1. 程式人生 > >Cannot resolve reference to bean 'ItemCatService' while setting bean property 'ref'

Cannot resolve reference to bean 'ItemCatService' while setting bean property 'ref'

嚴重: Exceptionsending context initialized event to listener instance of classorg.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:Error creating bean with name 'cn.e3mall.service.ItemCatService': Cannotresolve reference to bean 'ItemCatService' while setting bean property 'ref';nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException:No bean named 'ItemCatService' is defined



在實現類中沒有加相應的註解。如dao層 @Repository  service @Service

web @Controller










<context:component-scan base-package="cn.e3mall.service"></context:component-scan>

xml配置了<context:component-scan>這個標籤後,spring可以自動去掃描base-pack下面或者子包下面的java檔案,如果掃描到有@Component @[email protected]


dubbo和spring一塊使用,ref引用已存在的service服務(即已存在的spring bean物件),service才把已有的service服務釋出成dubbo服務


<dubbo:service interface="cn.e3mall.service.ItemService" ref="ItemServiceImpl" timeout="600000"/>

ref="ItemServiceImpl",這裡的ItemServiceImpl就是去找類ItemServiceImpl,這是一個約定,將 ref="XXX"中,將類XXX第一個字母小寫。



<bean id="itemService" class="cn.e3mall.service.impl.ItemServiceImpl"/>

<dubbo:service interface="cn.e3mall.service.ItemService" ref="itemService" timeout="600000"/>




Cannot resolve reference to bean 'ItemCatService' while setting bean property 'ref'

嚴重: Exceptionsending context initialized event to listener instance of classorg.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener org.spr

Cannot resolve reference to bean 'searchItemServiceImpl' while setting bean property 'ref'錯誤總結

出現Cannot resolve reference to bean 'searchItemServiceImpl' while setting bean property 'ref' 這個錯誤一般是因為兩個原因 一、配置檔案原因 就是spring配置檔案,配置出現錯誤,如果是

Cannot resolve reference to bean 'searchItemServiceImpl' while setting bean property 'ref'錯誤總結

出現Cannot resolve reference to bean 'searchItemServiceImpl' while setting bean property 'ref' 這個錯誤一般是因為兩個原因 一、配置檔案原因 就是spring配置檔案,配置出現錯誤,

Cannot resolve reference to bean 'searchItemServiceImpl' while setting bean property 'ref'錯誤修改

Cannot resolve reference to bean 'searchItemServiceImpl' while setting bean property 'ref' 出現這個情況一般情況下是註解的問題,@Service我有多次沒有注入; 但今天是因為"se

Cannot resolve reference to bean 'entityManagerFactory' while setting constructor argument

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java 中的 Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method

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java cannot make a static reference to the non-static method

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Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method

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java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String

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