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django settings配置引數詳解


New in Django 1.4: Please see the release notes

預設值: None

A tuple representing a HTTP header/value combination that signifies a request is secure. This controls the behavior of the request object’s is_secure() method.

This takes some explanation. By default, is_secure() is able to determine whether a request is secure by looking at whether the requested URL uses “https://”.

If your Django app is behind a proxy, though, the proxy may be “swallowing” the fact that a request is HTTPS, using a non-HTTPS connection between the proxy and Django. In this case, is_secure()would always return False – even for requests that were made via HTTPS by the end user.

In this situation, you’ll want to configure your proxy to set a custom HTTP header that tells Django whether the request came in via HTTPS, and you’ll want to set SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER

 so that Django knows what header to look for.

You’ll need to set a tuple with two elements – the name of the header to look for and the required value. For example:


Here, we’re telling Django that we trust the X-Forwarded-Protocol

 header that comes from our proxy, and any time its value is 'https', then the request is guaranteed to be secure (i.e., it originally came in via HTTPS). Obviously, you should only set this setting if you control your proxy or have some other guarantee that it sets/strips this header appropriately.

Note that the header needs to be in the format as used by request.META – all caps and likely starting with HTTP_. (Remember, Django automatically adds 'HTTP_' to the start of x-header names before making the header available in request.META.)


You will probably open security holes in your site if you set this without knowing what you’re doing. Seriously.

Make sure ALL of the following are true before setting this (assuming the values from the example above):

  • Your Django app is behind a proxy.
  • Your proxy strips the ‘X-Forwarded-Protocol’ header from all incoming requests. In other words, if end users include that header in their requests, the proxy will discard it.
  • Your proxy sets the ‘X-Forwarded-Protocol’ header and sends it to Django, but only for requests that originally come in via HTTPS.

If any of those are not true, you should keep this setting set to None and find another way of determining HTTPS, perhaps via custom middleware.