1. 程式人生 > >DriverManager.getConnection()方法涉及到的原始碼詳解



    其中Reflection.getCallerClass()是反射中的一個方法,這個方法用來返回他的呼叫類,也就說是哪個類呼叫了這個方法,Reflection類位於呼叫棧中的0幀位置,在JDK7以前,該方法可以傳入int n返回呼叫棧中從0幀開始的第n幀中的類,在JDK7中,需要設定java命令列選項Djdk.reflect.allowGetCallerClass來使用該方法,到了JDK8時,再呼叫該方法會導致UnsupportedOperationException異常。

    JDK8中getCallerClass使用方法變更為getCallerClass(),Reflection.getCallerClass()方法呼叫所在的方法必須用@CallerSensitive進行註解,通過此方法獲取class時會跳過鏈路上所有的有@CallerSensitive註解的方法的類,直到遇到第一個未使用該註解的類,避免了用Reflection.getCallerClass(int n) 這個過時方法來自己做判斷。

    在這裡每個getConnection都是用CallerSensitive修飾的,呼叫getCallerClass應該是獲取外面使用DriverManager.getConnection()的類的名稱,即在class A中呼叫了DriverManager.getConnection(),則返回class A。




        1. 當高層提供了統一介面讓低層去實現,同時又要是在高層載入(或例項化)低層的類時,必須通過執行緒上下文類載入器來幫助高層的ClassLoader找到並載入該類。

        2. 當使用本類託管類載入,然而載入本類的ClassLoader未知時,為了隔離不同的呼叫者,可以取呼叫者各自的執行緒上下文類載入器代為託管。


@CallerSensitive public static Connection getConnection(String url,java.util.Properties info) throws SQLException { return (getConnection(url, info, Reflection.getCallerClass())); }
public static Connection getConnection(String url,String user, String password) throws SQLException { java.util.Properties info = new java.util.Properties(); if (user != null) { info.put("user", user); } if (password != null) { info.put("password", password); } return (getConnection(url, info, Reflection.getCallerClass())); }
public static Connection getConnection(String url)throws SQLException {
    java.util.Properties info = new java.util.Properties();
    return (getConnection(url, info, Reflection.getCallerClass()));
private static Connection getConnection(
    String url, java.util.Properties info, Class<?> caller) throws SQLException {
     * When callerCl is null, we should check the application's
     * (which is invoking this class indirectly)
     * classloader, so that the JDBC driver class outside rt.jar
     * can be loaded from here.
    * caller.getClassLoader()類載入器,獲得DriverManager.getConnection()呼叫者的classLoader,
    * ClassLoader主要對類的請求提供服務,當JVM需要某類時,它根據名稱向ClassLoader要求這個類,然後由ClassLoader返回 這個類的class物件。
    * 這裡對於類載入器的檢查應該是涉及到了委託模型的知識,好像是為了確保呼叫getConnection的類的classLoader能夠載入外部的JDBC驅動類,
    * 這裡網上部落格有一篇這麼說的:
    * ContextClassLoader可以設定,預設的都是systemClassLoader 
    * ContextClassLoader在web容器裡面用到的比較多,它可以讓父classLoader訪問到子的classLoader的class,如JDBC驅動程式 
    * 就是,在父classLoader(bootstrap)載入的類裡面,訪問到了子classLoader(SystemClassLoader)才能載入的類(com.mysql.jdbc.ReplicationDriver)。 
    ClassLoader callerCL = caller != null ? caller.getClassLoader() : null;
    synchronized(DriverManager.class) {
        // synchronize loading of the correct classloader.
        * 在這裡是如果上面獲取呼叫此方法的類的classLoader為空,就無法載入驅動類了,
        * 這裡涉及到了雙親委派模型和委派鏈的知識,網上的解釋是這樣的:
        * Thread context class loader存在的目的主要是為了解決parent delegation機制下無法乾淨的解決的問題。假如有下述委派鏈: 
        * ClassLoader A -> System class loader -> Extension class loader -> Bootstrap class loader 
        * 那麼委派鏈左邊的ClassLoader就可以很自然的使用右邊的ClassLoader所載入的類。 
        * 但如果情況要反過來,是右邊的ClassLoader所載入的程式碼需要反過來去找委派鏈靠左邊的ClassLoader去載入東西怎麼辦呢?
        * 沒轍,parent delegation是單向的,沒辦法反過來從右邊找左邊。 
        * 這種情況下就可以把某個位於委派鏈左邊的ClassLoader設定為執行緒的context class loader,
        * 這樣就給機會讓程式碼不受parent delegation的委派方向的限制而載入到類了。
        * DriverManager在rt.jar裡面,它的類載入器上啟動類載入器。
        * 而資料庫的driver驅動類是放在classpath裡面的,啟動類載入器是不能載入的。
        * 所以,如果嚴格按照雙親委派模型,是沒辦法解決的。
        * 而這裡的解決辦法是:通過呼叫類的類載入器去載入。
        * 而如果呼叫類的載入器是null,就設定為執行緒的上下文類載入器
        * Thread.currentThread()方法來獲取系統當前正在執行的一條執行緒,
        * getContextClassLoader方法獲取classLoader
        * 這裡獲取的是執行緒上下文類載入器
        if (callerCL == null) {
            callerCL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    if(url == null) {
        throw new SQLException("The url cannot be null", "08001");
    println("DriverManager.getConnection(\"" + url + "\")");
    SQLException reason = null;
    * 在註冊的驅動列表中遍歷,如果順利獲取,那麼在for中的return中結束driverManager負責的連接獲取
    for(DriverInfo aDriver : registeredDrivers) {
        if(isDriverAllowed(aDriver.driver, callerCL)) {
            try {
                println("    trying " + aDriver.driver.getClass().getName());
                Connection con = aDriver.driver.connect(url, info);
                if (con != null) {
                    // Success!
                    println("getConnection returning " + aDriver.driver.getClass().getName());
                    return (con);
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
                if (reason == null) {
                    reason = ex;
        } else {
            println("    skipping: " + aDriver.getClass().getName());
    // if we got here nobody could connect.
    if (reason != null)    {
        println("getConnection failed: " + reason);
        throw reason;
    println("getConnection: no suitable driver found for "+ url);
    throw new SQLException("No suitable driver found for "+ url, "08001");


