1. 程式人生 > >Oracle,實現一條記錄的上移下移






  id           NUMBER not null,
  storage_code VARCHAR2(100) not null,
  area_code    VARCHAR2(100) not null,
  code         VARCHAR2(100) not null,
  name         VARCHAR2(200
) not null, shelf_code VARCHAR2(100), state VARCHAR2(100), flag VARCHAR2(100), sort NUMBER, create_time DATE, create_user VARCHAR2(100), update_time DATE, udapte_user VARCHAR2(100) )


create or replace procedure pro_update_location_sort
    StorageCode varchar2,  --倉庫程式碼
    sort_no number
, --sort_no 當前行sort值 type_char number --type_char 排序型別 1.置頂 2.上移 3.下移 4.置底 ) is --實現功能:倉庫管理中下架路徑的排序 other_sort number;
current_id number; other_id number; isRun number:=0; startTime varchar2(30); begin --判斷儲存過程的執行狀態 select count(*) into isRun from oversea_run_status s where
if isRun=0 then insert into oversea_run_status(ems_type,create_on,status) values('pro_update_location_sort',sysdate,'1'); --插入執行日誌記錄 startTime:=to_char(sysdate,'yyyyMMddHH24miss'); insert into OVERSEA_RUN_LOG(oper_name,oper_type,begin_date,end_date,username) values('管理下架路徑','pro_update_location_sort',startTime,'',''); commit; --業務邏輯處理 --置頂 if type_char=1 then select (nvl(min(sl.sort),0)-1) into other_sort from storage_location sl ; update storage_location set sort=other_sort where sort=sort_no and storage_code=StorageCode; commit; end if; --上移 if type_char=2 then select t.id into current_id from storage_location t where t.sort=sort_no and storage_code=StorageCode ; select t.id, nvl(t.sort,0) into other_id,other_sort from storage_location t where t.sort= (select p from (select sl.storage_code,sl.area_code, sl.sort,lag(sl.sort,1,0) over (order by sl.sort) as p from storage_location sl where sl.storage_code=StorageCode order by sl.sort asc) c where c.sort=sort_no ) ; if other_sort!=0 then update storage_location set sort=other_sort where id=current_id; update storage_location set sort=sort_no where id=other_id; commit; end if; end if; --下移 if type_char=3 then select t.id into current_id from storage_location t where t.sort=sort_no and storage_code=StorageCode ; select t.id, nvl(t.sort,0) into other_id,other_sort from storage_location t where t.sort= (select p from (select sl.storage_code,sl.area_code,sl.sort,lead(sl.sort,1,0) over (order by sl.sort) as p from storage_location sl where sl.storage_code=StorageCode order by sl.sort asc) c where c.sort=sort_no ) ; if other_sort!=0 then update storage_location set sort=other_sort where id=current_id; update storage_location set sort=sort_no where id=other_id; commit; end if; end if; --置底 if type_char=4 then select (nvl(max(sl.sort),0)+1) into other_sort from storage_location sl ; update storage_location set sort=other_sort where sort=sort_no and storage_code=StorageCode ; commit; end if; --更新執行狀態、執行日誌記錄 delete from oversea_run_status where ems_type='pro_update_location_sort'; update OVERSEA_RUN_LOG l set l.RUN_RESULT='成功',l.end_date =to_char(sysdate,'yyyyMMddHH24miss') where l.begin_date=startTime; commit; end if; --異常處理 exception when others then rollback; --更新執行狀態、執行日誌記錄 delete from oversea_run_status where ems_type='pro_update_location_sort'; update OVERSEA_RUN_LOG l set l.end_date =to_char(sysdate,'yyyyMMddHH24miss'),l.RUN_RESULT='失敗' where l.begin_date=startTime; commit; end pro_update_location_sort;



