1. 程式人生 > >JS程式碼模組化(Module)是什麼?為什麼要模組化(module)?



What is a module?

A module is a value that can be accessed by a single reference. If you have multiple pieces of data or functions that you want to expose in a module, they have to be properties on a single object that represents the module. Practically speaking, it's overkill to create a module for a simple value like var tinyModule = 'simple value';

, but it would be valid. Modules start to make a lot more sense for modularizing your code - splitting it up into logical subsets for handling specific functionality. If you want to represent a person with information like name and address, perhaps even add some methods to your person, it starts to make sense to put all that code in a single location. A module is stored in your file system in a single file.

以上意思主要就是: 模組化可被簡單介面引用,當你有很多資料和函式(功能)要作為完整個體展示的時候,你可以把他們作為一個module來定義,這些資料和函式(功能)作為獨立物件去構Module。Module意義就在於模組化程式碼,使你的程式碼分成一個個邏輯上獨立的子集,每個子集處理特定的功能。例如,你想定義人,定義中涉及人的屬性資訊,例如名字、地址。甚至加入一些函式去定義人這個個體。你把定義人的相關程式碼放在同一個地方更為合理。Module就是存放這樣的程式碼的檔案,在整個檔案系統中,這個檔案是可以被單獨呼叫的。 以上是我的理解,歡迎大牛指導。