單鏈表實現的通訊錄 (檔案)
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-07
格式: 編號 姓 名 住址 電話
201701 *** xxxx 183****5668
(1)新增使用者資訊(號碼長度 號碼是否重複)
格式: 編號 姓 名 住址 電話
201701 *** xxxx 183****5668
(1)新增使用者資訊(號碼長度 號碼是否重複)
/***************************************************** > File name: student.h > Author: Mr.YUAN > 日期: 2017-12-04 16:14 *****************************************************/ #ifndef STUDENT_H_ #define STUDENT_H_ #define success 1001 #define failure 1002 struct student { char num[20]; char name[20]; char phone[20]; char tel[20]; char addr[20]; struct student *next; }; typedef struct student stu; typedef stu *Stu; int list_init(Stu *L); int menu(); int list_insert(Stu *L); int list_traverse(Stu L); int modify_list(Stu L); int delete_list(Stu L); int search_list(Stu L); #endif
/***************************************************** > File name: Student.c > Author: Mr.YUAN > 日期: 2017-12-04 16:14 *****************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include"student.h" #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> int list_init(Stu *L) { (*L) = (Stu )malloc(sizeof(stu)); if(NULL == (*L)) return failure; (*L)->next == NULL; return success; } int menu() { int choice; int ret; printf("====================================================\n"); printf("| |\n"); printf("|-------------Welcome to telephone system----------|\n"); printf("| |\n"); printf("|==================================================|\n"); printf("| 1.input information | 2.show information |\n"); printf("| 3.modify information| 4.delete information |\n"); printf("| 5.search information| 6.exit system |\n"); printf("|==================================================|\n"); printf("| please choose :..... |\n"); printf("|--------------------------------------------------|\n"); ret = scanf("%d",&choice); while(ret != 1 ||(choice != 1 && choice != 2 && choice != 3 && choice != 4 && choice != 5 && choice != 6 && choice != 7)) { printf("enter wrong,please enter again!\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); } if(choice == 1 || choice == 2 || choice == 3 || choice == 4 || choice == 5 || choice == 6 || choice == 7) return choice; } int list_insert(Stu *L) { Stu p = (Stu )malloc(sizeof(stu)); Stu q = *L; Stu s = q; printf("please input num:...\n"); scanf("%s",p->num); while(q->next != NULL) { if(strcmp(p->num,q->num) == 0) { printf("num duplication,please input again!\n"); scanf("%s",p->num); } q = q->next; } q = (*L); printf("please input name:...\n"); scanf("%s",p->name); while(q->next != NULL) { if(strcmp(p->name,q->name) == 0) { printf("name duplication,please input again!\n"); scanf("%s",p->name); } q = q->next; } q = (*L); printf("please input phone:...\n"); scanf("%s",p->phone); while(strlen(p->phone) != 11) { printf("input wrong,please input again!\n"); scanf("%s",p->phone); } while(q->next != NULL) { if(strcmp(p->phone,q->phone) == 0) { printf("phone duplication,please input again!\n"); scanf("%s",p->phone); } q = q->next; } q = (*L); printf("please input tel:...\n"); scanf("%s",p->tel); while(strlen(p->tel) != 8) { printf("input wrong,please input again!\n"); scanf("%s",p->tel); } while(q->next != NULL) { if(strcmp(p->tel,q->tel) == 0) { printf("tel duplication,please input again!\n"); scanf("%s",p->tel); } q = q->next; } q = (*L); printf("please input addr:...\n"); scanf("%s",p->addr); while(q->next != NULL) { if(strcmp(q->next->name,p->name) > 0) { p->next = q->next; q->next = p; return success; } q = q->next; } p->next = q->next; q->next = p; /* int fd; int ret; fd = open("student.txt",O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_APPEND,S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if(-1 == fd) { perror("open1"); return; } ret = write(fd,p,sizeof(stu)); if(-1 == ret) { perror("write1"); return; } close(fd);*/ return success; } int list_traverse(Stu L) { Stu p = L->next; if(L == NULL) return failure; while(p != NULL) { printf("num :%s\n",p->num); printf("name :%s\n",p->name); printf("tel :%s\n",p->tel); printf("phone :%s\n",p->phone); printf("addr :%s\n",p->addr); printf("\n"); p = p->next; } /*int fd; int ret; fd = open("student.txt", O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if(fd == -1) { perror("open1\n"); return; } Stu p = (Stu)malloc(sizeof(stu)); Stu h = (Stu)malloc(sizeof(stu)); */ } int modify_list(Stu L) { char a[20]; char b[20]; char c[20]; char name[20]; Stu p = L->next; Stu m = L->next; int choice,d; printf("please input the name you want to modify\n"); scanf("%s",name); if(p == NULL) return failure; while(p != NULL) { if(strcmp(p->name,name) == 0) { while(1) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("| 1.phone 2.tel 3.addr |\n"); printf("===============4.exit==============\n"); printf("please input your choise:...