1. 程式人生 > >Linux虛擬機器安裝使用者指南


1. 安裝virt-manager

yum install virt-manager.x86_64

yum install virt-viewer.x86_64

yum install libvirt-devel.x86_64

yum install libvirt-python.x86_64

yum install libvirt.x86_64

2. 修改配置檔案以便使用vnc連線,vnc_listen改為0.0.0.0


vnc_listen =""


sudo service libvirtd restart

3. 建立一個虛擬硬碟centos7.img

qemu-img create-f qcow2 centos7.img 64G


4. 通過virt-install建立虛擬機器

virt-install - Linux man page

General Options

General configuration parameters that apply to alltypes of guest installs.

-n NAME , --name=NAME(指定虛擬機器名字)

Name of the new guest virtual machine instance.This must be unique amongst all guests known to the hypervisor on theconnection, including those not currently active.Tore-define an existing guest, use the 

virsh(1) toolto shut it down ('virsh shutdown') & delete ('virsh undefine') it prior torunning "virt-install".

-r MEMORY , --ram=MEMORY(指定記憶體大小)

Memory to allocate for guest instance in megabytes.If the hypervisor does not have enough free memory, it is usual for it toautomatically take memory away from the host operating system to satisfy thisallocation.

InstallationMethod options

-c CDROM , --cdrom=CDROM

File or device use as a virtual CD-ROM device forfully virtualized guests. It can be path to an ISO image, or toa CDROMdevice. It can also be a URL from which to fetch/access aminimal boot ISO image. The URLs take the same format as describedfor the "--location" argument. If a cdrom has beenspecified via the "--disk" option, andneither "--cdrom" nor any other install option isspecified, the "--disk" cdrom is used as the install media.

sudo virt-install \
-n centos7vm \
-r 4096 \
--vcpus=4 \
--hvm \
--accelerate \
--disk path=/home/elvis/virtualmachine/centos7.img,size=80,bus=virtio,cache=none\
--vnc \
--networkbridge=virbr0 \
-c /home/elvis/virtualmachine/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1511.iso

5. 安裝vnc客戶端:vncviewer


VNC Viewer 連線成功後閃退的解決方法

VNC是個不錯的工具,採用VNC Viewer來連線一臺伺服器時,輸入密碼連上後直接閃退,可能是ColourLevel的問題。

Solution: 設定Option-->Advanced-->Expert找到ColourLevel,預設值是pal8,修改為rgb222full

6. 安裝CentOS


Initial setup of CentOS Linux 7 (core) 

1) [x] Creat user 2) [!] License information

(no user will be created) (license not accepted)

Please make your choice from above [‘q’ to quit |‘c’ to continue | ‘r’ to refresh]: 






7. 停止虛擬機器

命令: sudo virsh stop centos7vm

8. 虛擬機器開機

命令: sudo virsh start centos7vm
