1. 程式人生 > >iOS逆向 error: use of undeclared identifier 'MSHookIvar'

iOS逆向 error: use of undeclared identifier 'MSHookIvar'

iOS 逆向開發交流群


用Theos 編寫程式碼的時候,發現’MSHookIvar’這個編譯不通過,找了一圈不知道是什麼原因,後面發現是少了一個substrate.h 檔案。下載這個檔案,然後複製到你工程目錄下面,並在你的Tweak.xm中匯入標頭檔案:

#include <substrate.h>

你可以直接新增一個,substrate.h 程式碼如下:

/* Cydia Substrate - Powerful Code Insertion Platform
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2013  Jay Freeman (saurik)

/* GNU General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
/* * Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Substrate. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/
/* }}} */ #ifndef SUBSTRATE_H_ #define SUBSTRATE_H_ #ifdef __APPLE__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include <mach-o/nlist.h> #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include <objc/runtime.h> #include <objc/message.h> #endif #include <dlfcn.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#define _finline \ inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) #define _disused \ __attribute__((__unused__)) #ifdef __cplusplus #define _default(value) = value #else #define _default(value) #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif bool MSHookProcess(pid_t pid, const char *library); typedef const void *MSImageRef; MSImageRef MSGetImageByName(const char *file); void *MSFindSymbol(MSImageRef image, const char *name); void MSHookFunction(void *symbol, void *replace, void **result); #ifdef __APPLE__ #ifdef __arm__ __attribute__((__deprecated__)) IMP MSHookMessage(Class _class, SEL sel, IMP imp, const char *prefix _default(NULL)); #endif void MSHookMessageEx(Class _class, SEL sel, IMP imp, IMP *result); #endif #ifdef __ANDROID__ #include <jni.h> void MSJavaHookClassLoad(JNIEnv *jni, const char *name, void (*callback)(JNIEnv *, jclass, void *), void *data _default(NULL)); void MSJavaHookMethod(JNIEnv *jni, jclass _class, jmethodID methodID, void *function, void **result); void MSJavaBlessClassLoader(JNIEnv *jni, jobject loader); typedef struct MSJavaObjectKey_ *MSJavaObjectKey; MSJavaObjectKey MSJavaCreateObjectKey(); void MSJavaReleaseObjectKey(MSJavaObjectKey key); void *MSJavaGetObjectKey(JNIEnv *jni, jobject object, MSJavaObjectKey key); void MSJavaSetObjectKey(JNIEnv *jni, jobject object, MSJavaObjectKey key, void *value, void (*clean)(void *, JNIEnv *, void *) _default(NULL), void *data _default(NULL)); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #ifdef __cplusplus #ifdef __APPLE__ namespace etl { template <unsigned Case_> struct Case { static char value[Case_ + 1]; }; typedef Case<true> Yes; typedef Case<false> No; namespace be { template <typename Checked_> static Yes CheckClass_(void (Checked_::*)()); template <typename Checked_> static No CheckClass_(...); } template <typename Type_> struct IsClass { void gcc32(); static const bool value = (sizeof(be::CheckClass_<Type_>(0).value) == sizeof(Yes::value)); }; } #ifdef __arm__ template <typename Type_> __attribute__((__deprecated__)) static inline Type_ *MSHookMessage(Class _class, SEL sel, Type_ *imp, const char *prefix = NULL) { return reinterpret_cast<Type_ *>(MSHookMessage(_class, sel, reinterpret_cast<IMP>(imp), prefix)); } #endif template <typename Type_> static inline void MSHookMessage(Class _class, SEL sel, Type_ *imp, Type_ **result) { return MSHookMessageEx(_class, sel, reinterpret_cast<IMP>(imp), reinterpret_cast<IMP *>(result)); } template <typename Type_> static inline Type_ &MSHookIvar(id self, const char *name) { Ivar ivar(class_getInstanceVariable(object_getClass(self), name)); void *pointer(ivar == NULL ? NULL : reinterpret_cast<char *>(self) + ivar_getOffset(ivar)); return *reinterpret_cast<Type_ *>(pointer); } #define MSAddMessage0(_class, type, arg0) \ class_addMethod($ ## _class, @selector(arg0), (IMP) &$ ## _class ## $ ## arg0, type); #define MSAddMessage1(_class, type, arg0) \ class_addMethod($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:), (IMP) &$ ## _class ## $ ## arg0 ## $, type); #define MSAddMessage2(_class, type, arg0, arg1) \ class_addMethod($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:arg1:), (IMP) &$ ## _class ## $ ## arg0 ## $ ## arg1 ## $, type); #define MSAddMessage3(_class, type, arg0, arg1, arg2) \ class_addMethod($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:arg1:arg2:), (IMP) &$ ## _class ## $ ## arg0 ## $ ## arg1 ## $ ## arg2 ## $, type); #define MSAddMessage4(_class, type, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) \ class_addMethod($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:arg1:arg2:arg3:), (IMP) &$ ## _class ## $ ## arg0 ## $ ## arg1 ## $ ## arg2 ## $ ## arg3 ## $, type); #define MSAddMessage5(_class, type, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) \ class_addMethod($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:arg1:arg2:arg3:arg4:), (IMP) &$ ## _class ## $ ## arg0 ## $ ## arg1 ## $ ## arg2 ## $ ## arg3 ## $ ## arg4 ## $, type); #define MSAddMessage6(_class, type, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) \ class_addMethod($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:arg1:arg2:arg3:arg4:arg5:), (IMP) &$ ## _class ## $ ## arg0 ## $ ## arg1 ## $ ## arg2 ## $ ## arg3 ## $ ## arg4 ## $ ## arg5 ## $, type); #define MSAddMessage7(_class, type, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) \ class_addMethod($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:arg1:arg2:arg3:arg4:arg5:arg6:), (IMP) &$ ## _class ## $ ## arg0 ## $ ## arg1 ## $ ## arg2 ## $ ## arg3 ## $ ## arg4 ## $ ## arg5 ## $ $$ arg6 ## $, type); #define MSAddMessage8(_class, type, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) \ class_addMethod($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:arg1:arg2:arg3:arg4:arg5:arg6:arg7:), (IMP) &$ ## _class ## $ ## arg0 ## $ ## arg1 ## $ ## arg2 ## $ ## arg3 ## $ ## arg4 ## $ ## arg5 ## $ $$ arg6 ## $ ## arg7 ## $, type); #define MSHookMessage0(_class, arg0) \ MSHookMessage($ ## _class, @selector(arg0), MSHake(_class ## $ ## arg0)) #define MSHookMessage1(_class, arg0) \ MSHookMessage($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:), MSHake(_class ## $ ## arg0 ## $)) #define MSHookMessage2(_class, arg0, arg1) \ MSHookMessage($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:arg1:), MSHake(_class ## $ ## arg0 ## $ ## arg1 ## $)) #define MSHookMessage3(_class, arg0, arg1, arg2) \ MSHookMessage($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:arg1:arg2:), MSHake(_class ## $ ## arg0 ## $ ## arg1 ## $ ## arg2 ## $)) #define MSHookMessage4(_class, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) \ MSHookMessage($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:arg1:arg2:arg3:), MSHake(_class ## $ ## arg0 ## $ ## arg1 ## $ ## arg2 ## $ ## arg3 ## $)) #define MSHookMessage5(_class, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) \ MSHookMessage($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:arg1:arg2:arg3:arg4:), MSHake(_class ## $ ## arg0 ## $ ## arg1 ## $ ## arg2 ## $ ## arg3 ## $ ## arg4 ## $)) #define MSHookMessage6(_class, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) \ MSHookMessage($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:arg1:arg2:arg3:arg4:arg5:), MSHake(_class ## $ ## arg0 ## $ ## arg1 ## $ ## arg2 ## $ ## arg3 ## $ ## arg4 ## $ ## arg5 ## $)) #define MSHookMessage7(_class, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) \ MSHookMessage($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:arg1:arg2:arg3:arg4:arg5:arg6:), MSHake(_class ## $ ## arg0 ## $ ## arg1 ## $ ## arg2 ## $ ## arg3 ## $ ## arg4 ## $ ## arg5 ## $ ## arg6 ## $)) #define MSHookMessage8(_class, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) \ MSHookMessage($ ## _class, @selector(arg0:arg1:arg2:arg3:arg4:arg5:arg6:arg7:), MSHake(_class ## $ ## arg0 ## $ ## arg1 ## $ ## arg2 ## $ ## arg3 ## $ ## arg4 ## $ ## arg5 ## $ ## arg6 ## $ ## arg7 ## $)) #define MSRegister_(name, dollar, colon) \ namespace { static class C_$ ## name ## $ ## dollar { public: _finline C_$ ## name ## $ ##dollar() { \ MSHookMessage($ ## name, @selector(colon), MSHake(name ## $ ## dollar)); \ } } V_$ ## name ## $ ## dollar; } \ #define MSIgnore_(name, dollar, colon) #ifdef __arm64__ #define MS_objc_msgSendSuper_stret objc_msgSendSuper #else #define MS_objc_msgSendSuper_stret objc_msgSendSuper_stret #endif #define MSMessage_(extra, type, _class, name, dollar, colon, call, args...) \ static type _$ ## name ## $ ## dollar(Class _cls, type (*_old)(_class, SEL, ## args, ...), type (*_spr)(struct objc_super *, SEL, ## args, ...), _class self, SEL _cmd, ## args); \ MSHook(type, name ## $ ## dollar, _class self, SEL _cmd, ## args) { \ Class const _cls($ ## name); \ type (* const _old)(_class, SEL, ## args, ...) = reinterpret_cast<type (* const)(_class, SEL, ## args, ...)