1. 程式人生 > >讀QT5.7原始碼(一)QArrayData QTypedArrayData

讀QT5.7原始碼(一)QArrayData QTypedArrayData

QArrayData QTypedArrayData這兩個類是配套的,後者是以前者為基礎的類模板,以方便對不同型別的陣列提供抽象管理。

他們被定義下同一個頭檔案和原始檔中,分別是QarraryData.h 和 QarraryData.cpp  位於qtcode資料夾中


struct Q_CORE_EXPORT QArrayData
    QtPrivate::RefCount ref;//引用計數
    int size;                //大小
    uint alloc : 31;         //分配的個數
    uint capacityReserved : 1;//適應模式

    qptrdiff offset; // in bytes from beginning of header  定位指標

    void *data()
        Q_ASSERT(size == 0
                || offset < 0 || size_t(offset) >= sizeof(QArrayData));
        return reinterpret_cast<char *>(this) + offset;

    const void *data() const
        Q_ASSERT(size == 0
                || offset < 0 || size_t(offset) >= sizeof(QArrayData));
        return reinterpret_cast<const char *>(this) + offset;

    // This refers to array data mutability, not "header data" represented by
    // data members in QArrayData. Shared data (array and header) must still
    // follow COW principles.
    bool isMutable() const
        return alloc != 0;

    enum AllocationOption {                   //5種模式  分配模式  使用shared_null[0]  使用shared_null[1]  可以增長   預設
        CapacityReserved    = 0x1,
        Unsharable          = 0x2,
        RawData             = 0x4,
        Grow                = 0x8,

        Default = 0

    Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(AllocationOptions, AllocationOption)

    size_t detachCapacity(size_t newSize) const
        if (capacityReserved && newSize < alloc)
            return alloc;
        return newSize;

    AllocationOptions detachFlags() const
        AllocationOptions result;
        if (capacityReserved)
            result |= CapacityReserved;
        return result;

    AllocationOptions cloneFlags() const
        AllocationOptions result;
        if (capacityReserved)
            result |= CapacityReserved;
        return result;

    static QArrayData *allocate(size_t objectSize, size_t alignment,    //分配記憶體返回一個適配的 QArrayData指標
            size_t capacity, AllocationOptions options = Default)
    static void deallocate(QArrayData *data, size_t objectSize,          //釋放記憶體
            size_t alignment) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;

    static const QArrayData shared_null[2];      靜態的全域性物件兩個,在分配記憶體時可以使用Unsharable 和 RawData來指定使用這個兩個物件來管理分配的記憶體
    static QArrayData *sharedNull() Q_DECL_NOTHROW { return const_cast<QArrayData*>(shared_null); }


QArrayData *QArrayData::allocate(size_t objectSize, size_t alignment,
        size_t capacity, AllocationOptions options) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
    // Alignment is a power of two
    Q_ASSERT(alignment >= Q_ALIGNOF(QArrayData)
            && !(alignment & (alignment - 1)));

    // Don't allocate empty headers
    if (!(options & RawData) && !capacity) {
        if (options & Unsharable)
            return const_cast<QArrayData *>(&qt_array_unsharable_empty);
        return const_cast<QArrayData *>(&qt_array_empty);

    size_t headerSize = sizeof(QArrayData);

    // Allocate extra (alignment - Q_ALIGNOF(QArrayData)) padding bytes so we
    // can properly align the data array. This assumes malloc is able to
    // provide appropriate alignment for the header -- as it should!
    // Padding is skipped when allocating a header for RawData.
    if (!(options & RawData))
        headerSize += (alignment - Q_ALIGNOF(QArrayData));

    // Allocate additional space if array is growing
    if (options & Grow) {

        // Guard against integer overflow when multiplying.
        if (capacity > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / objectSize)
            return 0;

        size_t alloc;
        if (mul_overflow(objectSize, capacity, &alloc))
            return 0;

        // Make sure qAllocMore won't overflow qAllocMore.
        if (headerSize > size_t(MaxAllocSize) || alloc > size_t(MaxAllocSize) - headerSize)
            return 0;

        capacity = qAllocMore(int(alloc), int(headerSize)) / int(objectSize);

    size_t allocSize;
    if (mul_overflow(objectSize, capacity, &allocSize))
        return 0;
    if (add_overflow(allocSize, headerSize, &allocSize))
        return 0;

    QArrayData *header = static_cast<QArrayData *>(::malloc(allocSize));
    if (header) {
        quintptr data = (quintptr(header) + sizeof(QArrayData) + alignment - 1)
                & ~(alignment - 1);

        header->ref.atomic.store(bool(!(options & Unsharable)));
        header->size = 0;
        header->alloc = capacity;
        header->capacityReserved = bool(options & CapacityReserved);
        header->offset = data - quintptr(header);

    return header;

void QArrayData::deallocate(QArrayData *data, size_t objectSize,
        size_t alignment) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
    // Alignment is a power of two
    Q_ASSERT(alignment >= Q_ALIGNOF(QArrayData)
            && !(alignment & (alignment - 1)));
    Q_UNUSED(objectSize) Q_UNUSED(alignment)

    if (data == &qt_array_unsharable_empty)

    Q_ASSERT_X(data == 0 || !data->ref.isStatic(), "QArrayData::deallocate",
               "Static data can not be deleted");


