1. 程式人生 > >郵件群發及自動統計退信、動態調整發送策略


<?php defined( 'IN_HEAVEN' ) or die ( 'Hacking Attempt!' );
 * 自動郵件傳送
 * PHP versions 5
 * @category    app
 * @package     common
 * @author      zhongyiwen
 * @version     SVN: $Id: AI_SendMail.class.php 2820 2013-04-17 09:06:46Z blin $

class AI_SendMail extends AppBase
	protected $_dsnSender = '
[email protected]
'; protected $_dsnStoreDir = './'; protected $_dsnParsePatterns = array( 'envelop' => array('/^Original-Envelope-Id:(.*)$/im', '/^X-Envelope-Id:(.*)$/im'), 'recipient' => array('/^Original-Recipient:\s*rfc822;(.*)$/im', '/^Final-Recipient:\s*rfc822;(.*)$/im'), 'arrive' => '/^Arrival\-Date:(.*)$/im', 'action' => '/^Action:\s*([a-zA-Z]+)/im', 'diagnostic' => array('/^Diagnostic\-Code:(.*(\n\x20+.+)*)$/im', '/^Status:\s*[0-9]{1}\.[0-9x]{1}\.[0-9]{1}\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*$/im'), 'code' => array( '/^Status:\s*([0-9]{1}\.[0-9x]{1}\.[0-9]{1})[^0-9]*$/im', '/^Diagnostic\-Code:\s*smtp;\s*[0-9]{3}[^0-9]+([0-9]{1}\.[0-9x]{1}\.[0-9]{1})[^0-9]+/im', '/^Diagnostic\-Code:\s*smtp;\s*([0-9]{1}\.[0-9x]{1}\.[0-9]{1})[^0-9]+/im', ), 'smtp' => array( '/^Diagnostic\-Code:\s*smtp;\s*([0-9]{3})[^0-9]+/im', ), ); /** * 佇列中,處於正在處理中狀態的記錄殭屍時間 * 單位秒 * @var int */ protected $_zombieTimeout = 3600; /** * 最大失敗嘗試次數 * 超過次數將標記佇列中的記錄狀態為fail,並停止傳送 * @var int */ protected $_maxFailCount = 20; public function __construct($db=null, $runder=null) { parent::__construct(get_class($this), $db, $runder); $this->_dsnStoreDir = ROOT_DIR . '/data/dsn'; $this->_logDir = ROOT_DIR . '/data/logs/dsn'; if(!file_exists($this->_dsnStoreDir)){ mkdir($this->_dsnStoreDir, 0777); } if(!file_exists($this->_logDir)){ mkdir($this->_logDir, 0777); } $this->_dsnSender = SConfig::getConfig('edm.dsn_sender'); $this->_zombieTimeout = SConfig::getConfig('edm.zombie_timeout'); $this->_maxFailCount = SConfig::getConfig('edm.max_fail_count'); if(is_array($this->_dsnSender)){ if(isset($this->_dsnSender[SRunEnv::getSite()])){ $this->_dsnSender = $this->_dsnSender[SRunEnv::getSite()]; }else{ $this->_dsnSender = current($this->_dsnSender); } } //echo "<br>dsn Sender: " . $this->_dsnSender; if(SRunEnv::getMode()=='page'){ $this->setWeb(); $this->debug(true); }else{ $this->setCron(); if(($server_name=SConfig::getConfig('edm.server_name'))){ $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = $server_name; } if(($http_host=SConfig::getConfig('edm.http_host'))){ $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $http_host; } } } public function sendMail($maxSents = NULL){ $cat = 'sendmail'; //$sendToken = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sendToken = time(); $this->_logInfo(">>>>>>>>>>>>>[START SEND MAIL:{$sendToken}]>>>>>>>>>>>>>", $cat); if(!$maxSents){ $maxSents = SConfig::getConfig('edm.every_send_count'); } $this->_logInfo("Max send count: {$maxSents}", $cat); $oMailer = new EmailMailerModel($this->Runder, array('db'=>$this->DB)); $oDomain = new EmailDomainModel($this->Runder, array('db'=>$this->DB)); $oSend = new EmailSendModel($this->Runder, array('db'=>$this->DB)); $oSiteMailer = new Site_Mailer(); $oEmailMkt = new EmailMkt($this->Runder, null, new Site_MsgResource("cht")); $sentCounter = 0; $sentTrys = 0; $sentSuccs = 0; $maxFailCount = $this->_maxFailCount; $dsnSender = $this->_dsnSender; $this->_debugInfo("DSN Sender: $dsnSender", $cat); $aAvailMailers = $oMailer->getAllAvailMailers(); $aChecks = array('1m','5m','10m', '30m', '60m', '1d'); while($maxSents && ($sentCounter++)<$maxSents && ($queue = $oSend->popQueueByPriority())){ $sentTrys++; $msg = ">>>>> Start send mail: envelopId={$queue['envelopId']}, type={$queue['type']}, typeId={$queue['typeId']}"; $this->_logInfo($msg, $cat); // ---------------------------// // Content Check // ---------------------------// $oContent = $this->_getContentObj($queue); if($queue['type']=='edm' && $oContent && method_exists($oContent, 'getStatus')){ $status = $oContent->getStatus ( $queue ); if ($status != 'sending') { $msg = "Skip send, email content status is: {$status}"; $this->_logInfo ( $msg, $cat ); $oSend->repushQueue ( $queue, $msg ); continue; } } //---------------------------// // Domain Check //---------------------------// $domain = $queue['domain']; $setting = $oDomain->getSetting($domain); // use global setting if(!$setting){ $setting = $oDomain->getSetting('*'); } if($setting){ $stat = $oSend->getStat($domain, 0); $counter = $oSend->getSendCounter($domain, 0); // check interval time if($setting['interval'] && $stat['lastSent'] && (time()-$stat['lastSent'])<$setting['interval']){ $msg = "Skip send, Send interval less then domain interval={$setting['interval']} seconds, last sent = " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $stat['lastSent']); $this->_logInfo($msg, $cat); $oSend->repushQueue($queue, $msg); continue; } // check max $checkMax = true; foreach($aChecks as $ck){ $ckMax = $ck . 'Max'; if(isset($setting[$ckMax]) && $setting[$ckMax] && $counter[$ck] && $counter[$ck]>=$setting[$ckMax]){ $msg = "Skip send, Send Counter ({$ck} sent={$counter[$ck]}) >= Domain Setting ({$setting['domain']} {$ckMax} sent={$setting[$ckMax]})"; $this->_logInfo($msg, $cat); $oSend->repushQueue($queue, $msg); $checkMax = false; break; } } if(!$checkMax){ continue; } }else{ $setting = array(); } // ---------------------------------------// // Mailer Check // ---------------------------------------// $mailer = array(); if (! $setting ['mailers']) { $setting ['mailers'] = $aAvailMailers; } // filter unvailable mailer else { foreach ( $setting ['mailers'] as $k => $m ) { if (! isset ( $aAvailMailers [$m ['mailerId']] )) { unset ( $setting ['mailers'] [$k] ); } else { $setting ['mailers'] [$k] = $aAvailMailers [$m ['mailerId']]; $setting ['mailers'] [$k]['priority'] = $m['priority']; } } } // No mailer available if (! $setting ['mailers']) { $msg = "Failed send, No mailer is available for domain {$domain}"; $this->_logErr ( $msg, $cat ); $oSend->repushQueue ( $queue ); continue; } // sort mailer //$this->_sortByPriority ( $setting ['mailers'] ); $aSortedMailers = $this->_sortRandomMailers($setting['mailers']); //print_r($aSortedMailers); // check mailer foreach ( $aSortedMailers as $priority => $ms ) { foreach ( $ms as $m ) { // check mailer interval $stat = $oSend->getStat ( '', $m ['mailerId'] ); if ($m ['interval'] && $stat ['lastSent'] && (time () - $stat ['lastSent']) < $m ['interval']) { $msg = "Skip use mailer {$m['mailerName']} to send mail: send interval less then mailer interval={$m['interval']} seconds, last sent = " . