1. 程式人生 > >git 報錯 fatal: bad config value for 'http.postbuffer' in .git/config

git 報錯 fatal: bad config value for 'http.postbuffer' in .git/config

[email protected] /cygdrive/d/work/android.dooyogame/df_android_lib
$ git push origin master
fatal: bad config value for 'http.postbuffer' in .git/config


[email protected] /cygdrive/d/work/android.dooyogame/df_android_lib

$ git config http.postBuffer 524288000


$ git pull
remote: Counting objects: 466, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (407/407)
remote: Getting sizes: 100% (224/224)
remote: Compressing objects:   1% (2/165)
Receiving objects:  64% (263/407), 1.19 MiB | 95 KiB/s

$ git push origin master


git fatal: bad config value for 'http.postbuffer' in .git/config

[email protected] /cygdrive/d/work/android.dooyogame/df_android_lib $ git push origin master fatal: bad config value for 'http.postb

git cherry-pick fatal: bad object

fatal 參考 博客 目前 想要 error commit 關註 logs   場景:程序員A提交了一個commit到gerrit上,我們叫他為commit_id1,但是還沒有review,那就是沒有入庫,程序員B想再本地拿到這個commitd_id1,既然這個提交沒有入

Git:fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://gitee.com/.......'

諮詢,合作郵箱: [email protected] GitHub: https://github.com/DeMonLiu623 由於之前整理GitHub,刪除了一些專案,所以導致部分程式碼連結失效。如有需要,請留言,或者私信! 另外:由於CSDN的下載積分會

gitfatal: remote origin already exists.

執行git remote add origin https://github.com/LittleLawson/HttpClientExample.git出現fatal: remote origin already exists. 1. 報錯資訊 [email prot

解決 git fatal:open /dev/null or dup failed: No such file or directory

win10 安裝git 啟動後報錯 git init  報錯如下: fatal: open /dev/null or dup failed: No such file or directory sh.exe": /dev/null: No such file o

windows10使用git fatal:open /dev/null or dup failed: No such file or directory解決方案或git bash here閃退

        安裝好git之後,在命令列輸入git --version報錯         百度搜了很久全涼了,試

資料傳輸或匯入是:Invalid default value for 'date'

在執行mysql資料庫時報錯 CREATE TABLE `advert_schedule_time` ( `advert_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMM

git fatal:open /dev/null or dup failed: No such file or directory

今天突然發現git無法做任何操作了,報了上面的錯,各種百度谷歌都沒有得到解決的方案。我重灌了git,重啟電腦仍然沒有解決,開來不是git軟體的問題而是系統問題。 null是比較特殊的系統檔案,它實際上是為作業系統提供一個虛擬裝置,這個搜尋裝置的驅動程式是C

gitfatal: HTTP request failed

 1.  在使用git pull、git push、git clone會報類似如下的錯誤:sudo git clone https://github.com/pcduino/a20-kernel        fatal: HTTP request failed     

windows10下gitwarning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in readme.txt. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.

init config code 回車 git init col ngs 使用 warn window10下使用git時 報錯如下: $ git add readme.txtwarning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in readme.txt

解決mybatis There is no getter for property named ... in 'class java.lang.String'

發生這個的原因就是對於的屬性欄位沒有書寫正確,導致報錯。 這型別的報錯類似There is no getter for property named ... in 'classXXX。一個主要原因是在xml中進行引數配置的時候,引數名稱書寫錯誤。這個也是我遇到的問題。 為

springboot整合mybatis——There is no getter for property named '*' in 'class java.lang.String

There is no getter for property named '*' in 'class java.lang.String',此錯誤之

SSM:No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/smbms/js/echarts.js] in DispatcherServlet with na

在jsp引用ECharts的js包: 啟動Tomcat,在位址列輸入URL:http://localhost:8080/smbms/user/linechart.html 結果頁面空白,報錯日誌部分資訊: [DEBUG] 2017-11-11 09:32:33,160 o

git:'fatal:remote origin already exists

目錄 eas repo syn baidu for .cn com 分享 git報錯:‘fatal:remote origin already exists‘怎麽處理?附上git常用操作以及說明。 git添加遠程庫的時候有可能出現如下的錯誤, 怎麽解決? 只要兩步

git同步遇到fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/ruanwenwu/newp.git/': Peer reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version.”

版本升級 pat gpo new 依然 curl ted git pos git同步遇到報錯“fatal: unable to access ‘https://github.com/ruanwenwu/newp.git/‘: Peer reports incompatibl

關於centos git clone fatal: HTTP request faile

git使用出現問題解決辦法git clone報錯提示git clone https://github.com/xxxx.git Initialized empty Git repository in /root/xxxx/.git/ error: while accessing https://github

git同步遇到fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/lizhong24/mysite2.git/': Peer reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version.”

tps 問題解決 問題 ces proto fat version prot nco git同步遇到報錯“fatal: unable to access ‘https://github.com/lizhong24/mysite2.git/‘: Peer reports in

git error: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database ./objects

overflow group mys per osi ng- 更新 tab edr 參照:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1918524/error-pushing-to-github-insufficient-permission-f

hexofatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/messi1002/messi1002.github.io.git/':

  【問題】:hexo提交hexo d命令時報錯:         fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/messi1002/messi1002.github.io.git/': The re

hexo d fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': No error’

問題描述 今天早上,一如往常的往在github上建立的hexo部落格上傳文章,結果報錯 ‘fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': No error’ create mode 100644 2018/09/16/1537059562/i