sql Transact for good Sample
(select *,case when left(a.ww,2)='po' then ('MI-'+a.ww) else a.ww end as new_ww from A) A left join B
on A.new_ww=B.xx
select * from a left outer join b on (case when left(a.ww,2)='po' then ('MI-'+a.ww) else a.ww end)=b.xx
sql Transact for good Sample
select * from(select *,case when left(a.ww,2)='po' then ('MI-'+a.ww) else a.ww end as new_ww from A) A left join B on A.new_ww=B.xx和select * from a left
Microsoft SQL Server for Linux安裝和配置
fig fcm zone linux for onf targe 查看 nbsp 客戶端 雖說mssql for linux早已經出來了,但原本沒有打算這麽早就去嘗試的,無奈之下還是得先嘗試用了,這裏分幾篇介紹我在用mssql for linux時遇到的問題,不得不說作
eight str 類型 spa ima 更多 for 逗號 image FOR XML PATH 有的人可能知道有的人可能不知道,其實它就是將查詢結果集以XML形式展現,有了它我們可以簡化我們的查詢語句實現一些以前可能需要借助函數活存儲過程來完成的工作。那麽以一個實例為
行數 -s from har length 建表 實例 string 刪除 1.for xml path(‘‘),將多行數據拼接成一個xml格式子串 2.stuff(string,index,length,otherstring),刪除指定長度的字符,並插入另一組字符
ShadowGun: Optimizing for Mobile Sample Level
logs blank post target https tps unity blog .com https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/03/23/shadowgun-optimizing-for-mobile-sample-level/Shadow
SQL語句 for Access
SQL語句 for Access 專案需求,建立本地輕量級資料庫。 建立表 create table 表名 (id int primary key ,name varchar(100) not null ) 刪除表 drop table [
關於使用Mac使用docker安裝SQL server for Linux 中文亂碼問題
本人是從Mac的追隨者,無奈本學期資料庫課要求使用Microsoft的SQL server。但是Microsoft並沒有釋出SQL server for Mac ,筆者使用Google搜尋後,發現可以Mac可以使用Docker安裝SQL server for Linux 版。通過筆者的努力成功將SQL ser
SQL Client for Mac OS X that works with MS SQL Server
在Mac OS X 上,還滿多收費的程式弄的漂亮的,連線速度和介面也都弄的很好,由於只是要測試功能,所以就隨意裝了一個。 HeidiSQL is a useful tool designed for web developers using the popular MySQL server,
Artificial Intelligence: A Cybersecurity Tool for Good, and Sometimes Bad
Artificial intelligence is the new golden ring for cybersecurity developers, thanks to its potential to not just automate functions at scale but also to ma
Top 5 Advanced SQL Books for Experienced Programmers
If you an experienced programmer and know how to write SQL queries and database fundamentals but want to take your SQL and database skills to the next lev
Harnessing AI for Good: The Promise of Facial Recognition
For many of us, there are few things more important to our identity than our faces. It is often the first thing people notice about us and integral to our
Amazon Athena – Interactive SQL Queries for Data in Amazon S3
The amount of data that we all have to deal with grows every day (I still keep a floppy disk or two around in order to remind myself that 1.44 MB
Automating SQL Caching for Amazon ElastiCache and Amazon RDS
Our guest bloggers are from Heimdall Data, an AWS partner that offers “DBA assistant” tools (you can find them in the AWS Marketplace). These tool
A learning opportunity: Chatbots for good
Earlier this year at IBM InterConnect 2017, IBM VP Catherine Solazzo talked with Reshma Saujani, the CEO and Founder of Girls Who Code, about collaborativ
Chatbots for Good: Introduction to empathetic chatbots
Your Mission: Be a champion for compassion and build a chatbot Imagine if you could build a chatbot that understands how someone is feeling. Your chatbot
Python+Robot+Appium for Robot Sample
For mobile automation testing, there is an appium can support simulate user actions in the real/virtual mobile device. And robot fr
create or replace procedure ---- is COLLECTDATE varchar2(8) := to_char(sysdate-1,'yyyymmdd'); -- 統計日期 yyyymmdd INIT_STAT
<!-- 雙重for迴圈測試 --> <select id="selectUserInfoByIds" parameterType="java.lang.String" resul
Cannot convert value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [javax.sql.DataSource] for property 'dataSource': no matching e
SQL Database for Modern Developers
好書分享,面向開發者的Azure SQL Database最佳實踐,也適用SQL Server 2016以上的版本。應對不同場景使用的資料庫功能,包括記憶體表,列儲存表,非聚集列儲存索引,JSON等等。 下載地址: https://all-ebook.info/9978-practical-azure-sql