WebView: loadData與loadDataWithBaseURL的區別
如果不用loadUrl,省下的就只有LoadData和loadDataWithBaseURL了,下面來說下LoadData和loadDataWithBaseURL 的用法;
public void loadData
Load the given data into the WebView. This will load the data into WebView using the data: scheme. Content loaded through this mechanism does not have the ability to load content from the network.
data mimeType encodingA String of data in the given encoding. The date must be URI-escaped -- '#', '%', '\', '?' should be replaced by %23, %25, %27, %3f respectively. |
The MIMEType of the data. i.e. text/html, image/jpeg |
The encoding of the data. i.e. utf-8, base64 |
data:是要載入的資料型別,但在資料裡面不能出現英文字元:'#', '%', '\' , '?' 這四個字元,如果有的話可以用 %23, %25, %27, %3f,這些字元來替換,在平時測試時,你的資料時,你的資料裡含有這些字元,但不會出問題,當出問題時,你可以替換下。
\ 和? 我在轉換時,會報錯,因為它會把\當作轉義符來使用,如果用兩級轉義,也不生效,我是對它無語了。
void loadDataWithBaseURLLoad the given data into the WebView, use the provided URL as the base URL for the content. The base URL is the URL that represents the page that is loaded through this interface. As such, it is used to resolve any relative URLs. The historyUrl is used for the history entry.
Note for post 1.0. Due to the change in the WebKit, the access to asset files through "file:///android_asset/" for the sub resources is more restricted. If you provide null or empty string as baseUrl, you won't be able to access asset files. If the baseUrl is anything other than http(s)/ftp(s)/about/javascript as scheme, you can access asset files for sub resources.
baseUrl data mimeType encoding historyUrlUrl to resolve relative paths with, if null defaults to "about:blank" |
A String of data in the given encoding. |
The MIMEType of the data. i.e. text/html. If null, defaults to "text/html" |
The encoding of the data. i.e. utf-8, us-ascii |
URL to use as the history entry. Can be null. |
在使用loadDataWithBaseURL時,需要注意的就是 baseUr:雖然API上寫的是要傳一個Url,但我在用時,發現傳一個Url並不可以,我發現這個就是一個標誌位,用來標誌當前頁面的Key值的,而historyUrl就是一個value值,在載入時,它會把baseUrl和historyUrl傳到List列表中,當作歷史記錄來使用,當前進和後退時,它會通過baseUrl來尋找historyUrl的路徑來載入historyUrl路徑來載入歷史介面,需要注意的就是history所指向的必須是一個頁面,並且頁面存在於SD卡中或程式中(assets),loadDataWithBaseURL,它本身並不會向歷史記錄中儲存資料,要想實現歷史記錄,需要我們自己來實現,也許是我的技術有限,我有了比較笨的訪求來實現:就是在載入頁面時,我把資料另外的寫到一個html頁面中,並把它儲存到SD中,當點選返回時,它會通過historyUrl指向的路徑來載入頁面,這樣就解決了歷史記錄問題。