private static boolean isDriverAllowed(Driver driver, ClassLoader classLoader) {
    boolean result = false;
    if(driver != null) {
        Class<?> aClass = null;
        try {
            // object.getClass() 獲取物件的型別即Class類的物件,通過呼叫Class類提供的方法可以獲取這個類的類名稱(包名+類名)以及類載入器。
            // 方法返回與給定字串名的類或介面的Class物件,使用給定的類載入器
            aClass =  Class.forName(driver.getClass().getName(), true, classLoader);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            result = false;
        // 只有同一個類載入器中的Class使用==比較時才會相等,此處就是校驗使用者註冊Driver時該Driver所屬的類載入器與呼叫時的是否為同一個
        result = ( aClass == driver.getClass() ) ? true : false;

    return result;

package org.postgresql.Driver.java

  public Connection connect(String url, Properties info) throws SQLException {
    Properties defaults;
    if (!url.startsWith("jdbc:postgresql:")) {
      return null;
    try {
      defaults = getDefaultProperties();
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      throw new PSQLException(GT.tr("Error loading default settings from driverconfig.properties"),
          PSQLState.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, ioe);

    // override defaults with provided properties
    Properties props = new Properties(defaults);
    if (info != null) {
      Set<String> e = info.stringPropertyNames();
      for (String propName : e) {
        String propValue = info.getProperty(propName);
        if (propValue == null) {
          throw new PSQLException(
              GT.tr("Properties for the driver contains a non-string value for the key ")
                  + propName,
        props.setProperty(propName, propValue);,
    // parse URL and add more properties
    if ((props = parseURL(url, props)) == null) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in url: {0}", url);
      return null;
    try {
      // Setup java.util.logging.Logger using connection properties.

      LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Connecting with URL: {0}", url);

      // Enforce login timeout, if specified, by running the connection
      // attempt in a separate thread. If we hit the timeout without the
      // connection completing, we abandon the connection attempt in
      // the calling thread, but the separate thread will keep trying.
      // Eventually, the separate thread will either fail or complete
      // the connection; at that point we clean up the connection if
      // we managed to establish one after all. See ConnectThread for
      // more details.

      long timeout = timeout(props);
      if (timeout <= 0) {
        return makeConnection(url, props);
      ConnectThread ct = new ConnectThread(url, props);
      Thread thread = new Thread(ct, "PostgreSQL JDBC driver connection thread");
      thread.setDaemon(true); // Don't prevent the VM from shutting down
      return ct.getResult(timeout);
    } catch (PSQLException ex1) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Connection error: ", ex1);
      // re-throw the exception, otherwise it will be caught next, and a
      // org.postgresql.unusual error will be returned instead.
      throw ex1;
    } catch (java.security.AccessControlException ace) {
      throw new PSQLException(
              "Your security policy has prevented the connection from being attempted.  You probably need to grant the connect java.net.SocketPermission to the database server host and port that you wish to connect to."),
          PSQLState.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, ace);
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unexpected connection error: ", ex2);
      throw new PSQLException(
              "Something unusual has occurred to cause the driver to fail. Please report this exception."),
          PSQLState.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, ex2);


  public static Properties parseURL(String url, Properties defaults) {
    Properties urlProps = new Properties(defaults);

    String l_urlServer = url;
    String l_urlArgs = "";

    int l_qPos = url.indexOf('?');//獲取'?'第一次出現的位置,若未出現則返回-1
    if (l_qPos != -1) {
      l_urlServer = url.substring(0, l_qPos);
      l_urlArgs = url.substring(l_qPos + 1);
    if (!l_urlServer.startsWith("jdbc:postgresql:")) {
      return null;
    l_urlServer = l_urlServer.substring("jdbc:postgresql:".length());
    if (l_urlServer.startsWith("//")) {
      l_urlServer = l_urlServer.substring(2);
      int slash = l_urlServer.indexOf('/');
      if (slash == -1) {
        return null;
      //URLDecoder.decode方法是為了轉換空格等特殊字元,如String path2 = URLDecoder.decode(url.getPath(),”gbk”)
      urlProps.setProperty("PGDBNAME", URLDecoder.decode(l_urlServer.substring(slash + 1)));
      String[] addresses = l_urlServer.substring(0, slash).split(",");
      StringBuilder hosts = new StringBuilder();
      StringBuilder ports = new StringBuilder();
      for (String address : addresses) {
        int portIdx = address.lastIndexOf(':');
        if (portIdx != -1 && address.lastIndexOf(']') < portIdx) {
          String portStr = address.substring(portIdx + 1);
          try {
            // squid:S2201 The return value of "parseInt" must be used.
            // The side effect is NumberFormatException, thus ignore sonar error here
            Integer.parseInt(portStr); //NOSONAR
          } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            return null;
          hosts.append(address.subSequence(0, portIdx));
        } else {
      ports.setLength(ports.length() - 1);
      hosts.setLength(hosts.length() - 1);
      urlProps.setProperty("PGPORT", ports.toString());
      urlProps.setProperty("PGHOST", hosts.toString());
    } else {
      if (defaults == null || !defaults.containsKey("PGPORT")) {
        urlProps.setProperty("PGPORT", "/*$mvn.project.property.template.default.pg.port$*/");
      if (defaults == null || !defaults.containsKey("PGHOST")) {
        urlProps.setProperty("PGHOST", "localhost");
      if (defaults == null || !defaults.containsKey("PGDBNAME")) {
        urlProps.setProperty("PGDBNAME", URLDecoder.decode(l_urlServer));

    // 解析url的引數,並將解析出的鍵值對放入urlProps中
    String[] args = l_urlArgs.split("&");
    for (String token : args) {
      if (token.isEmpty()) {
      int l_pos = token.indexOf('=');
      if (l_pos == -1) {
        urlProps.setProperty(token, "");
      } else {
        urlProps.setProperty(token.substring(0, l_pos), URLDecoder.decode(token.substring(l_pos + 1)));
    return urlProps;


  private static long timeout(Properties props) {
    String timeout = PGProperty.LOGIN_TIMEOUT.get(props);
    if (timeout != null) {
      try {
        return (long) (Float.parseFloat(timeout) * 1000);
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Couldn't parse loginTimeout value: {0}", timeout);
    * 如果timeout為null,則呼叫DriverManager的方法
    * 該方法單純將成員變數private static volatile int loginTimeout = 0返回
    * 如果未使用setLoginTimeout方法設定該值則返回預設值0
    * 但是我並沒有看懂在什麼情況下會呼叫該方法,因為如果props為null或者props中沒有loginTimeout屬性,應該返回了列舉類中預設的0值
    * 而如果丟擲異常也不會執行此處的return
    return (long) DriverManager.getLoginTimeout() * 1000;