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $stat ['lastSent'] ); $this->_logInfo ( $msg, $cat ); continue; } // check mailer host $skip = false; $counter = $oSend->getSendCounter ( $domain, $m ['mailerId'] ); foreach ( $aChecks as $ck ) { $ckHost = $ck . 'Host'; if (isset ( $setting [$ckHost] ) && $setting [$ckHost] && $counter [$ck] && $counter [$ck] >= $setting [$ckHost]) { $msg = "Skip use mailer {$m['mailerName']} to send mail: Send Counter ({$ck} sent={$counter[$ck]}) >= Domain Setting ({$ckHost} sent={$setting[$ckHost]})"; $this->_logInfo ( $msg, $cat ); $skip = true; break; } } if(!$skip){ // use this mailer $mailer = $m; break; } } if($mailer){ break; } } //----------------------------// // Send Mail //----------------------------// if(!$mailer){ $msg = "Failed send, No Mailer is available"; $this->_logInfo ( $msg, $cat ); $oSend->repushQueue ( $queue, $msg ); continue; } $mailerId = $mailer['mailerId']; // set mail server $oSiteMailer->setServer($mailer['mailerType'] , $mailer['mailerType']=='smtp'?$mailer['smtpHost']:$mailer['sendmail'] , $mailer['smtpUser'], $mailer['smtpPass'], $mailer['smtpPort'] ); $this->_logInfo("Use mailer [{$mailer['mailerName']}] to send mail"); $content = $this->_getContent($queue); if(!$content){ $msg = "Failed send, Email content not exists!"; $this->_logErr ( $msg, $cat ); $oSend->repushQueue ( $queue, $msg ); continue; } //print_r($content); // set mail header $oSiteMailer->setCharSet($content['charset']); $oSiteMailer->setFromName($content['fromName']); $oSiteMailer->setFrom($content['from']); $sender = $dsnSender; if($content['sender']){ $sender = $content['sender']; } if($sender){ $oSiteMailer->setSender($sender); } $this->_debugInfo("from: {$content['from']}", $cat); $this->_debugInfo("to: {$queue['address']}", $cat); $this->_debugInfo("sender: {$sender}", $cat); $this->_debugInfo("mailer: " . ($mailer['mailerType']=='smtp'?$mailer['smtpHost']:$mailer['sendmail']), $cat); // set Delivery Send Notification $oSiteMailer->setDSN($queue['envelopId']); $sentSucc = $oSiteMailer->sendHTML($content['subject'], $content['body'], $queue['address']); if(!$sentSucc){ $msg = "Failed send, " . $oSiteMailer->getErrorMsg() . " ( mailer: {$mailer['mailerName']} )"; $this->_logErr ( $msg, $cat ); $oSend->repushQueue($queue, $msg, true, $maxFailCount); continue; } // move queue to result $oSend->queue2Result($queue, $mailer['mailerId'], true, $mailer['mailerName']); $sentSuccs++; $msg = "<<<< Succ sent!"; $this->_logInfo ( $msg, $cat ); // counter $oSend->addSendCounter($domain, $mailerId); $oSend->addSendCounter('', $mailerId); $oSend->addSendCounter($domain, 0); $oSend->addSendCounter('', 0); // stat $oSend->addStat($domain, $mailerId, 'totalSent', 1); $oSend->addStat($domain, 0, 'totalSent', 1); $oSend->addStat('', $mailerId, 'totalSent', 1); $oSend->addStat('', 0, 'totalSent', 1); $oSend->addTodayStat($domain, $mailerId, 0, 'sent', 1); $oSend->addTodayStat($domain, 0, 0, 'sent', 1); $oSend->addTodayStat('', $mailerId, 0, 'sent', 1); $oSend->addTodayStat('', 0, $queue['contentId'], 'sent', 1); $oSend->addTodayStat('', 0, 0, 'sent', 1); $this->_getContentObj()->addStat($queue['contentId'], 'totalSent', 1); } if(!