React Navigation--Stack Navigator 詳細的例子
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-01
/** * Created by YiBing on 2017/5/5. * * 一個StackNavigator詳細的例子,效果:1個主頁面,2個子頁面,每個頁面有三個按鈕,可以跳轉到相應的頁面。 * * React Navigation -- StackNavigator: API Definition--StackNavigator(RouteConfigs, StackNavigatorConfig); RouteConfigs--StackNavigator({ // For each screen that you can navigate to, create a new entry like this: Profile: { // `ProfileScreen` is a React component that will be the main content of the screen. screen: ProfileScreen, // When `ProfileScreen` is loaded by the StackNavigator, it will be given a `navigation` prop. // Optional: When deep linking or using react-navigation in a web app, this path is used: path: 'people/:username', // The action and route params are extracted from the path. // Optional: Override the `navigationOptions` for the screen navigationOptions: ({navigation}) => ({ title: `${navigation.state.params.username}'s Profile'`, }), }, ...MyOtherRoutes, }); StackNavigatorConfig-- initialRouteName:預設路由,就是第一個要顯示的頁面。 initialRouteParams; navigationOptions:對所有的screen的預設配置。 paths:對所有路由的path屬性的預設配置。 mode:定義渲染風格,enum(card(IOS、Android都可以)、modal(僅IOS))。 headerMode:enum(float、screen、none)。 cardStyle:Use this prop to override or extend the default style for an individual card in stack. transitionConfig:Function to return an object that overrides default screen transitions. onTransitionStart:Function to be invoked when the card transition animation is about to start. onTransitionEnd:Function to be invoked once the card transition animation completes. Screen Navigation Options: title: Generic title that can be used as a fallback for headerTitle and tabBarLabel。 headerRight:React Element to display on the right side of the header。 header headerTitle headerBackTitle:Title string used by the back button on iOS or null to disable label. Defaults to scene title。 headerTruncatedBackTitle headerLeft headerStyle headerTitleStyle headerBackTitleStyle headerTintColor headerPressColorAndroid:Color for material ripple (Android >= 5.0 only) gesturesEnabled Navigator Props: const SomeStack = StackNavigator({ // config }); <SomeStack screenProps={ // this prop will get passed to the screen components asthis.props.screenProps } /> */ import React from 'react'; import { Button, ScrollView, Text, } from 'react-native'; import { StackNavigator, } from 'react-navigation'; const MyNavScreen = ({navigation, banner}) => ( <ScrollView> <Text>{banner}</Text> <Button onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Profile', { name: 'Jane' })} title="Go to a profile screen" /> <Button onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Photos', { name: 'Jane' })} title="Go to a photos screen" /> <Button onPress={() => navigation.goBack(null)} title="Go back" /> </ScrollView> ); const MyHomeScreen = ({navigation}) => ( <MyNavScreen banner="Home Screen" navigation={navigation} /> ); MyHomeScreen.navigationOptions = { title: 'Welcome', }; const MyPhotosScreen = ({navigation}) => ( <MyNavScreen banner={`${}'s Photos`} navigation={navigation} /> ); MyPhotosScreen.navigationOptions = { title: 'Photos', }; const MyProfileScreen = ({navigation}) => ( <MyNavScreen banner={ `${navigation.state.params.mode === 'edit' ? 'Now Editing ' : ''}${}'s Profile` } navigation={navigation} /> ); MyProfileScreen.navigationOptions = props => { const {navigation} = props; const {state, setParams} = navigation; const {params} = state; return { headerTitle: `${}'s Profile!`, // Render a button on the right side of the header. // When pressed switches the screen to edit mode. headerRight: ( <Button title={params.mode === 'edit' ? 'Done' : 'Edit'} onPress={() => setParams({ mode: params.mode === 'edit' ? '' : 'edit' })} /> ), }; }; const SimpleStack = StackNavigator( { Profile: { path: 'people/:name', screen: MyProfileScreen, }, Photos: { path: 'photos/:name', screen: MyPhotosScreen, }, Home: { screen: MyHomeScreen, }, }, { initialRouteName: 'Home', } ); export default SimpleStack;