#include "common.h" #include "moduleInterface.h" #ifndef _USRDLL int main() { wstring moduleName = L"checkPID"; wstring methodName = L"checkPid"; wstring prameter = L"fdafdasfda 610121820313221 ghhhhhhhdss# +_)_+([email protected]#()!123 a510101800110202adfa 610121198203132212fdaf 610121198203132210dfsafda 123213610121198203132212123214"; mapString dict; pair<mapString::iterator, bool> insert_pair; dict.insert(pair<wstring, wstring>(L"content",L"you known")); insert_pair = dict.insert(mapString::value_type(L"context", L"Mizrahi")); //int ret = CallModuleMethod(moduleName, methodName, prameter, dict); if(insert_pair.second == true) { cout<<"insert success!\n"; list<string> ret = CallModuleMethod(moduleName, methodName, prameter, dict); if(ret.empty()) { cout<<"call CallModuleMethod failed!\n"; return -1; } else { cout<<"call CallModuleMethod success!\n"; return 0; } } else { cout<<"insert failed!\n"; return -1; } } #endif /*! \author: zxh \date 2013/10/10 \version ver1.0 \param moduleName -the param is a full path of module \param methodName -function of module \param prameter - param of function \param dict - the param is a value of already exists \exception \test \note \attention \sa \remark 1.2013/10/10 15 : 05 created by zxh version \return */ SP_MODULE_DLLEXPORT list<string> CallModuleMethod(wstring moduleName, wstring methodName, wstring prameter, mapString &dict) { list<string> result; if((methodName.empty()) || (moduleName.empty()) || (prameter.empty())) { cout<<"function CallModuleMethod is null!\n"; return result; } Py_Initialize(); if(!Py_IsInitialized()) { cout<<"Py_initialize failed!\n"; return result; } PyObject *pModule,*pFunc; //載入module pModule = PyImport_ImportModule(XMLch2char(moduleName.c_str()).c_str()); if(!pModule) { PyErr_Print(); cout<<"can't find "<<XMLch2char(moduleName.c_str()).c_str()<<".py file\n"; Py_Finalize(); return result; } //load the function pFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, XMLch2char(methodName.c_str()).c_str()); if(!pFunc || !PyCallable_Check(pFunc)) { PyErr_Print(); cout<<"can't find function "<<"["<<XMLch2char(methodName.c_str()).c_str()<<"]"<<endl; Py_DECREF(pModule); Py_Finalize(); return result; } PyObject *pArgs = PyTuple_New(2); PyObject *pDict = PyDict_New();//建立字典型別變數 if(!dict.empty()) { mapString::iterator iter = dict.begin(); while(iter != dict.end()) { PyDict_SetItemString(pDict,XMLch2char(iter->first.c_str()).c_str(), Py_BuildValue("s", XMLch2char(iter->second.c_str()).c_str()));//往字典型別變數中新增資料 ++iter; } } PyTuple_SetItem(pArgs, 0, Py_BuildValue("s", XMLch2char(prameter.c_str()).c_str())); PyTuple_SetItem(pArgs, 1, pDict);//1---序號 將字典型別變數新增到引數元組中 PyObject *pVal = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pArgs); int size = PyList_Size(pVal); cout<<"List size: "<<size<<endl; mapString::iterator iter = dict.begin(); while(iter != dict.end()) { cout<<XMLch2char(iter->first.c_str()).c_str()<<":"<<\ XMLch2char(iter->second.c_str()).c_str()<<endl; iter++; } int ret;//標誌位 //int times;//符合條件的資料總數 char* cstr;//符合條件的資料 PyObject *item; char tmp[MAX] = {0}; for(int i = 0; i< size; ++i) { PyObject *pRet = PyList_GetItem(pVal, i); if(PyList_Check(pRet)) { int len = PyList_Size(pRet); for(int j = 0; j < len; ++j) { item = PyList_GetItem(pRet,j); PyArg_Parse(item, "s", &cstr); result.push_back(string(cstr)); cout<<cstr<<endl; } continue; } PyArg_Parse(pRet, "i", &ret); sprintf(tmp,"%d\n",ret); result.push_back(string(tmp)); cout<<ret<<endl; } //PyObject *pRet = PyList_GetItem(pVal, 0); //PyArg_Parse(pRet, "i", &ret); //cout<<ret<<endl; //PyObject *pRet1 = PyList_GetItem(pVal, 1); //PyArg_Parse(pRet1, "i", ×); //cout<<times<<endl; //PyObject *pRet2 = PyList_GetItem(pVal, 2); //int len = PyList_Size(pRet2); //cout<<"len="<<len<<endl; //for(int j = 0;j < len; ++j) //{ // item = PyList_GetItem(pRet2,j); // PyArg_Parse(item, "s", &cstr); // //const char* temp = DetectBufCode(cstr,strlen(cstr)); // cout<<cstr<<endl; // //cout<<conv_anycode_utf8(cstr, "utf-8",temp)<<endl; //} Py_DECREF(pArgs); Py_DECREF(pModule); Py_Finalize(); return result; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> #include <list> #include <iostream> #include "common.h" #include "Python.h" using namespace std; #pragma comment (lib,"python25.lib") #define MAX 1024 #ifdef _USRDLL #define SP_MODULE_DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #else #define SP_MODULE_DLLEXPORT #endif typedef map<wstring, wstring> mapString; //struct Result //{ // mapString dict; // mapString content; // int sum; //}; list<string> SP_MODULE_DLLEXPORT CallModuleMethod(wstring moduleName, wstring methodName, wstring prameter, mapString &dict);
按照常例:直接上程式碼 moduleInterface.cpp #include "common.h" #include "moduleInterface.h" #ifndef _USRDLL int main() { wstring moduleName = L
C++呼叫 python 函式及返回值的處理【元組,字串...】
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