1. 程式人生 > >“此時不應有 \IBM\WMBT610”

“此時不應有 \IBM\WMBT610”

After installing Message Broker v6.1.0.3 on Windows2008(including Standard and Enterprise versions), you will get an error as below when running any MQSI commands in the Command Console.


Question: How to resolve it?

Answers: delete all files in c:\programData\ibm\mqsi

The line as below  is wrong in the file mqsiprofile.cmd , please rem it.

@FOR %%I IN ("%MQSI_WORKPATH%\common\profiles\*.cmd") DO @(@(@CALL "%%I"))

There are some errors in the file c:\programdata\ibm\mqsi\common\profiles\mqsitooling.cmd

NOTE: The directory c:\programData is a hidden directory.