>(_ ## name ## $ ## dollar); \ typedef type (*msgSendSuper_t)(struct objc_super *, SEL, ## args, ...); \ msgSendSuper_t const _spr(::etl::IsClass<type>::value ? reinterpret_cast<msgSendSuper_t>(&MS_objc_msgSendSuper_stret) : reinterpret_cast<msgSendSuper_t>(&objc_msgSendSuper)); \ return _$ ## name ## $ ## dollar call; \ } \ extra(name, dollar, colon) \ static _finline type _$ ## name ## $ ## dollar(Class _cls, type (*_old)(_class, SEL, ## args, ...), type (*_spr)(struct objc_super *, SEL, ## args, ...), _class self, SEL _cmd, ## args) /* for((x=1;x!=7;++x)){ echo -n "#define MSMessage${x}_(extra, type, _class, name";for((y=0;y!=x;++y));do echo -n ", sel$y";done;for((y=0;y!=x;++y));do echo -n ", type$y, arg$y";done;echo ") \\";echo -n " MSMessage_(extra, type, _class, name,";for((y=0;y!=x;++y));do if [[ $y -ne 0 ]];then echo -n " ##";fi;echo -n " sel$y ## $";done;echo -n ", ";for((y=0;y!=x;++y));do echo -n "sel$y:";done;echo -n ", (_cls, _old, _spr, self, _cmd";for((y=0;y!=x;++y));do echo -n ", arg$y";done;echo -n ")";for((y=0;y!=x;++y));do echo -n ", type$y arg$y";done;echo ")";} */ #define MSMessage0_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0) \ MSMessage_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0, sel0, (_cls, _old, _spr, self, _cmd)) #define MSMessage1_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0, type0, arg0) \ MSMessage_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0 ## $, sel0:, (_cls, _old, _spr, self, _cmd, arg0), type0 arg0) #define MSMessage2_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0, sel1, type0, arg0, type1, arg1) \ MSMessage_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0 ## $ ## sel1 ## $, sel0:sel1:, (_cls, _old, _spr, self, _cmd, arg0, arg1), type0 arg0, type1 arg1) #define MSMessage3_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0, sel1, sel2, type0, arg0, type1, arg1, type2, arg2) \ MSMessage_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0 ## $ ## sel1 ## $ ## sel2 ## $, sel0:sel1:sel2:, (_cls, _old, _spr, self, _cmd, arg0, arg1, arg2), type0 arg0, type1 arg1, type2 arg2) #define MSMessage4_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0, sel1, sel2, sel3, type0, arg0, type1, arg1, type2, arg2, type3, arg3) \ MSMessage_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0 ## $ ## sel1 ## $ ## sel2 ## $ ## sel3 ## $, sel0:sel1:sel2:sel3:, (_cls, _old, _spr, self, _cmd, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3), type0 arg0, type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3) #define MSMessage5_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0, sel1, sel2, sel3, sel4, type0, arg0, type1, arg1, type2, arg2, type3, arg3, type4, arg4) \ MSMessage_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0 ## $ ## sel1 ## $ ## sel2 ## $ ## sel3 ## $ ## sel4 ## $, sel0:sel1:sel2:sel3:sel4:, (_cls, _old, _spr, self, _cmd, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4), type0 arg0, type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4) #define MSMessage6_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0, sel1, sel2, sel3, sel4, sel5, type0, arg0, type1, arg1, type2, arg2, type3, arg3, type4, arg4, type5, arg5) \ MSMessage_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0 ## $ ## sel1 ## $ ## sel2 ## $ ## sel3 ## $ ## sel4 ## $ ## sel5 ## $, sel0:sel1:sel2:sel3:sel4:sel5:, (_cls, _old, _spr, self, _cmd, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5), type0 arg0, type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4, type5 arg5) #define MSMessage7_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0, sel1, sel2, sel3, sel4, sel5, sel6, type0, arg0, type1, arg1, type2, arg2, type3, arg3, type4, arg4, type5, arg5, type6, arg6) \ MSMessage_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0 ## $ ## sel1 ## $ ## sel2 ## $ ## sel3 ## $ ## sel4 ## $ ## sel5 ## $ ## sel6 ## $, sel0:sel1:sel2:sel3:sel4:sel5:sel6:, (_cls, _old, _spr, self, _cmd, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6), type0 arg0, type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4, type5 arg5, type6 arg6) #define MSMessage8_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0, sel1, sel2, sel3, sel4, sel5, sel6, sel7, type0, arg0, type1, arg1, type2, arg2, type3, arg3, type4, arg4, type5, arg5, type6, arg6, type7, arg7) \ MSMessage_(extra, type, _class, name, sel0 ## $ ## sel1 ## $ ## sel2 ## $ ## sel3 ## $ ## sel4 ## $ ## sel5 ## $ ## sel6 ## $ ## sel7 ## $, sel0:sel1:sel2:sel3:sel4:sel5:sel6:sel7:, (_cls, _old, _spr, self, _cmd, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7), type0 arg0, type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4, type5 arg5, type6 arg6, type7 arg7) #define MSInstanceMessage0(type, _class, args...) MSMessage0_(MSIgnore_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessage1(type, _class, args...) MSMessage1_(MSIgnore_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessage2(type, _class, args...) MSMessage2_(MSIgnore_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessage3(type, _class, args...) MSMessage3_(MSIgnore_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessage4(type, _class, args...) MSMessage4_(MSIgnore_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessage5(type, _class, args...) MSMessage5_(MSIgnore_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessage6(type, _class, args...) MSMessage6_(MSIgnore_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessage7(type, _class, args...) MSMessage7_(MSIgnore_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessage8(type, _class, args...) MSMessage8_(MSIgnore_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessage0(type, _class, args...) MSMessage0_(MSIgnore_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessage1(type, _class, args...) MSMessage1_(MSIgnore_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessage2(type, _class, args...) MSMessage2_(MSIgnore_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessage3(type, _class, args...) MSMessage3_(MSIgnore_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessage4(type, _class, args...) MSMessage4_(MSIgnore_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessage5(type, _class, args...) MSMessage5_(MSIgnore_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessage6(type, _class, args...) MSMessage6_(MSIgnore_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessage7(type, _class, args...) MSMessage7_(MSIgnore_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessage8(type, _class, args...) MSMessage8_(MSIgnore_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessageHook0(type, _class, args...) MSMessage0_(MSRegister_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessageHook1(type, _class, args...) MSMessage1_(MSRegister_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessageHook2(type, _class, args...) MSMessage2_(MSRegister_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessageHook3(type, _class, args...) MSMessage3_(MSRegister_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessageHook4(type, _class, args...) MSMessage4_(MSRegister_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessageHook5(type, _class, args...) MSMessage5_(MSRegister_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessageHook6(type, _class, args...) MSMessage6_(MSRegister_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessageHook7(type, _class, args...) MSMessage7_(MSRegister_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSInstanceMessageHook8(type, _class, args...) MSMessage8_(MSRegister_, type, _class *, _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessageHook0(type, _class, args...) MSMessage0_(MSRegister_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessageHook1(type, _class, args...) MSMessage1_(MSRegister_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessageHook2(type, _class, args...) MSMessage2_(MSRegister_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessageHook3(type, _class, args...) MSMessage3_(MSRegister_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessageHook4(type, _class, args...) MSMessage4_(MSRegister_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessageHook5(type, _class, args...) MSMessage5_(MSRegister_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessageHook6(type, _class, args...) MSMessage6_(MSRegister_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessageHook7(type, _class, args...) MSMessage7_(MSRegister_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSClassMessageHook8(type, _class, args...) MSMessage8_(MSRegister_, type, Class, $ ## _class, ## args) #define MSOldCall(args...) \ _old(self, _cmd, ## args) #define MSSuperCall(args...) \ _spr(& (struct objc_super) {self, class_getSuperclass(_cls)}, _cmd, ## args) #define MSIvarHook(type, name) \ type &name(MSHookIvar<type>(self, #name)) #define MSClassHook(name) \ @class name; \ static Class $ ## name = objc_getClass(#name); #define MSMetaClassHook(name) \ @class name; \ static Class $$ ## name = object_getClass($ ## name); #endif/*__APPLE__*/ template <typename Type_> static inline void MSHookFunction(Type_ *symbol, Type_ *replace, Type_ **result) { return MSHookFunction( reinterpret_cast<void *>(symbol), reinterpret_cast<void *>(replace), reinterpret_cast<void **>(result) ); } template <typename Type_> static inline void MSHookFunction(Type_ *symbol, Type_ *replace) { return MSHookFunction(symbol, replace, reinterpret_cast<Type_ **>(NULL)); } template <typename Type_> static inline void MSHookSymbol(Type_ *&value, const char *name, MSImageRef image = NULL) { value = reinterpret_cast<Type_ *>(MSFindSymbol(image, name)); } template <typename Type_> static inline void MSHookFunction(const char *name, Type_ *replace, Type_ **result = NULL) { Type_ *symbol; MSHookSymbol(symbol, name); return MSHookFunction(symbol, replace, result); } template <typename Type_> static inline void MSHookFunction(MSImageRef image, const char *name, Type_ *replace, Type_ **result = NULL) { Type_ *symbol; MSHookSymbol(symbol, name, image); return MSHookFunction(symbol, replace, result); } #endif #ifdef __ANDROID__ // g++ versions before 4.7 define __cplusplus to 1 // http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1773 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L || defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__) template <typename Type_, typename Kind_, typename ...Args_> static inline void MSJavaHookMethod(JNIEnv *jni, jclass _class, jmethodID method, Type_ (*replace)(JNIEnv *, Kind_, Args_...), Type_ (**result)(JNIEnv *, Kind_, ...)) { return MSJavaHookMethod( jni, _class, method, reinterpret_cast<void *>(replace), reinterpret_cast<void **>(result) ); } #endif #ifdef __cplusplus static inline void MSAndroidGetPackage(JNIEnv *jni, jobject global, const char *name, jobject &local, jobject &loader) { jclass Context(jni->FindClass("android/content/Context")); jmethodID Context$createPackageContext(jni->GetMethodID(Context, "createPackageContext", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)Landroid/content/Context;")); jmethodID Context$getClassLoader(jni->GetMethodID(Context, "getClassLoader", "()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;")); jstring string(jni->NewStringUTF(name)); local = jni->CallObjectMethod(global, Context$createPackageContext, string, 3); loader = jni->CallObjectMethod(local, Context$getClassLoader); } static inline jclass MSJavaFindClass(JNIEnv *jni, jobject loader, const char *name) { jclass Class(jni->FindClass("java/lang/Class")); jmethodID Class$forName(jni->GetStaticMethodID(Class, "forName", "(Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/ClassLoader;)Ljava/lang/Class;")); jstring string(jni->NewStringUTF(name)); jobject _class(jni->CallStaticObjectMethod(Class, Class$forName, string, JNI_TRUE, loader)); if (jni->ExceptionCheck()) return NULL; return reinterpret_cast<jclass>(_class); } _disused static void MSJavaCleanWeak(void *data, JNIEnv *jni, void *value) { jni->DeleteWeakGlobalRef(reinterpret_cast<jweak>(value)); } #endif #endif #define MSHook(type, name, args...) \ _disused static type (*_ ## name)(args); \ static type $ ## name(args) #define MSJavaHook(type, name, arg0, args...) \ _disused static type (*_ ## name)(JNIEnv *jni, arg0, ...); \ static type $ ## name(JNIEnv *jni, arg0, ## args) #ifdef __cplusplus #define MSHake(name) \ &$ ## name, &_ ## name #else #define MSHake(name) \ &$ ## name, (void **) &_ ## name #endif #define SubstrateConcat_(lhs, rhs) \ lhs ## rhs #define SubstrateConcat(lhs, rhs) \ SubstrateConcat_(lhs, rhs) #ifdef __APPLE__ #define SubstrateSection \ __attribute__((__section__("__TEXT, __substrate"))) #else #define SubstrateSection \ __attribute__((__section__(".substrate"))) #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #define MSFilterCFBundleID "Filter:CFBundleID" #define MSFilterObjC_Class "Filter:ObjC.Class" #endif #define MSFilterLibrary "Filter:Library" #define MSFilterExecutable "Filter:Executable" #define MSConfig(name, value) \ extern const char SubstrateConcat(_substrate_, __LINE__)[] SubstrateSection = name "=" value; #ifdef __cplusplus #define MSInitialize \ static void _MSInitialize(void); \ namespace { static class $MSInitialize { public: _finline $MSInitialize() { \ _MSInitialize(); \ } } $MSInitialize; } \ static void _MSInitialize() #else #define MSInitialize \ __attribute__((__constructor__)) static void _MSInitialize(void) #endif #define Foundation_f "/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation" #define UIKit_f "/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit" #define JavaScriptCore_f "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/JavaScriptCore" #define IOKit_f "/System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/IOKit" #endif//SUBSTRATE_H_