$sentTrys){ $this->_logInfo("No mail to send!", $cat); }else{ $this->_logInfo("Finished send:{$sendToken}, try: {$sentTrys}, succ: {$sentSuccs}", $cat); } $this->_logInfo("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[END SEND MAIL:{$sendToken}]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"); } protected function _sortRandomMailers($mailers){ $aSortedMailers = array(); $this->_sortByPriority($mailers); foreach($mailers as $m){ $aSortedMailers[$m['priority']][] = $m; } foreach($aSortedMailers as $p=>$ms){ shuffle($aSortedMailers[$p]); } return $aSortedMailers; } protected function _sortByPriority(&$array){ usort($array, array($this, '_cb_sort_priority')); // reset array reset($array); return $array; } protected function _cb_sort_priority($arr1, $arr2){ $a = $arr1['priority']; $b = $arr2['priority']; if ($a == $b) { return 0; } return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1; } public function saveDSN(){ $cat = "savedsn"; $this->_logInfo(">>>>>>>>>>>>>[START SAVE DSN]>>>>>>>>>>>>>", $cat); $source = file_get_contents("php://stdin"); /* * //$handle = STDIN; $handle = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); if ($handle) * { while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096); //echo * $buffer; file_put_contents($bounce_file, $buffer, FILE_APPEND); } * fclose($handle); } */ if (! $source) { $this->_logInfo ( "Source content is empty!", $cat ); } else { try { $oSend = new EmailSendModel ( $this->Runder, array('db'=>$this->DB) ); $dsnId = $oSend->addDSN ( $source, time() ); $this->_logInfo ( "Succ saved dsn mail into database, dsnId={$dsnId}" , $cat); } catch ( Exception $e ) { // store in file $nowTime = time (); $file = date ( 'YmdHis' ) . "_" . $nowTime . ".dsn"; if(false===file_put_contents($this->_dsnStoreDir . '/' . $file, $source)){ $this->_logErr("Failed save dsn mail into file {$file}", $cat); }else{ $this->_logInfo("Succ saved dsn mail as file: {$file}", $cat); } } } $this->_logInfo("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[END SAVE DSN]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<", $cat); } public function restoreDSN() { $cat = 'restoredsn'; $oSend = new EmailSendModel ( $this->Runder, array ( 'db' => $this->DB ) ); // load stored dsn into database $aFiles = File_Func::getDirFiles ( $this->_dsnStoreDir, '.dsn' ); if ($aFiles) { $this->_logInfo ( ">>>>> Try to move stored dsn files in disk into database", $cat ); $loadSuccs = 0; foreach ( $aFiles as $file ) { $file = trim ( $file ); if (! $file || ! file_exists ( $file )) { continue; } $source = file_get_contents ( $file ); $receiveTime = filemtime ( $file ); if ($source) { $dsnId = $oSend->addDSN ( $source, $receiveTime ); $this->_logInfo ( "Succ saved dsn mail into database, dsnId={$dsnId}", $cat ); $loadSuccs ++; // delete dsn file unlink ( $file ); } } $this->_logInfo ( "Total stored: {$loadSuccs}", $cat ); $this->_logInfo ( "<<<<< Succ stored all dsn file into database!", $cat ); } } public function parseDSN($maxParses = NULL){ $cat = 'parsedsn'; $this->_logInfo(">>>>>>>>>>>>>[START PARSE DSN]>>>>>>>>>>>>>", $cat); $this->restoreDSN(); if(!