1. 程式人生 > >MFC之CTime類 和 CtimeSpan類的使用

MFC之CTime類 和 CtimeSpan類的使用


// CTimeTest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "atltime.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	CTime strTime ;//用於將CTime物件格式化為字串
	CTime curTime  = CTime::GetCurrentTime() ;//獲取當前的時間並儲存到curTime

	int nYear = curTime.GetYear() ;
	int nMonth = curTime.GetMonth() ;
	int nDay = curTime.GetDay() ;
	int nHour = curTime.GetHour() ;
	int nMin = curTime.GetMinute() ;
	int nSec = curTime.GetSecond() ;

	cout << "輸出當前時間:" << endl ;
	cout << nYear << "年"  
		 << nMonth<< "月"
		 << nDay  << "日"
		 << nHour << "時"  
		 << nMin<< "分"
		 << nSec  << "秒" << endl; 

	CTime startTime = CTime(2010,10,31,12,12,12) ;
	cout << "起始時間:" << endl ;
	cout << startTime.GetYear() << "年"
	     <<startTime.GetMonth() << "月"
		 <<startTime.GetDay()   << "日"
   		 <<startTime.GetHour()  << "時"
		 <<startTime.GetMinute()<< "分"
		 <<startTime.GetSecond()<< "秒"
	 	 << endl ; 
	CTimeSpan timeSpan ;
	timeSpan = curTime - startTime ;
	cout << "兩時時間差" << endl ; 
		<<endl ;

	cout<<"總小時數:"<<timeSpan.GetTotalHours()<<"小時"<<endl ;
	cout<<"總分鐘數:"<<timeSpan.GetTotalMinutes()<<"分"<<endl ;
	cout<<"總秒數:"<<timeSpan.GetTotalSeconds()<<"秒"<<endl ;

	//// 將當前時間 curTime 物件格式化為字串
	//strTime = curTime.Format(_T("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"));
	//// 輸出格式化字串,由於字串使用 Unicode 字元,所以要使用 wcout 輸出
	getchar() ;

	return 0;