The type org.springframework...DaoSupport cannot be resolved. It is indirectly..
The type org.springframework...DaoSupport cannot be resolved. It is indirectly..
在整合[hibernate]和[spring]的時候出現以下異常:The hierarchy of the type xxx is inconsistentThe type cannot be resolved. It i
The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
it is miss ati refers () imp -s tar pre 問題描述 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: The t
在寫反射的時候myeclipse報錯The type javax.servlet.ServletContext cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referen
public class MyReflect {public String className = null;public Class personClass= null;@Beforepublic void init() throws ClassNotFoundExcep
java 錯誤:The type java.util.Comparator cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required
The type java.util.Comparator cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files 1、錯誤描述: 源專案編譯環境為jdk1.7 後來換成了jd
[Error!]the type java.lang.object cannot be resolved. it is indirectly reference
MyEclipse 匯入專案時出現如下錯誤,檢查過,包的匯入都正常Error!]the type java.lang.object cannot be resolved. it is indirectly referenced from required .class files找了半天,才發現,原來是jdk
解決:The import org.springframework.test cannot be resolved
The import org.springframework.test cannot be resolved 報錯解決 <dependency>  
SpringBoot專案報錯the import org.springframework.web.*cannot be resolved..
可能原因是沒有在pom.xml中新增web依賴 新增: <dependency> <groupId>org.springframewo
The type javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest cannot be resolved. It is indirectly reference 問題之解決
問題原因: 專案中缺少jar包:servlet-api.jar 解決辦法: 方法1:把 servlet-api.jar 新增到專案中(該jar包在Tomcat目錄的lib資料夾下) 方法2:專案中新增
解決The type cannot be resolved.....
報錯內容:The type cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files 位置:package前 原因:jdk版本不一
org.apache.AnnotationProcessor cannot be resolved to a type,
private org.apache.AnnotationProcessor _jsp_annotationprocessor 該語句報錯,因為我的環境是jdk1.8+Tomcat8 而當初開發該專案時用的是Tomcat6,所以在org.apache包下找不到Annot
The import javax.servlet.ReadListener cannot be resolved
fonts src servle tabs csdn 選中項 imp net 相同 原因:這是由於你的項目buildpath不對解決方案:右鍵項目-------buildpath--------最下面那個configuration 的選擇libraries找到JRE(這個時
解決報錯:The import javax.servlet.annotation cannot be resolved
AR ota tomcat7 lib post ati code 正常的 映射 maven項目,引入javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet的jar包,使用@WebServlet註解來實現對傳統web.xml中servlet和url的映射 報錯
報type javax.servlet.ServletContext cannot be resolved問題.
Multiple markers at this line - The type javax.servlet.ServletContext cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from requi
錯誤:The import java.util.Objects cannot be resolved
原因:JDK1.7.0才有Objects類 解決辦法:在MyEclipse中右擊專案,選中Build Path---->Configure Build Path——>Libraries——>點選右邊Add Librayr——>JRE System L
導入javax.servlet。伺服登記無法解決:The import javax.servlet.MultipartConfigElement cannot be resolved
img mage 分享 art nbsp http not ann config 解決辦法: 導入javax.servlet。伺服登記無法解決:The import javax.servlet.MultipartConfigElement cannot be reso
the type
I am using only the 3rd party bundles from the revision 6343, spring-osgi-core, spring-osgi-extender, io and mock are from revision 6170. (I've got compila
報出現“"cannot be resolved or is not a field",
出現“"cannot be resolved or is not a field",是因為當前java類的匯入不是當前專案的R檔案 ,而是匯入了Android.R檔案。 解決:找到對應報錯誤的類,刪除java程式碼中的”import Android.R“(在類匯入部分)。
Android中cannot be resolved or is not a field錯誤的解決辦法
以下問題可以參考: 1.R cannot be resolved or is not a field cannot be resolved or is not a field 在寫第一程式的時候,遇到了這個錯誤,我在引用一個變數時,ListView myList
Androidannotation 報錯:cannot be resolved or is not a field
我今天終於解決這個問題, 專案應用了androidannotation,以註解方式編寫程式碼,很快很順暢。。。。。 寫著寫著,突然報了:cannot be resolved or is not a
Eclipse Android專案 為控制元件添加了Id,但是在Java程式碼中提示xxx cannot be resolved or is not a field
在Android開發過程中,常需要在佈局檔案中為控制元件新增Id,以便在Java程式碼中找到這個控制元件。 但在使用Eclipse進行開發的過程中,常會出現明明已經在Layout XML檔案中為元件添