C primer plus 程式設計練習 12.9
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-31
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int mode = 0; //計算模式 int distance; //行程距離 double fuel; //燃油量 //設定計算模式 void set_mode(int n); //獲取使用者輸入資訊(里程和燃料) void get_info(void); //顯示計算結果 void show_info(void); int main() { int mode = 0; printf("請選擇計算模式:輸入0選擇美製,輸入1選擇英制\n"); scanf("%d",&mode); while(mode>= 0) { set_mode(mode); get_info(); show_info(); printf("請選擇計算模式:輸入0選擇美製,輸入1選擇英制\n"); scanf("%d",&mode); } printf("再見!\n"); return 0; } void set_mode(int n) { if(n == 0 || n == 1) mode = n; else printf("輸入的計算模式無效,自動選擇模式%d(%s)\n",mode,mode == 0 ? "美製" : "英制"); } //獲取使用者輸入資訊(里程和燃料) void get_info(void) { printf("請輸入里程(%s)\n",mode == 0 ? "千米" : "英里"); while(scanf("%d",&distance) != 1) { printf("輸入錯誤,請重新輸入:\n"); while(getchar() != '\n') continue; } printf("請輸入消耗的燃料量(%s)\n",mode == 0 ? "升" : "加侖"); while(scanf("%lf",&fuel) != 1) { printf("輸入錯誤,請重新輸入:\n"); while(getchar() != '\n') continue; } } //顯示計算結果 void show_info(void) { double result; if(mode == 0) result = 100 * fuel / distance; else result = distance / fuel; printf("油耗的計算結果為:%.2lf %s每%s\n",result,mode == 0 ? "升" : "英里",mode == 0 ? "100千米" : "加侖"); }
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
int arr[10] = {0};
for (int i = 0;i < 1000 ;i++ )
arr[rand() % 10]++;
for (int i = 0; i < 10;i++ )
printf("%d 出現次數:%d\n",i + 1,arr[i]);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int * make_array(int elem,int val); void show_array(const int ar[],int n); int main(void) { int * pa; int size; int value; printf("輸入元素數量:"); while (scanf("%d",&size) == 1 && size > 0) { printf("輸入要賦給元素的值:"); scanf("%d",&value); pa = make_array(size,value); if (pa) { show_array(pa,size); free(pa); } printf("輸入元素數量( < 1退出):"); } puts("再見!"); return 0; } int * make_array(int elem,int val) { int * pm; pm = (int *) calloc(elem,sizeof(int)); if (pm) { for (int i = 0; i < elem ;i++ ) *(pm + i) = val; } return pm; } void show_array(const int ar[],int n) { int i; for (i = 0;i < n ;i++ ) { printf("%4d",ar[i]); if (i % 10 == 9) putchar('\n'); } if (i % 10 != 0) putchar('\n'); }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { int n; printf("How many words do you wish to enter? "); while (scanf("%d",&n) == 1 && n > 1) { int i = 0; char (* ptr)[20]; ptr = (char (*)[20]) malloc(n * 20 * sizeof(char)); printf("Enter %d words now: \n",n); while (i < n) { scanf("%s",&ptr[i]); i++; } printf("Here are your words:\n"); for (i = 0;i < n ;i++ ) puts(ptr[i]); free(ptr); printf("How many words do you wish to enter? \n"); } printf("Done!\n"); return 0; }