1. 程式人生 > >STM32ADC使用方法解析


• Single and continuous conversion modes //有單次和連續轉換模式
• Scan mode for automatic conversions in a fully programmable order  //在自動轉換中支援完成可程式設計的掃描模式
• Programmable data alignment with in-built data coherency //資料對齊方式可程式設計
• Programmable and individual sampling time for each ADC channel  //可以為每個通道設定獨立的取樣時間
• External trigger option with configurable edge detection for both regular and injected
conversions  //外部觸發模式對規則和注入轉換模式均支援可配置的邊沿觸發方式
• Discontinuous mode   //非連續模式
• ADC conversion time: 1 μs at full speed (ADC clocked at 16 MHz) down to 4 μs at low speed (ADC clocked at 4 MHz), independent of the APB clock//最低取樣時間
• Automatic power-up/power-down to reduce the power consumption//自動的上下電便於節能
• ADC supply requirements:
– 2.4 V to 3.6 V at full speed or with reference zooming (VREF+ < VDDA)
– down to 1.8 V at slower speeds//工作電壓範圍
• ADC input range: VREF– ≤ VIN ≤ VREF+
• Automatic programmable hardware delay insertion between conversions
• DMA request generation during regular channel conversion  //規則轉換支援DMA