1. 程式人生 > >市場上各種深度攝像頭測試之Kinect V1(第一代)

市場上各種深度攝像頭測試之Kinect V1(第一代)


Windows XP 及以後,X86(32/64bit)
USB 2.0 高速埠


  • Windows安裝步驟:

    1、安裝 KinectSDK-v1.8-Setup.exe,預設安裝即可
    2.安裝 KinectDeveloperToolkit-v1.8.0-Setup.exe,預設安裝即可,安裝後可執行官方案例
    3.開始選單可看到安裝後的資料夾,點選Developer Toolkit Browser v1.8.0 (Kinect for Windows)可進入官方 demo


windows+vs2013+opencv 儲存16位深度影象,格式為png
2、vs專案配置Kinect V1
包含目錄中 新增官方驅動的include資料夾,如:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Kinect\v1.8\inc
庫目錄中 新增依賴庫,如:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Kinect\v1.8\lib\x86
3 個人專案程式碼(從官方demo提取出來並通過opencv獲取深度影象儲存為16bit的png)

kinect sdk 1.0
#include "opencvKinectDepOrigin.h"
#define DEPTH_WIDTH     320
#define DEPTH_HIGHT     240
#define CHANNEL         3

HANDLE hDepth1;
HANDLE hDepth2;


    //cout << "depth start!" << endl;
while (TRUE) { if (WaitForSingleObject(hDepth1, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { drawDepth(hDepth2); } // Sleep(10); //cout << "depth" << endl; } } //深度圖轉偽彩色圖 void depth2color(cv::Mat & color, const cv::Mat & depth, const double max, const double min) { cv::Mat grayImage; double alpha = 255.0 / (max - min); depth.convertTo(grayImage, CV_8UC1, alpha, -alpha * min);// expand your range to 0..255. Similar to histEq(); cv::applyColorMap(grayImage, color, cv::COLORMAP_JET);// this is great. It converts your grayscale image into a tone-mapped one, much more pleasing for the eye function is found in contrib module, so include contrib.hpp and link accordingly } int drawDepth(HANDLE h) { const NUI_IMAGE_FRAME * pImageFrame = NULL; HRESULT hr = NuiImageStreamGetNextFrame(h, 0, &pImageFrame); if (FAILED(hr)) { cout << "Get Depth Image Frame Failed" << endl; return -1; } INuiFrameTexture * pTexture = pImageFrame->pFrameTexture; NUI_LOCKED_RECT LockedRect; pTexture->LockRect(0, &LockedRect, NULL, 0); if (LockedRect.Pitch != 0) { USHORT * pBuff = (USHORT*)LockedRect.pBits; //cout << LockedRect.pBits << endl; //cout << pBuff << endl; Mat depthTmp(DEPTH_HIGHT, DEPTH_WIDTH, CV_16U, pBuff); imshow("DepthOrigin", depthTmp); imwrite("./image/16depth/1.png", depthTmp); //深度->偽彩色 Mat sc_color; double imax = 0, imin = 70000; int imrow = depthTmp.rows; int imcol = depthTmp.cols * depthTmp.channels(); for (int i = 0; i < imrow; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < imcol; j++) { ushort data = depthTmp.at<ushort>(i, j); if (imin >= data && data != 0) { imin = data; } if (imax <= data) { imax = data; } } } depth2color(sc_color, depthTmp,imax,imin); imshow("偽彩色圖",sc_color); //imwrite("./1.png",sc_color); for (int i = 0; i<DEPTH_WIDTH*DEPTH_HIGHT; i++) { BYTE index = pBuff[i] & 0x07; USHORT realDepth = (pBuff[i] & 0xFFF8) >> 3; BYTE scale = 255 - (BYTE)(256 * realDepth / 0x0fff); buf[CHANNEL*i] = buf[CHANNEL*i + 1] = buf[CHANNEL*i + 2] = 0; switch (index) { case 0: buf[CHANNEL*i] = scale / 2; buf[CHANNEL*i + 1] = scale / 2; buf[CHANNEL*i + 2] = scale / 2; break; case 1: buf[CHANNEL*i] = scale; break; case 2: buf[CHANNEL*i + 1] = scale; break; case 3: buf[CHANNEL*i + 2] = scale; break; case 4: buf[CHANNEL*i] = scale; buf[CHANNEL*i + 1] = scale; break; case 5: buf[CHANNEL*i] = scale; buf[CHANNEL*i + 2] = scale; break; case 6: buf[CHANNEL*i + 1] = scale; buf[CHANNEL*i + 2] = scale; break; case 7: buf[CHANNEL*i] = 255 - scale / 2; buf[CHANNEL*i + 1] = 255 - scale / 2; buf[CHANNEL*i + 2] = 255 - scale / 2; break; } } Mat b(DEPTH_HIGHT, DEPTH_WIDTH, CV_8UC3, buf); imshow("depth", b); waitKey(1); } NuiImageStreamReleaseFrame(h, pImageFrame); return 0; } int getOpencvKinectDepOrigin() { //初始化NUI HRESULT hr = NuiInitialize(NUI_INITIALIZE_FLAG_USES_DEPTH); if (hr != S_OK) { cout << "NuiInitialize failed" << endl; return hr; } hDepth1 = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); hDepth2 = NULL; hr = NuiImageStreamOpen(NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH, NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_320x240, 0, 2, hDepth1, &hDepth2); if (FAILED(hr)) { cout << "Could not open depth stream video" << endl; return hr; } HANDLE hThread; hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, DepthFunc, hDepth2, 0, NULL); CloseHandle(hThread); //Sleep(50000); if (cvWaitKey(20) == 27) { NuiShutdown(); } return 0; }
