1. 程式人生 > >/usr/src/kernels/ 下沒有當前核心資料夾 及 insmod錯誤Invalid module format

/usr/src/kernels/ 下沒有當前核心資料夾 及 insmod錯誤Invalid module format

Hrrm, looking at the Fedora link CSchwangler provided, it seems to me that they're making a very simple thing more complex than it is, as well as not even giving the necessary information. 

If you have the i686 kernel, chances are that it runs the PAE kernel by default. Rather than using the vanilla kernel, you're usually better off, when using Fedora, to use its own kernel packages. 


uname -r

If it has the letters PAE in it, then do 

yum install kernel-PAE-devel

Actually, probably better off doing yum update linux-kernel, and if a later kernel is available, reboot into it, then do yum isntall kernel-PAE-devel, to make sure that there are no version mismatches. (I'd also remove the links you've already created to avoid conflicts.)

Then you're done, almost no muss, fuss, or bother.