以模板來泛化 QArrayData,提供了迭代器

template <class T>
struct QTypedArrayData
    : QArrayData
    class iterator {
        T *i;
        typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag  iterator_category;
        typedef int difference_type;
        typedef T value_type;
        typedef T *pointer;
        typedef T &reference;

        inline iterator() : i(Q_NULLPTR) {}
        inline iterator(T *n) : i(n) {}
        inline iterator(const iterator &o): i(o.i){} // #### Qt 6: remove, the implicit version is fine
        inline T &operator*() const { return *i; }
        inline T *operator->() const { return i; }
        inline T &operator[](int j) const { return *(i + j); }
        inline bool operator==(const iterator &o) const { return i == o.i; }
        inline bool operator!=(const iterator &o) const { return i != o.i; }
        inline bool operator<(const iterator& other) const { return i < other.i; }
        inline bool operator<=(const iterator& other) const { return i <= other.i; }
        inline bool operator>(const iterator& other) const { return i > other.i; }
        inline bool operator>=(const iterator& other) const { return i >= other.i; }
        inline iterator &operator++() { ++i; return *this; }
        inline iterator operator++(int) { T *n = i; ++i; return n; }
        inline iterator &operator--() { i--; return *this; }
        inline iterator operator--(int) { T *n = i; i--; return n; }
        inline iterator &operator+=(int j) { i+=j; return *this; }
        inline iterator &operator-=(int j) { i-=j; return *this; }
        inline iterator operator+(int j) const { return iterator(i+j); }
        inline iterator operator-(int j) const { return iterator(i-j); }
        inline int operator-(iterator j) const { return i - j.i; }
        inline operator T*() const { return i; }
    friend class iterator;

    class const_iterator {
        const T *i;
        typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag  iterator_category;
        typedef int difference_type;
        typedef T value_type;
        typedef const T *pointer;
        typedef const T &reference;

        inline const_iterator() : i(Q_NULLPTR) {}
        inline const_iterator(const T *n) : i(n) {}
        inline const_iterator(const const_iterator &o): i(o.i) {} // #### Qt 6: remove, the default version is fine
        inline explicit const_iterator(const iterator &o): i(o.i) {}
        inline const T &operator*() const { return *i; }
        inline const T *operator->() const { return i; }
        inline const T &operator[](int j) const { return *(i + j); }
        inline bool operator==(const const_iterator &o) const { return i == o.i; }
        inline bool operator!=(const const_iterator &o) const { return i != o.i; }
        inline bool operator<(const const_iterator& other) const { return i < other.i; }
        inline bool operator<=(const const_iterator& other) const { return i <= other.i; }
        inline bool operator>(const const_iterator& other) const { return i > other.i; }
        inline bool operator>=(const const_iterator& other) const { return i >= other.i; }
        inline const_iterator &operator++() { ++i; return *this; }
        inline const_iterator operator++(int) { const T *n = i; ++i; return n; }
        inline const_iterator &operator--() { i--; return *this; }
        inline const_iterator operator--(int) { const T *n = i; i--; return n; }
        inline const_iterator &operator+=(int j) { i+=j; return *this; }
        inline const_iterator &operator-=(int j) { i-=j; return *this; }
        inline const_iterator operator+(int j) const { return const_iterator(i+j); }
        inline const_iterator operator-(int j) const { return const_iterator(i-j); }
        inline int operator-(const_iterator j) const { return i - j.i; }
        inline operator const T*() const { return i; }
    friend class const_iterator;
    typedef T* iterator;
    typedef const T* const_iterator;

    T *data() { return static_cast<T *>(QArrayData::data()); }
    const T *data() const { return static_cast<const T *>(QArrayData::data()); }

    iterator begin(iterator = iterator()) { return data(); }
    iterator end(iterator = iterator()) { return data() + size; }
    const_iterator begin(const_iterator = const_iterator()) const { return data(); }
    const_iterator end(const_iterator = const_iterator()) const { return data() + size; }
    const_iterator constBegin(const_iterator = const_iterator()) const { return data(); }
    const_iterator constEnd(const_iterator = const_iterator()) const { return data() + size; }

    class AlignmentDummy { QArrayData header; T data; };

    static QTypedArrayData *allocate(size_t capacity,
            AllocationOptions options = Default) Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
        Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(QTypedArrayData) == sizeof(QArrayData));
        return static_cast<QTypedArrayData *>(QArrayData::allocate(sizeof(T),
                    Q_ALIGNOF(AlignmentDummy), capacity, options));

    static void deallocate(QArrayData *data)
        Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(QTypedArrayData) == sizeof(QArrayData));
        QArrayData::deallocate(data, sizeof(T), Q_ALIGNOF(AlignmentDummy));

    static QTypedArrayData *fromRawData(const T *data, size_t n,
            AllocationOptions options = Default)
        Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(QTypedArrayData) == sizeof(QArrayData));
        QTypedArrayData *result = allocate(0, options | RawData);
        if (result) {
            Q_ASSERT(!result->ref.isShared()); // No shared empty, please!

            result->offset = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data)
                - reinterpret_cast<const char *>(result);
            result->size = int(n);
        return result;

    static QTypedArrayData *sharedNull() Q_DECL_NOTHROW
        Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(QTypedArrayData) == sizeof(QArrayData));
        return static_cast<QTypedArrayData *>(QArrayData::sharedNull());

    static QTypedArrayData *sharedEmpty()
        Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(QTypedArrayData) == sizeof(QArrayData));
        return allocate(/* capacity */ 0);

    static QTypedArrayData *unsharableEmpty()
        Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(QTypedArrayData) == sizeof(QArrayData));
        return allocate(/* capacity */ 0, Unsharable);


template <class T, size_t N>
struct QStaticArrayData
    QArrayData header;
    T data[N];

// Support for returning QArrayDataPointer<T> from functions
template <class T>
struct QArrayDataPointerRef
    QTypedArrayData<T> *ptr;