1. 程式人生 > >MDL--元資料鎖的鎖請求與鎖等待+元資料鎖類物件


1 元資料鎖的鎖請求與鎖等待

元資料鎖在MySQL Server層,按照鎖的狀態被細分為兩種,一種是已經施加的鎖,一種是等待施加的鎖即鎖請求,這樣被區分的原因,如MySQL對“class MDL_request”的程式碼註釋作了解釋:


A pending metadata lock request.

A lock request and a granted metadata lock are represented by

different classes because they have different allocation

sites and hence different lifetimes

. The allocation of lock requests is//注意這裡給出的原因是從工程實踐中對鎖的實現的角度區分的

controlled from outside of the MDL subsystem, while allocation of granted//體現了工程與理論的不同

locks (tickets) is controlled within the MDL subsystem.

MDL_request is a C structure, you don't need to call a constructor

or destructor for it.


class MDL_request{...}//鎖請求

所以,元資料鎖在使用的過程中又被細分為“lock granted metadata” (程式碼中使用“class MDL_ticket”表示。ticket,入場卷,即要被授予的鎖)和“lock request metadata”(程式碼中使用“class MDL_request”表示加鎖的請求)。這樣,MySQL Server分別使用兩個類來表示這兩種被細分的鎖。


/**A reliable way to wait on an MDL lock. */

class MDL_wait{...//鎖等待。在獲取鎖的過程中,需要為是否獲得鎖做標誌,採用的就是鎖等待的狀態值

enum enum_wait_status { //鎖等待的狀態,在鎖等待在生命週期內因不同操作產生不同結果

EMPTY = 0, //空狀態,初始值

GRANTED, //鎖被授予的狀態

VICTIM, //某個會話被選為了受害者


KILLED };//killed狀態,發起鎖請求的會話被killed掉,所以不僅是發起加鎖請求的事務應終止,事務的屬主會話也被終止


2 元資料鎖類物件



The lock context. Created internally for an acquired lock.

For a given name, there exists only one MDL_lock instance,and it exists only when the lock has been granted.

Can be seen as an MDL subsystem's version of TABLE_SHARE.//能夠被儲存層的TABLE_SHARE使用這個鎖物件

This is an abstract class which lacks information aboutcompatibility rules for lock types.

They should be specifiedin its descendants.




class Ticket_list{...}//MDL_ticket封裝為一個 List物件,用以存放多個MDL_ticket鎖物件(MDL_ticket參見下一小節)


Helper struct which defines how different types of locks are handledfor a specific MDL_lock.

In practice we use only two strategies:

"scoped"lock strategy for locks in GLOBAL, COMMIT, TABLESPACE and SCHEMA namespaces//範圍鎖策略:範圍帶有空間的意味

and "object" lock strategy for all other namespaces.//物件鎖策略:資料庫內部的各種物件


struct MDL_lock_strategy //鎖的施加策略。如上所述,鎖被分為兩種型別,所以統一用策略資料結構來管理和描述這兩類鎖的特性


/**Compatibility (or rather "incompatibility") matrices for lock types. //新申請的鎖向已經授予的鎖進行鎖的相容性判斷

Array of bitmaps which elements specify which granted locks areincompatible with the type of lock being requested.*/










/** Arrays of bitmaps which elements specify which waiting locks areincompatible with the type of lock being requested.

Basically, eacharray defines priorities between lock types.

We need 4 separate arrays since in order to prevent starvation for some of lock request types, we use different priority matrices:

0) in "normal" situation.//正常優先順序

1) in situation when the number of successively granted "piglet" requestsexceeds the max_write_lock_count limit. //小豬優先順序

2) in situation when the number of successively granted "hog" requestsexceeds the max_write_lock_count limit. //豬優先順序

3) in situation when both "piglet" and "hog" counters exceed limit.*///小豬和豬之和







/**Array of increments for "unobtrusive" types of lock requests for locks.

@sa MDL_lock::get_unobtrusive_lock_increment().*/

//“unobtrusive”型別相關的鎖粒度包括: SSHSR SW,對應“Fast path”的訪問方式,主要用於DML類操作

//obtrusive” 型別相關的鎖粒度包括:SUSROSNWSNRWX,對應“slow path”的訪問方式,主要用於非DML類操作

fast_path_state_tm_unobtrusive_lock_increment[MDL_TYPE_END]; //快速訪問“unobtrusive”型別的鎖

/**Indicates that locks of this type are affected bythe max_write_lock_count limit.*/

bool m_is_affected_by_max_write_lock_count;

/**Pointer to a static method which determines if the type of lockrequested requires notification of conflicting locks.

NULL if thereare no lock types requiring notification.*/

//當有衝突鎖的時候,是否要被通知。“scopedlock”不要求被通知,而“object lock”施加排它鎖時才需要被通知

bool (*m_needs_notification)(const MDL_ticket *ticket);

/**Pointer to a static method which allows notification of owners ofconflicting locksabout the fact

that a type of lock requiringnotification was requested.*/

//對於“object lock”,通知持有SSH類鎖的會話執行緒(可能與待定的X鎖衝突,pending lock

void (*m_notify_conflicting_locks)(MDL_context *ctx, MDL_lock *lock); //發出通知的函式,含義類似上面

/**Pointer to a static method which converts information aboutlocks granted using "fast" path

from fast_path_state_trepresentation to bitmap of lock types.*/

//SSRSW粒度的鎖可以被使用“fast path”方式快速處理

bitmap_t (*m_fast_path_granted_bitmap)(const MDL_lock &lock);

/**Pointer to a static method which determines if waiting for the lockshould be aborted

when connection is lost. NULL if locks ofthis type don't require such aborts.*/ //當連線斷開的時候,鎖是否應該被撤銷。


bool (*m_needs_connection_check)(const MDL_lock *lock);



/** The key of the object (data) being protected. */

MDL_key key;//元資料鎖所屬的型別(在MDL_key中把元資料這樣的物件分為了幾類,給每類定義一個keyenum_mdl_namespace列舉中)

/** List of granted tickets for this lock. */

Ticket_list m_granted;//對於本鎖而言,在系統內部存在的已經被授予的所有鎖list

/** Tickets for contexts waiting to acquire a lock. */

Ticket_list m_waiting; //對於本鎖而言,在系統內部存在的正在等待被授予的所有鎖list




//這樣的事情,當獲取鎖或釋放鎖時,或因ALTER TABLE等操作需要降級鎖時,通過reschedule_waiters()函式進行


/** Pointer to strategy object which defines how different types of lock

requests should be handled for the namespace to which this lock belongs.

@sa MDL_lock::m_scoped_lock_strategy and MDL_lock:m_object_lock_strategy. */

const MDL_lock_strategy *m_strategy; //注意這是一個指標,執行哪個型別的策略就表示使用被指向的策略物件之策略(指向下面兩個策略物件之一)


static const MDL_lock_strategy m_scoped_lock_strategy; //範圍鎖對應的策略

static const MDL_lock_strategy m_object_lock_strategy; //物件鎖對應的策略
