
1 ARTIST=Dizzy Gillespie
2 ARTIST=Sonny Rollins
3 ARTIST=Sonny Stitt
4)Setup Header
The setupheader includes extensive CODEC setup information as well as the complete VQand Hu man codebooks needed for decode.
Thesetup header contains, in order, the lists of codebook configurations,time-domain transform configurations (placeholders in Vorbis I), floorconfigurations, residue configurations,channel mapping configurations and modeconfigurations. It finishes with a framing bit of '1'. 如下圖: