CASE types character varying and numeric cannot be matched
WHEN pay.pay_method = '支付高校' THEN
END AS sum_pay,
concat (
WHEN pay.pay_method != '支付高校' THEN
'' || pay.sum_pay
) AS remark,
SUM (pay_money) AS sum_pay,
SUM (channel_deduct) AS sum_deduct
college_settlement_id = 28
) AS pay
LEFT JOIN student AS s ON pay.student_id = s.student_id
LEFT JOIN student_enroll AS se ON pay.student_id = se.student_id
CASE types character varying and numeric cannot be matched
EXPLAIN SELECTse.enroll_number,s.student_name,CASEWHEN pay.pay_method = '支付高校' THEN0ELSEpay.sum_payEND AS sum_pay, concat ('支付高校',CASE WHEN pay.pay_method
關於eclipse出現The selection cannot be launched,and there are no recent launches
語法 選擇 wid 沒有 讀者 AR java語法 not lec 當出現這個問題的時候,應分為兩種情況,第一種為當你要運行的文件無main函數時,第二種為你要運行的類有main函數時 兩種問題總的解決方法就是先配置運行。也可能是程序主函數的問題。 對第一種情況:你找到
some characters cannot be mapped using iso-8859-1 character encoding
not supported 輸入中文 如果 HA char types rem eclips Eclipse中新建一個.properties文件,如果輸入中文保存時就會提示錯誤 Reason:some characters cannot be mapped using "I
[原創][Synth 8-2543] port connections cannot be mixed ordered and named ["*_Top.v":1151]
med true ado order light block syn 出現 named Vivado綜合錯誤: [Synth 8-2543] port connections cannot be mixed ordered and named ["*_Top.v":1
git 拉取遠程分支報錯(fatal: '' is not a commit and a branch '' cannot be created from it)
fatal pull com gin -s sta can check 問題 問題描述從遠程git上拉取某一個分支,然後報錯,拉取不了這個分支。 拉取分支的命令: git checkout -b xxx-static-19 origin/xxx-static-19其中xx
Dynamics CRM Plug-in assembly does not contain the required types or assembly content cannot be...
我們在使用plugin Registration Tool更新外掛的時候,有時會碰到標題中提示的英文錯誤,具體的error message可以看下面的截圖 這個錯一般都是我們的Assembly中的Plugin和外掛註冊
MVPHelper外掛之混淆報錯 ClassCastException: Object cannot be case to xxx
之前在android stduio裡用mvphelper自動生成,最近要發包,加了混淆 打了個release包開啟直接崩了,檢視日誌顯示是獲取的model為null。 以為是泛型的問題,但是加了過濾泛型 -keepattributes Signature 最後想了很多都是不知道為
kafka報Commit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the partitions
問題描述: 新版本的kafka訊息處理程式中,當訊息量特別大時不斷出現如下錯誤,並且多個相同groupId的消費者重複消費訊息。 2018-10-12 19:49:34,903 WARN [DESKTOP-8S2E5H7 id2-1-C-1] Caller+0 at org.apac
錯誤記錄 - [Synth 8-2543] port connections cannot be mixed ordered and named
錯誤記錄 - [Synth 8-2543] port connections cannot be mixed ordered and named 錯誤原因:最後一個埠括號後還有逗號(,)。 ModuleTest ModuleTest_Test ( .Port1
The module is an Android project without build variants, and cannot be built
匯入 安卓專案報錯 Error:The module 'app' is an Android project without build variants, and cannot be built. Please fix the module's configuration in the
The module is an Android project without build variants, and cannot be built
匯入 安卓專案報錯 Error:The module 'app' is an Android project without build variants, and cannot be built. Please fix the module's configuration in the bu
Eclipse:The selection cannot be launched,and there are no recent launches
Eclipse:The selection cannot be launched,and there are no recent launches 剛剛裝上eclipse,想寫個Java程式來試試。但是在寫好後不管是點選 run 還是 debug 程式都不能執行,都會彈出一個視窗,內容為
uses a non-standard layout and cannot be attached to this project
問題:我嘗試在同一個視窗中開啟其他專案時或者新建一個專案時會彈 出一個彈出視窗(它提供了在新視窗中開啟或在當前視窗中開啟的選 項)。 解決方案:我發現新專案在新專案的.idea資料夾中沒有.iml檔案。 我從另 一個
reason: some characters cannot be mapped using "ISO-8859-1" character encoding. Either change the en
JSP檔案必須在檔案第一行註明上面這一行,不然eclipse會認為你想以ISO-8859-1編碼儲存,所以有中文的話就無法儲存了。即使你在eclipse的全域性設定裡面已經設定所有檔案使用UTF-8也會提示,因為對於JSP檔案,eclipse是以這行宣告為準。 為什麼要這樣呢,因為如果前面沒
warning C4819 解決方案 warning C4819: The file contains a character that cannot be represented in the cu
原文轉載於: 一、 warning C4819: The file contains a character that cannot be r
用myeclipse修改檔案是出現“some characters cannot be mapped using "iso-8859-1"character encoding
解決: window --> General --> Content Types --> Text ----》根據你修改的檔案型別,改編碼為UTF-8 原因: MyEclipse把檔案的編碼鎖
解決Source Insight拷貝工程時出現的“Warning:XXXXXX does not exist and cannot be opened”問題
用Source Insight開啟經常會提示出Warning:XXXXXX does not exist and cannot be opened的問題,後來才發現是工程路徑的問題:開啟工程目錄下的Source Insight,在提示各種錯誤之後按如下操作:1.選單欄Proj
Eclipse:xxxx is required and cannot be removed from the server
Eclipse 啟動伺服器時報以下錯: Could not delete E:/FJavaWeb/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/*****/WEB-INF/jsp/*******
The selection cannot be launched,and there are no recent launches(錯誤)
Eclipse:The selection cannot be launched,and there are no recent launches(意思是該選項不能執行,最近沒有執行的記錄。) 博主剛開始學習java,用Eclipse編寫一個簡單的程式時,點選 class path resource ..cannot be opened because it does not exist
java ... mod ons exc pen 方法 except open class path resource ..cannot be opened because it does not exist