1. 程式人生 > >node錯誤: Error: spawn EACCES

node錯誤: Error: spawn EACCES

[email protected]:~/projects/mobile/mobile/hiteplay$  gulp serve
[13:22:16] Using gulpfile ~/projects/mobile/mobile/hiteplay/gulpfile.js
[13:22:16] Starting 'scripts'...

 line 7  col 6  This character may get silently deleted by one or more browsers.

 line 8  col 23  'mainctrl' was used before it was defined.

 ⚠  2 warnings

 line 30  col 11  'console' is not defined.
 line 33  col 11  'console' is not defined.

 ⚠  2 warnings


 line 13  col 48  '$scope' is defined but never used.

 ⚠  1 warning

[13:22:16] all files 5.39 kB
[13:22:16] Finished 'scripts' after 234 ms
[13:22:16] Starting 'inject'...
[13:22:16] gulp-inject 1 files into index.html.
[13:22:16] gulp-inject 13 files into index.html.
[13:22:16] Finished 'inject' after 129 ms

[13:22:16] Starting 'watch'...
[13:22:17] Finished 'watch' after 19 ms
[13:22:17] Starting 'serve'...
[13:22:17] Finished 'serve' after 18 ms
[BS] [BrowserSync SPA] Running...
[BS] Access URLs:
 Local: http://localhost:3000/
 UI: http://localhost:3001
UI External:
[BS] Serving files from: .tmp/serve
[BS] Serving files from: src
 throw errnoException(err, 'spawn');
Error: spawn EACCES
 at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11)
 at ChildProcess.spawn (child_process.js:1162:11)
 at Object.exports.spawn (child_process.js:995:9)
 at module.exports (/home/xxx/projects/mobile/mobile/hiteplay/node_modules/browser-sync/node_modules/opn/index.js:58:24)
 at Object.utils.open (/home/xxx/projects/mobile/mobile/hiteplay/node_modules/browser-sync/lib/utils.js:227:9)
 at Object.utils.openBrowser (/home/xxx/projects/mobile/mobile/hiteplay/node_modules/browser-sync/lib/utils.js:217:23)
 at EventEmitter.events.service:running (/home/xxx/projects/mobile/mobile/hiteplay/node_modules/browser-sync/lib/internal-events.js:40:23)
 at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:129:20)
 at /home/xxx/projects/mobile/mobile/hiteplay/node_modules/browser-sync/lib/browser-sync.js:244:19
 at /home/xxx/projects/mobile/mobile/hiteplay/node_modules/browser-sync/node_modules/async-each-series/index.js:15:40

解決辦法: sudo chmod a+x hiteplay

sudo chmod -R a+rw /samples-generator 本人測試過正確的1/2/18


node錯誤 Error: spawn EACCES

[email protected]:~/projects/mobile/mobile/hiteplay$  gulp serve[13:22:16] Using gulpfile ~/projects/mobile/mobile/hiteplay/gulpfil

ionic platform add時報Error: spawn EACCES錯誤

Error: spawn EACCES at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11) at ChildProcess.spawn (child_process.js:1155:11) at Object.exports.spawn

git pull遇到錯誤error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:

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轉載自: https://blog.csdn.net/nima1994/article/details/74931621 原文簡練,記得給原文點個贊。寫的挺好的! 我寫的就比較詳細了點~好吧,是瑣碎。比較友好! 我的版本:3.7 64-bit Windows10 所報錯誤:

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git pull遇到錯誤error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:解決方法

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