$maxParses){ $maxParses = SConfig::getConfig('edm.every_parse_count'); } $this->_logInfo("Max parse count: {$maxParses}", $cat); $aActionStatusMaps = array( 'relayed' => 'succ', 'delivered' => 'succ', 'failed' => 'bounce', ); $oSend = new EmailSendModel ( $this->Runder, array ( 'db' => $this->DB ) ); $oContent = new EmailContentModel($this->Runder, array('db'=>$this->DB)); $parseCounter = 0; $parseTrys = 0; $parseSucc = 0; while($maxParses && ($parseCounter++)<$maxParses && ($dsn = $oSend->popDSNByTime())){ $parseTrys++; $this->_logInfo("Try to parse DSN ID:{$dsn['dsnId']}", $cat); if(!($aParse=$this->_parseDSN($dsn['source'])) || empty($aParse['envelop']) || empty($aParse['recipient'])){ $msg = "Parse Error: Cann't found envelop-Id or recipient!"; $this->_logInfo($msg, $cat); $oSend->dsn2Archive($dsn, $msg, false); continue; } $envelopId = $aParse['envelop']; $recipient = $aParse['recipient']; $this->_logInfo("Found envelopId={$envelopId}", $cat); $this->_debugInfo("parse result = " . print_r($aParse, true), $cat); $result = $oSend->findResult($envelopId); if(!$result){ $msg = "Fail: Envelop result not exists!"; $this->_logInfo($msg, $cat); $oSend->dsn2Archive($dsn, $msg, false); continue; }elseif(strcasecmp('sent', $result['status'])){ $msg = "Fail: result status is not 'sent', but '{$result['status']}'!"; $this->_logInfo($msg, $cat); $oSend->dsn2Archive($dsn, $msg, false); continue; }elseif(strcasecmp($recipient, $result['address'])){ $msg = "Fail: DSN recipient doesn't match result address: {$result['address']}!"; $this->_logInfo($msg, $cat); $oSend->dsn2Archive($dsn, $msg, false); continue; } $aParse['action'] = strtolower($aParse['action']); $sentStatus = isset($aActionStatusMaps[$aParse['action']])?$aActionStatusMaps[$aParse['action']]:'unknown'; $bounceClass = ''; if($sentStatus=='bounce'){ $bounceClass = $this->_analyseBounceClass($aParse['code'], $aParse['smtp']); } $aDSN = array_merge($dsn, $aParse); $aDSN['arriveTime'] = $aParse['arrive']?intval(strtotime($aParse['arrive'])):0; $aDSN['bounceClass'] = $bounceClass; // Check arriveTime & statusCode && diagnosticMsg $codeLength = 16; if(strlen($aDSN['code'])>$codeLength){ $this->_logErr("statusCode length over {$codeLength}: {$aDSN['code']}", $cat); $this->_logErr("Parse Result = " . print_r($aParse, true), $cat); $aDSN['code'] = substr($aDSN['code'], 0, $codeLength); } $diagnosticLength = 500; if(strlen($aDSN['diagnostic'])>$diagnosticLength){ $this->_logErr("diagnosticMsg length over {$diagnosticLength}: {$aDSN['diagnostic']}", $cat); $this->_logErr("Parse Result = " . print_r($aParse, true), $cat); $aDSN['diagnostic'] = substr($aDSN['diagnostic'], 0, $diagnosticLength); } if($aDSN['arriveTime'] && (!is_int($aDSN['arriveTime']) || $aDSN['arriveTime']>2147483647 || $aDSN['arriveTime']<0)){ $this->_logErr("arriveTime is error: {$aDSN['arriveTime']} , dsnId={$aDSN['dsnId']}", $cat); $this->_logErr("Parse Result = " . print_r($aParse, true), $cat); $aDSN['arriveTime'] = 0; } $oSend->dsn2Result($envelopId, $sentStatus, $aDSN); $oSend->dsn2Archive($dsn, $aParse); $this->_logInfo("Save dsn result succ!", $cat); // stat $domain = $result['domain']; $mailerId = $result['mailerId']; $contentId = $result['contentId']; $statField = ''; $todayStatField = ''; $contentStatField = ''; $bounceClassField = ''; switch($sentStatus){ case 'succ': $statField = 'totalSucc'; $todayStatField = 'succ'; $contentStatField = 'totalSucc'; break; case 'bounce': $statField = 'totalBounce'; $todayStatField = 