1. 程式人生 > >解決Hibernate native sql中雙冒號(:)轉義的問題

解決Hibernate native sql中雙冒號(:)轉義的問題


迴歸到我需要講解的問題--使用Hibernate 時,native sql中包含冒號(:),由於冒號在hibernate中是一個特殊的符號,用來標識預編譯引數變數的.為何我會這麼糾結呢,因為我們的系統定位的dao層就是使用Hibernate,所以我只好尋求能夠處理好的方式(雖然我知道可以用spring jdbc來分分鐘就可以實現),下面看下我初始的sql語句(看不懂也沒有關係):

貌似上面的sql語句馬上就可以大功告成了,因為我在sqlyog中直接複製進去可以直接將查詢結果查詢出來,但是當程式跑起來的時候,後臺直接丟擲一個異常:’Space is not allowed after parameter prefix ':' ‘。


public static void parse(String sqlString, Recognizer recognizer) throws QueryException {
		final boolean hasMainOutputParameter = startsWithEscapeCallTemplate( sqlString );
		boolean foundMainOutputParam = false;

		final int stringLength = sqlString.length();
		boolean inQuote = false;
		for ( int indx = 0; indx < stringLength; indx++ ) {
			final char c = sqlString.charAt( indx );
			if ( inQuote ) {
				if ( '\'' == c ) {
					inQuote = false;
				recognizer.other( c );
			else if ( '\'' == c ) {
				inQuote = true;
				recognizer.other( c );
			else if ( '\\' == c ) {
				// skip sending the backslash and instead send then next character, treating is as a literal
				recognizer.other( sqlString.charAt( ++indx ) );
			else {
				if ( c == ':' ) {
					<span style="background-color: rgb(153, 255, 153);">// named parameter--就是這段程式碼的處理導致的
					final int right = StringHelper.firstIndexOfChar( sqlString, ParserHelper.HQL_SEPARATORS_BITSET, indx + 1 );
					final int chopLocation = right < 0 ? sqlString.length() : right;
					final String param = sqlString.substring( indx + 1, chopLocation );
					if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( param ) ) {
						throw new QueryException(
								"Space is not allowed after parameter prefix ':' [" + sqlString + "]"
					recognizer.namedParameter( param, indx );
					indx = chopLocation - 1;</span>
				else if ( c == '?' ) {
					// could be either an ordinal or JPA-positional parameter
					if ( indx < stringLength - 1 && Character.isDigit( sqlString.charAt( indx + 1 ) ) ) {
						// a peek ahead showed this as an JPA-positional parameter
						final int right = StringHelper.firstIndexOfChar( sqlString, ParserHelper.HQL_SEPARATORS, indx + 1 );
						final int chopLocation = right < 0 ? sqlString.length() : right;
						final String param = sqlString.substring( indx + 1, chopLocation );
						// make sure this "name" is an integral
						try {
							Integer.valueOf( param );
						catch( NumberFormatException e ) {
							throw new QueryException( "JPA-style positional param was not an integral ordinal" );
						recognizer.jpaPositionalParameter( param, indx );
						indx = chopLocation - 1;
					else {
						if ( hasMainOutputParameter && !foundMainOutputParam ) {
							foundMainOutputParam = true;
							recognizer.outParameter( indx );
						else {
							recognizer.ordinalParameter( indx );
				else {
					recognizer.other( c );


用hibernate也有幾年了,沒想到真的是too young too simple ,此部落格也希望能給自己的成長留下一個腳印。
