安裝qt-opensource,Could not start:”{0,3010,1603,5100} msiexec /iF:\qt\qtAnZhuang\Tools\Perl52213_32bit
Error duringinstallation process(qt.tools.perl):Execution failed:Could not start:”{0,3010,1603,5100} msiexec /iF:\qt\qtAnZhuang\Tools\Perl52213_32\strawbery-perl-”(Process failed to start: No such file or directory).
在win10 64bit下安裝“qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2015_64-5.8.0”時,遇到了上述的問題。如下圖:
[1]ourran, www.cnblogs.com/ourran/p/6481754.html
安裝qt-opensource,Could not start:”{0,3010,1603,5100} msiexec /iF:\qt\qtAnZhuang\Tools\Perl52213_32bit
問題: Error duringinstallation process(qt.tools.perl):Execution failed:Could not start:”{0,3010,1603,5100} msiexec /iF:\qt\q
centos7.3 安裝scrapy出錯Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement Twisted>=13.1.0
1錯誤原因,通過pip install 安裝scrapy是報錯Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement Twisted>=13.1.0 (from Scrapy) (from versi
解決Could not start Qt-Designer
我的方法是解決沒有designer.exe,這個東西沒有,在檔案中找不到,直接pip install 安裝後沒有 所以重新安裝 安裝缺少的PyQt5 tools,可使用以下源: 安裝完成後,在./Python/Lib/site-packages/
adb 無法連接 CreateProcess failure, error 2 * could not start server *
proc failure lur 目錄 oot bsp could data- wow 解決方法,把 adb.exe fastboot.exe AdbWinApi.dll AdbWinUsbApi.dll粘貼到C:\Windows\SysWOW64目錄下 重新adb即可
openstack安裝報錯Could not evaluate: Could not find command '/usr/bin/virsh'
在給openstack新增nova計算節點時報錯: ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run: Error: /Stage[main]/Packstack::Nova::Compute::Libv
tensorflow安裝出現"could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow"問題
最近為了學習深度學習神經網路,也是對自己無語了,安裝tensorflow遇到了一些問題,網上直接說的cpu安裝法 pip3 install tensorflow, pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow 都是顯示could not find a version
php7 在centos6.3下安裝pdo_mysql擴充套件(could not find driver)
php安裝pdo_mysql擴充套件 環境:nginx mysql5.6 php7.0.13 在搭建好lnmp中放了一個TP5的專案然後報錯,could not find driver。顯示沒有少驅動。然後發現是少了pdo_mysql這個擴充套件。
root:Could not start SASL: b'Error in sasl_client_start (-4) SASL(-4): no mechanism available: No wo
hive與superset整合,superset連線hive出現 root:Could not start SASL: b'Error in sasl_client_start (-4) SASL(-4): no mechanism available: No worthy mechs foun
Hue error: 整合hive報錯Could not start SASL: Error in sasl_client_start (-4) SASL(-4): no mechanism avai
1.問題描述 hue配置完hive後,開啟hue介面報錯: Could not start SASL: Error in sasl_client_start (-4) SASL(-4): no mechanism available: No worthy mechs found (code
板子執行qt程式could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"
交叉編譯qt5後放板子上執行應用程式,./qtest 出錯could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" ls /usr/local/qt5-arm/plugins/platforms/ libqlinuxfb.so
mac下使用brew安裝出現 Error: Could not link
今日使用mac的brew安裝軟體的時候,出現了一些異常,如下所示:12345678910111213141516Error: Could not link:/usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/brewPlease delete these paths and run `brew
eclipse 安裝後開啟 could not create the java virtual machine 問題
解決方案之一,試用所有版本 eclipse.ini檔案中-vmargs引數這一行的前面新增-vm,然後換行,新增D:\[java路徑]\jdk1.8.0_05\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll 本人eclipse jee,jdk1.8.0_05版本。
安裝TensorFlow:Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow
簡單的安裝tensorflow 這裡安裝的tensorflow的cpu版本,gpu版本可以自行搜尋安裝指南,或者參考如下指令: pip3 install tensorflow #cpu 這裡使用的python 3.6.3版本。 pip3 install tensorf
MatLab MAC/Windows讀寫excel,"Warning: Could not start Excel server for export. XLSWRITE will attempt t
windows下excel讀寫 xlsfile='ResultRecord.xlsx'; [OriginData] = xlsread(xlsfile); % 讀 headers = {'a','b'
saiku 3.8 二次開發報錯之Could not start repo 找不到configuration.xml檔案
在saiku3.8的二次開發版本中,由於執行環境的特殊性,經常會遇到一些問題,但是不是莫名其妙,而是有依據可循的,下面來看下找不到檔案“configuration.xml”的解決辦法:報錯資訊10:29:39,422 ERROR [RepositoryDatasourceMa
數學建模系列- 解決Matlab讀取Excel檔案報錯:Could not start Excel server for import問題
今天在進行Matlab程式設計的時,用之前寫的程式碼在自己機子上執行失敗,報錯為Could not start Excel server for import, 十分鬱悶。於是在網上找了些資料,總算解決了問題,現在將幾種解決方法寫下來,希望能夠幫助遇到同樣
安裝Android時Could not find D:\Android\a...sdk-windows\tools\adb.exe
本人學習Android時 出現錯誤Could not find D:\Android\a...sdk-windows\tools\adb.exe。 百度發現解決方案為: 首先,改一下你的環境變數(如果你配過環境變數的話就執行這一步,如果沒有配置過的話就不用執行這一步,直
Sitecore 9 安裝 - error - failed to start service 'sitecore xconnect search indexer The Authority/Host could not be parsed
1.2 安裝 search sta work 重新 star site TP Cause: 1. "SolrUrl"設置(在"install-sitecore-901.ps1"文件中)不對 2. “SitecoreInstallFramework&rdquo
Eclipse離線安裝activiti報錯,缺少jar包(requires 'org.eclipse.emf 2.6.0' but it could not be found)
eclipse安裝activiti報錯,缺少jar包。具體報錯如下: Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. Software being installed: Activi
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin windows
Qt 程式報錯 This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin “windows” 如下圖 今天遇到一個很奇怪的問題,Qt應用程