FTP——the connection with the server was reset
今天幫忙配置伺服器的FTP服務,添加了FTP站點後還是無法登入,總是提示“the connection with the server was reset。”錯誤。
FTP——the connection with the server was reset
今天幫忙配置伺服器的FTP服務,添加了FTP站點後還是無法登入,總是提示“the connection with the server was reset。”錯誤。原因:啟用了系統防火牆。解決方法:1、在防火牆設定的“高階-本地連線-設定”中把FTP的勾選取消;2、在防火牆
狀態: 失敗 -測試失敗: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12505, TNS:listener does
2. 解決:進入資料庫安裝目錄下,找到tnsnames.ora檔案,把其中的service_name改成資料庫正確的sid值,如我的是orcl \network\admin\tnsnames.ora: (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST
listener refused the connection with the following error:ORA-12519,TNS:no appropriate service handle
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java.sql.SQLException:Listener refused the connection with the following error:ORA-12505,TNS:listen
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VNC連線失敗:The connection was refused by the host computer
當伺服器異常退出後,在下一次登陸時會出現如下問題,這種情況應該是伺服器IP變了,而vnc還在監聽原來的IP上的資料: 解決方法: 用Xshell登陸自己的伺服器 在命令列中輸入vncserver,命令列中出現: Warning: optimal6:2