1. 程式人生 > >DB2錯誤:SQLSTATE=57019



Last login: Wed Jan 30 02:23:23 2013

[[email protected] ~]# su - db2inst1

[[email protected] ~]$ db2 connect to sample

SQL1117N  A connection to or activation of database "SAMPLE" cannot be made 




[[email protected] ~]$ db2 rollforward db sample to end of logs and stop


                                 Rollforward Status

 Input database alias                   = sample

 Number of members have returned status = 1

 Member ID                              = 0

 Rollforward status                     = not pending

 Next log file to be read               =

 Log files processed                    = S0000002.LOG - S0000003.LOG

 Last committed transaction             = 2013-01-29- UTC

DB20000I  The ROLLFORWARD command completed successfully.

[[email protected] ~]$ db2 connect to sample      ####再次登陸,成功!

   Database Connection Information

 Database server        = DB2/LINUX 10.1.2

 SQL authorization ID   = DB2INST1

 Local database alias   = SAMPLE





DB2錯誤:SQLSTATE=57019 Last login: Wed Jan 30 02:23:23 2013 [[email protected] ~]# su - db2inst1 [[email protected] ~]$ db2 co

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