  private static class ConnectThread implements Runnable {
    ConnectThread(String url, Properties props) {
      this.url = url;
      this.props = props;

        public void run() {
          Connection conn;
          Throwable error;
          try {
            conn = makeConnection(url, props);
            error = null;
          } catch (Throwable t) {
            conn = null;
            error = t;

          synchronized (this) {
            if (abandoned) {
              if (conn != null) {
                try {
                } catch (SQLException e) {
            } else {
            //Connection result,Throwable resultException;為ConnectThread類的私有成員變數
              result = conn;
              resultException = error;

    public Connection getResult(long timeout) throws SQLException {
      long expiry = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
      * 在這個同步程式碼塊裡面檢查連線是否獲取與連線是否超時
      * 連線的獲取線上程run()方法中進行,主執行緒執行start方法後run方法與getResult方法進入多執行緒執行場景
      synchronized (this) {
        //迴圈檢查連線是否獲取,若獲取則返回Connection result
        while (true) {
          if (result != null) {
            return result;
          //Throwable resultException 變數在run()執行緒中定義
          if (resultException != null) {
            if (resultException instanceof SQLException) {
              throw (SQLException) resultException;
            } else {
              throw new PSQLException(
                      "Something unusual has occurred to cause the driver to fail. Please report this exception."),
                  PSQLState.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, resultException);
          long delay = expiry - System.currentTimeMillis();
          if (delay <= 0) {
            abandoned = true;
            throw new PSQLException(GT.tr("Connection attempt timed out."),

          try {
          } catch (InterruptedException ie) {

            // reset the interrupt flag
            abandoned = true;
            // throw an unchecked exception which will hopefully not be ignored by the calling code
            throw new RuntimeException(GT.tr("Interrupted while attempting to connect."));

    private final String url;
    private final Properties props;
    private Connection result;
    private Throwable resultException;
    private boolean abandoned;





private static Connection makeConnection(String url, Properties props) throws SQLException {
    return new PgConnection(hostSpecs(props), user(props), database(props), props, url);

  private static HostSpec[] hostSpecs(Properties props) {
    String[] hosts = props.getProperty("PGHOST").split(",");
    String[] ports = props.getProperty("PGPORT").split(",");
    HostSpec[] hostSpecs = new HostSpec[hosts.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < hostSpecs.length; ++i) {
      hostSpecs[i] = new HostSpec(hosts[i], Integer.parseInt(ports[i]));
    return hostSpecs;

  private static String user(Properties props) {
    return props.getProperty("user", "");

  private static String database(Properties props) {
    return props.getProperty("PGDBNAME", "");




這就是說,一個呼叫者在呼叫doPrivileged方法時,可被標識為 “特權”。





  private Properties defaultProperties;

  private synchronized Properties getDefaultProperties() throws IOException {
    if (defaultProperties != null) {
      return defaultProperties;

    // Make sure we load properties with the maximum possible privileges.
    try {
      defaultProperties =
          AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Properties>() {
            public Properties run() throws IOException {
              return loadDefaultProperties();
    } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
      throw (IOException) e.getException();

    return defaultProperties;



public enum PGProperty {
 LOGIN_TIMEOUT("loginTimeout", "0",
      "Specify how long to wait for establishment of a database connection."),
  private String _name;
  private String _defaultValue;
  private boolean _required;
  private String _description;
  private String[] _choices;
  PGProperty(String name, String defaultValue, String description) {
    this(name, defaultValue, description, false);

  PGProperty(String name, String defaultValue, String description, boolean required) {
    this(name, defaultValue, description, required, (String[]) null);

  PGProperty(String name, String defaultValue, String description, boolean required,
      String... choices) {
    _name = name;
    _defaultValue = defaultValue;
    _required = required;
    _description = description;
    _choices = choices;
  public String get(Properties properties) {
    return properties.getProperty(_name, _defaultValue);