1. 程式人生 > >通過讀取檔案頭部判斷是否為CSV格式檔案



 * System Abbrev :
 * system Name  :
 * Component No  :
 * Component Name:
 * File name     :Util.java
 * Author        :Qiuzhenping
 * Date          :2014-11-30
 * Description   :  <description>

/* Updation record 1:
 * Updation date        :  2014-11-30
 * Updator          :  Qiuzhenping
 * Trace No:  <Trace No>
 * Updation No:  <Updation No>
 * Updation Content:  <List all contents of updation and all methods updated.>
package com.qiuzhping.util;

import java.io.FileInputStream;

 * <Description functions in a word> 
 * 通過讀取CSV檔案頭,判斷檔案是是否屬於CSV檔案型別,一般而言僅僅只是通過檔案字尾來判斷該檔案所屬的型別,
 * 這樣是不合理的,只要更改一下檔案字尾就無法識別這個檔案到底是不是正確的檔案格式,把可執行的檔案字尾改為.CSV
 * 如果是通過判斷檔案字尾來識別檔案型別,這樣肯定是行不通的,因為exe的檔案格式肯定不是CSV的格式,如果提前判斷
 * 出這個檔案頭的這樣就能定位這個檔案是不是我們所需要的檔案型別,避免對錯誤的檔案進行解析。同樣也可以在某種程度上
 * 保護伺服器的安全。
 * <Detail description>
 * @author Qiuzhenping
 * @version [Version NO, 2014-11-30]
 * @see [Related classes/methods]
 * @since [product/module version]
public class Util {

	/** <Description functions in a word>
	 * Bytes to Hex String
	 * 將位元組陣列轉換成16進位制字串
	 * <Detail description>
	 * @author  Qiuzhenping
	 * @param src
	 * @return [Parameters description]
	 * @return String [Return type description]
	 * @exception throws [Exception] [Exception description]
	 * @see [Related classes#Related methods#Related properties]
	public static String bytes2HexString(byte[] src) {
		StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
		if (src == null || src.length <= 0) {
			return null;
		for (int i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
			int v = src[i] & 0xFF;
			String hv = Integer.toHexString(v);
			if (hv.length() < 2) {
		System.out.println(" bytes2HexString = "+stringBuilder.toString().toUpperCase());
		return stringBuilder.toString().toUpperCase();

	/** <Description functions in a word>
	 * Judge this FileInputStream is csv file
	 * 判斷該檔案流頭部是否包含有指定的資訊,從而確認該檔案是不是正確的檔案型別
	 * <Detail description>
	 * @author  Qiuzhenping
	 * @param is
	 * @return [Parameters description]
	 * @return boolean [Return type description]
	 * @exception throws [Exception] [Exception description]
	 * @see [Related classes#Related methods#Related properties]
	public static boolean judgeIsCSV(FileInputStream is){
		try {
			byte[] b = new byte[4];
			is.read(b, 0, b.length);
			return bytes2HexString(b).contains("5B75726C");//CSV檔案的頭部的前4個位元組
		} catch (Exception e) {
		return false;

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		String src = "C:/dataTemp/Url使用.csv";
		FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(src);
		src = "C:/dataTemp/Url使用.csv";
		is = new FileInputStream(src);