1. 程式人生 > >indeed一道線上筆試題


String Arrangement
Time limit時間制限 : 2sec / Stack limitスタック制限 : 256MB / Memory limitメモリ制限 : 256MB
  Mr. Takahashi is poor at English. He often mistakes spelling, especially when he spells the words in which same alphabetic character appear successively. For example, he is bad at words such as accept and hellorather than wrong or bye.
  Your task in this problem is to support Mr. Takahashi. You are given a string S that consists only of lower alphabets. Construct a string S’ that satisfies the following conditions.
  For each alphabet, its appearance frequencies in S and S’ are the same.
  Any two adjacent characters in S’ are different.
  If there are more than one string that satisfies these conditions, construct the lexicographically smallest one. If there is no string that satisfies them, report it.
  This problem adopts a special scoring method. If you find it too difficult to construct the lexicographically smallest string, you can earn partial scores by outputting any string that satisfies the two conditions above. Refer to “Note” for more details.
Input is given in the following format;
In the first line, string S(1≦|S|≦200000) is given.
Output should be written to the standard output.
Output S’ that satisfies the conditions explained in the description. If such S’ does not exist, output -1. Be sure to print a newline at the end of the output.
There are three sets of inputs in this problem. You can get partial points by solving some of these datasets.
[Dataset 1] All the inputs in this dataset satisfy 1≦|S|≦1000. Moreover, for each input, outputting any string that satisfies the two conditions above is considered correct (regardless of lexicographical order). You will earn 20 points if you solved all the tests in this dataset.
[Dataset 2] All the inputs in this dataset satisfy 1≦|S|≦1000. Only outputting the lexicographically smallest string is considered correct in this dataset. You will earn 20 points if you solved all the tests in this dataset.
[Dataset 3] All the inputs in this dataset satisfy 1≦|S|≦200000. Only outputting the lexicographically smallest string is considered correct in this dataset. You will earn 60 points if you solved all the tests in this dataset.
Input Example1
Output Example1
Under the scoring criteria of dataset 1, lheol and olehl are also correct answers.
However, for the scoring criteria of datset 2 and 3, only ehlol is the correct answer.
Input Example2
Output Example2
We cannot avoid a appearing successively.





我的思路是貪心策略,首先判斷一下是否滿足,這個只要一個單詞出現的次數大於總數 + 1的一半,則肯定不行


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
#ifdef xxz
#endif // xxz
    std::string str;

    while (std::cin >> str) {

        int len = str.length();
        int hash[27] = {0};

        int flag = 0;
        int first = 100
; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { hash[str[i] - 'a'] += 1; if (str[i] - 'a' < first) { first = str[i] - 'a'; } if (hash[str[i] - 'a'] > (len + 1)/2 ) { flag = 1; } } if (flag){ std::cout<<"-1"<<std::endl; } else{ std::string ans = ""; int temp = first; int it = first; hash[first]--; ans.push_back(first + 'a'); int i,j; for (i = len - 1; i >= 1; i--){ flag = 0; it = 27; for (j = 0; j < 27; j++) { if (j == temp) continue; if (hash[j] != 0 && j < it) { it = j; } if (hash[j] > i/2) { flag = 1; break; } } if (flag) { temp = j; ans.push_back(temp + 'a'); hash[j]--; } else { temp = it; ans.push_back(temp + 'a'); hash[it]--; } } std::cout<<ans<<std::endl; } } return 0; }