'bounce'; $contentStatField = 'totalBounce'; if($bounceClass){ $bounceClassField = 'bounce' . ucfirst($bounceClass); } break; default: } // stat if ($statField) { $oSend->addStat ( $domain, $mailerId, $statField, 1 ); $oSend->addStat ( $domain, 0, $statField, 1 ); $oSend->addStat ( '', $mailerId, $statField, 1 ); $oSend->addStat ( '', 0, $statField, 1 ); } if($todayStatField){ $oSend->addTodayStat($domain, $mailerId, 0, $todayStatField, 1); $oSend->addTodayStat($domain, 0, 0, $todayStatField, 1); $oSend->addTodayStat('', $mailerId, 0, $todayStatField, 1); $oSend->addTodayStat('', 0, $contentId, $todayStatField, 1); $oSend->addTodayStat('', 0, 0, $todayStatField, 1); } if($contentStatField){ $oContent->addStat($contentId, $contentStatField, 1); } if($bounceClassField){ $oSend->addStat ( $domain, $mailerId, $bounceClassField, 1 ); $oSend->addStat ( $domain, 0, $bounceClassField, 1 ); $oSend->addStat ( '', $mailerId, $bounceClassField, 1 ); $oSend->addStat ( '', 0, $bounceClassField, 1 ); $oSend->addTodayStat($domain, $mailerId, 0, $bounceClassField, 1); $oSend->addTodayStat($domain, 0, 0, $bounceClassField, 1); $oSend->addTodayStat('', $mailerId, 0, $bounceClassField, 1); $oSend->addTodayStat('', 0, $contentId, $bounceClassField, 1); $oSend->addTodayStat('', 0, 0, $bounceClassField, 1); $oContent->addStat($contentId, $bounceClassField, 1); } // counter if ($sentStatus == 'bounce') { $oSend->addBounceCounter ( $domain, $mailerId ); $oSend->addBounceCounter ( '', $mailerId ); $oSend->addBounceCounter ( $domain, 0 ); $oSend->addBounceCounter ( '', 0 ); } $parseSucc++; } if(!$parseTrys){ $this->_logInfo("No dsn to parse!", $cat); }else{ $this->_logInfo("Finished parse, try: {$parseTrys}, succ: {$parseSucc}", $cat); } $this->_logInfo("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[END PARSE DSN]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<", $cat); } protected function _parseDSN($source){ $aParse = array(); foreach($this->_dsnParsePatterns as $t=>$pt){ $pats = $pt; if(!is_array($pt)){ $pats = array($pt); } foreach ( $pats as $p ) { if (preg_match ( $p, $source, $match )) { //if (preg_match_all ( $p, $source, $match )) { $aParse [$t] = trim ( $match [1] ); break; } } } return $aParse?$aParse:false; } protected function _analyseBounceClass($code, $smtp=NULL){ $aBounceCodeMaps = array(); $aBounceCodeMaps['address'] = array( '5.1.0', '5.1.1', '5.1.2', '5.1.4', '5.1.6', '5.1.7', '5.1.8', '5.1.9', '501', ); $aBounceCodeMaps['mailbox'] = array( '5.2.0', '5.2.1', '5.2.2', '5.2.3', '5.2.4', '552', '553', '450', '550', ); $aBounceCodeMaps['system'] = array( '5.3.0', '5.3.1', '5.3.2', '5.3.3', '5.3.4', '5.3.5', '452', '451', '554', ); $aBounceCodeMaps['network'] = array( '5.4.0', '5.4.1', '5.4.2', '5.4.3', '5.4.4', '5.4.5', '5.4.6', '5.4.7', '421', ); $aBounceCodeMaps['protocol'] = array( '5.5.0', '5.5.1', '5.5.2', '5.5.3', '5.5.4', '5.5.5', '5.5.6', '500', '502', '503', '504', '554', '555', '530', ); $aBounceCodeMaps['content'] = array( '5.6.0', '5.6.1', '5.6.2', '5.6.3', '5.6.5', '5.6.6', '5.6.7', '5.6.8', '5.6.9', ); $aBounceCodeMaps['security'] = array( '5.7.0', '5.7.1', '5.7.2', '5.7.3', '5.7.4', '5.7.5', '5.7.6', '5.7.7', '5.7.8', '5.7.9', '5.7.10', '5.7.11', '5.7.12', '5.7.13', '5.7.14', '5.7.15', '535', '523', '534', '538', '524', '525', ); if ($code) { foreach ( $aBounceCodeMaps as $type => $codes ) { if (in_array ( $code, $codes )) { return $type; } } } if ($smtp) { foreach ( $aBounceCodeMaps as $type => $codes ) { if (in_array ( $smtp, $codes )) { return $type; } } } return 'other'; } public function resetCounter(){ $cat = 'resetcounter'; $this->_logInfo(">>>>>>>>>>>>>[START RESET COUNTER]>>>>>>>>>>>>>", $cat); $oSend = new EmailSendModel ( $this->Runder, array ( 'db' => $this->DB ) ); $aResetCounters = array( '1m' => 60, '5m' => 60*5, '10m' => 60*10, '30m' => 60*30, '60m' => 60*60, '1d' => 60*60*24, '7d' => 60*60*24*7, '30d' => 60*60*24*30, '365d' => 60*60*24*365, ); $nowTime = time(); $AllSendCounters = $oSend->getAllSendCounters(); foreach($AllSendCounters as $counter){ foreach($aResetCounters as $c=>$t){ if(isset($counter[$c])){ $r = $c.'Reset'; if(!$counter[$r] || ($nowTime - $counter[$r])>=$t){ $oSend->resetSendCounter($counter['domain'], $counter['mailerId'], $c); $this->_logInfo("Reset Send Counter: $c, domain={$counter['domain']}, mailerId={$counter['mailerId']}, last reset time: " . date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $counter[$r])); } } } } $AllBounceCounters = $oSend->getAllBounceCounters(); foreach($AllBounceCounters as $counter){ foreach($aResetCounters as $c=>$t){ if(isset($counter[$c])){ $r = $c.'Reset'; if(!$counter[$r] || ($nowTime - $counter[$r])>=$t){ $oSend->resetBounceCounter($counter['domain'], $counter['mailerId'], $c); $this->_logInfo("Reset Bounce Counter: $c, domain={$counter['domain']}, mailerId={$counter['mailerId']}, last reset time: " . date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $counter[$r])); } } } } $this->_logInfo("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[END RESET COUNTER]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<", $cat); } public function cleanQueue(){ $cat = 'cleanqueue'; $this->_logInfo(">>>>>>>>>>>>>[START CLEAN QUEUE]>>>>>>>>>>>>>", $cat); $oSend = new EmailSendModel ( $this->Runder, array ( 'db' => $this->DB ) ); $oContent = new EmailContentModel($this->Runder, array('db'=>$this->DB)); $timeout = $this->_zombieTimeout; // recover zombie queues $zombieQueueCount = $oSend->recoverZombieQueue($timeout); $this->_logInfo("Recover {$zombieQueueCount} zombie send queue", $cat); $zombieDSNCount = $oSend->recoverZombieDSN($timeout); $this->_logInfo("Recover {$zombieDSNCount} zombie dsn queue", $cat); // move fail queue to result $aFailQueues = $oSend->cleanFailQueue(); $failQueueCount = is_array($aFailQueues)?count($aFailQueues):0; $this->_logInfo("Clean {$failQueueCount} fail send queue", $cat); if ($aFailQueues) { foreach ( $aFailQueues as $queue ) { if (! $queue) { continue; } $oContent->addStat ( $queue ['contentId'], 'totalFail' ); } } $this->_logInfo("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[END CLEAN QUEUE]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<", $cat); } public function finishStatus(){ $cat = 'finishstatus'; $this->_logInfo(">>>>>>>>>>>>>[START FINISH STATUS]>>>>>>>>>>>>>", $cat); $oSend = new EmailSendModel ( $this->Runder, array ( 'db' => $this->DB ) ); $oContent = new EmailContentModel($this->Runder, array('db'=>$this->DB)); $oEDMContent = new EDMContentModel($this->Runder, array('db'=>$this->DB)); // draft : 草稿 sending: 傳送中 sent : 傳送完成 stop: 暫停傳送 $aSendingContents = $oContent->getSendingContents(); $totalFinish = 0; foreach($aSendingContents as $content){ if(!