1. 程式人生 > >連結庫的時候,提示load shared libraries error,xxx file too short

連結庫的時候,提示load shared libraries error,xxx file too short

該問題主要是提示:load shared libraries error,xxx file too short


                程式連結的動態庫中有軟連線,但是軟連線沒有( l )標識,被識別成了實際的動態庫檔案,軟連線檔案又太小,所以就成了too short,



此時ldd  xxx,也會報這個錯誤


There was probably an error copying/extracting the libraries. libvtkWidgets.so and libvtkWidgets.so.5.4 should not be files but symbolic links. Try the following:

rm libvtkWidgets.so.5.4 libvtkWidgets.so
ln -s libvtkWidgets.so.5.4.2 libvtkWidgets.so.5.4
ln -s libvtkWidgets.so.5.4 libvtkWidgets.so

Anyway you should check if the software that you are installing is available from the software center. If it is not available and if the above fix does not work you will need to contact the application provider.