1. 程式人生 > >將 Spring boot jar包釋出成服務

將 Spring boot jar包釋出成服務

Securing an init.d service


The following is a set of guidelines on how to secure a Spring Boot application that’s being run as an init.d service. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of everything that should be done to harden an application and the environment in which it runs.

When executed as root, as is the case when root is being used to start an init.d service, the default executable script will run the application as the user which owns the jar file. You should never run a Spring Boot application as root

 so your application’s jar file should never be owned by root. Instead, create a specific user to run your application and use chown to make it the owner of the jar file. For example:

$ chown bootapp:bootapp your-app.jar

In this case, the default executable script will run the application as the bootapp



To reduce the chances of the application’s user account being compromised, you should consider preventing it from using a login shell. Set the account’s shell to /usr/sbin/nologin, for example.

You should also take steps to prevent the modification of your application’s jar file. Firstly, configure its permissions so that it cannot be written and can only be read or executed by its owner:

$ chmod 500 your-app.jar

Secondly, you should also take steps to limit the damage if your application or the account that’s running it is compromised. If an attacker does gain access, they could make the jar file writable and change its contents. One way to protect against this is to make it immutable using chattr:

$ sudo chattr +i your-app.jar

This will prevent any user, including root, from modifying the jar.

If root is used to control the application’s service and you use a .conf file to customize its startup, the .conf file will be read and evaluated by the root user. It should be secured accordingly. Use chmod so that the file can only be read by the owner and use chown to make root the owner:

$ chmod 400 your-app.conf
$ sudo chown root:root your-app.conf