($queue=$oSend->contentQueueExist($content['contentId']))){ $oContent->sendFinish($content['contentId']); //need to update the email_content status if all email content have been sent / update email forward history finished time $oEDMContent->updateEmailContentFinishTime($content); $this->_logInfo("Finish send contentId={$content['contentId']}", $cat); $totalFinish++; } } if(!$totalFinish){ $this->_logInfo("No content finish send!", $cat); }else{ $this->_logInfo("Total finish send = {$totalFinish}.", $cat); } $this->_logInfo("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[END FINISH STATUS]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<", $cat); } public function pushQueue(){ $cat = 'pushqueue'; $this->_logInfo(">>>>>>>>>>>>>[START PUSH QUEUE]>>>>>>>>>>>>>", $cat); $oSend = new EmailSendModel ( $this->Runder, array ( 'db' => $this->DB ) ); $oContent = new EmailContentModel($this->Runder, array('db'=>$this->DB)); $totalPush = 0; $aReadyContents = $oContent->getReadyContents(); foreach($aReadyContents as $content){ $recipientCount = $oSend->pushRecipients($content['contentId'], $content); $this->_logInfo("Push contentId={$content['contentId']}, recipients={$recipientCount}", $cat); $totalPush++; } if(!$totalPush){ $this->_logInfo("No ready content!", $cat); }else{ $this->_logInfo("Total push ready content = {$totalPush}.", $cat); } $this->_logInfo("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[END PUSH QUEUE]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<", $cat); } protected function _getContentObj($queue=NULL){ static $_contentObjs = array(); $type = 'default'; if($queue){ if(is_array($queue)){ $type = $queue['type']; }else{ $type = $queue; } } if(!isset($_contentObjs[$type])){ switch($type){ case 'edm': case 'forward': $_contentObjs[$type] = new EDMContentModel($this->Runder, array('db'=>$this->DB)); break; default: $_contentObjs[$type] = new EmailContentModel($this->Runder, array('db'=>$this->DB)); break; } } return $_contentObjs[$type]; } protected function _getContent($queue){ static $oEmailMkt = NULL; $oContent = $this->_getContentObj($queue); if(!$oContent){ return false; } $content = $oContent->getContent($queue); if(!$content){ return false; } if($queue['type']=='edm' || $queue['type']=='forward'){ $content['charset'] = 'utf-8'; $content['contentType'] = 'html'; $content['fromName'] = $content['sender_name']; $content['from'] = $content['sender_email']; if(!$oEmailMkt){ $oEmailMkt = new EmailMkt($this->Runder, null, new Site_MsgResource("cht")); } $content['subject'] = $oEmailMkt->genContentSubject($content,$queue); $content['body'] = $oEmailMkt->genContentBody($content,$queue); } return $content; } }



<?php defined( 'IN_HEAVEN' ) or die ( 'Hacking Attempt!' ); /** * 自動郵件傳送 * * PHP versions 5 * * @category app * @package common * @autho


ems lis tst 表達 turn gets nbsp null items 類型檢測及自動類型轉換 is運算符用於檢測一個表達式是否為某類型的一個實例檢測出為某類型後,檢測後的分支中可以直接當作該類型使用,無需顯示轉換 fun getStringLength(


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Spring整合JMSIBM MQ和接收消息

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