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HPU ACM15級周練

The Annual National Olympic of Information(NOI) will be held.The province of Shandong hold a Select(which we call SDOI for short) to choose some people to go to the NOI. $ n ( n \leq 100 )$ people comes to the Select and there is $ m (m \leq 50)$ people who can go to the NOI. 

According to the tradition and regulation.There were two rounds of the SDOI, they are so called "Round 1" and "Round 2", the full marks of each round is $300$. 

All the n people take part in Round1 and Round2, now the original mark of every person is known. The rule of SDOI of ranking gets to the "standard mark". For each round there is a highest original mark,let's assume that is $x$.(it is promised that not all person in one round is 0,in another way,$x > 0$). So for this round,everyone's final mark equals to his/her original $mark * ( 300 / x )$. 

After we got everyone's final mark in both round.We calculate the Ultimate mark of everyone as $0.3 * round1's$ final mark + $0.7 * round2's$ final mark.It is so great that there were no two persons who have the same Ultimate mark. 

After we got everyone's Ultimate mark.We choose the persons as followed: 

To encourage girls to take part in the Olympic of Information.In each province,there has to be a girl in its teams. 

1. If there is no girls take part in SDOI,The boys with the rank of first m enter the team. 
2. If there is girls, then the girl who had the highest score(compared with other girls) enter the team,and other(boys and other girls) m-1 people with the highest mark enter the team. 

Just now all the examination had been finished.Please write a program, according to the input information of every people(Name, Sex ,The original mark of Round1 and Round2),Output the List of who can enter the team with their Ultimate mark decreasing.