\n"); d = scanf("%d",&choice); while(d != 1 ||(choice != 1 && choice != 2 && choice != 3 && choice != 4)) { printf("enter wrong,please enter again!\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); } switch(choice) { case 1: { system("clear"); printf("please input new phone:...\n"); scanf("%s",a); while(strlen(a) != 11) { printf("input wrong,please input again\n"); scanf("%s",a); } while(m != NULL) { if(strcmp(m->phone,a) == 0) { printf("phone duplication,please input again!\n"); scanf("%s",a); continue; } m = m->next; } strcpy(p->phone,a); printf("modify phone success!\n"); break; } case 2: { system("clear"); printf(" please input new tel:...\n"); scanf("%s",b); while(strlen(b) != 8) { printf("input wrong,please input again\n"); scanf("%s",b); } while(m != NULL) { if(strcmp(m->tel,b) == 0) { printf("tel duplication,please input again!\n"); scanf("%s",b); continue; } m = m->next; } strcpy(p->tel,b); printf("modify tel success!\n"); break; } case 3: { system("clear"); printf("please input new addr:...\n"); scanf("%s",c); strcpy(p->addr,c); printf("modify addr success!\n"); break; } case 4: { system("clear"); return 0; break; } default:printf("unknow,please input again!\n"); } printf("按回車建返回選擇選單.....\n"); getchar(); getchar(); } } p = p->next; } return 0; } int search_list(Stu L) { char name[20]; Stu p = L->next; printf("please input the name you want to search:...\n"); scanf("%s",name); if(p == NULL) return failure; while(p != NULL) { if(strcmp(p->name,name) == 0) { printf("name:%s\nnum:%s\nphone:%s\n",p->name,p->num,p->phone); printf("tel:%s\naddr:%s\n",p->tel,p->addr); break; } p = p->next; } return success; } int delete_list(Stu L) { char name[20]; Stu p = L; Stu m = (Stu)malloc(sizeof(stu)); printf("please input the name you want to delete:...\n"); scanf("%s",name); if( p->next == NULL) return failure; while(p->next != NULL) { if(strcmp(p->next->name,name) == 0) { m = p->next; p->next = m->next; free(m); return 1; } p = p->next; } }
/***************************************************** > File name: TestStudent.c > Author: Mr.YUAN > 日期: 2017-12-04 16:15 *****************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include"student.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> void write_data(Stu L) { FILE *fp; Stu p = L->next; fp = fopen("student","a+"); if(fp == NULL) { perror("fopen"); exit(1); } while(p) { fwrite(p,sizeof(stu),1,fp); p = p->next; } fclose(fp); } void read_data(Stu L) { Stu tmp = (Stu)malloc(sizeof(stu)); FILE *fp = fopen("student","rb"); int ret; Stu p = L; if(fp == NULL) { perror("fopen"); exit(1); } while(ret = fread(tmp,1,sizeof(stu),fp)) { tmp->next = p->next; p->next = tmp; p = p->next; printf("num:%s\n",tmp->num); printf("name:%s\n",tmp->name); printf("phone:%s\n",tmp->phone); printf("tel:%s\n",tmp->tel); printf("addr:%s\n",tmp->addr); tmp = (Stu)malloc(sizeof(stu)); } fclose(fp); } int main() { Stu list; int ret; int choice = 0; FILE *fp; Stu p = (Stu)malloc(sizeof(stu)); if(NULL == p) { printf("malloc failure!\n"); } ret = list_init(&list); if(ret == failure) printf("init failure!\n"); read_data(list); sleep(3); while(1) { system("clear"); choice = menu(); switch(choice) { case 1: { system("clear"); ret = list_insert(&list); if(ret == success) printf("insert informatoin success!\n"); break; } case 2: { system("clear"); ret == list_traverse(list); if(ret == failure) printf("traverse failure!\n"); break; } case 3: { system("clear"); ret = modify_list(list); if(ret == failure) printf("modify failure\n"); break; } case 4: { system("clear"); ret = delete_list(list); if(ret == failure) printf("delete failure\n"); break; } case 5: { system("clear"); ret = search_list(list); if(ret == failure) printf("search failure\n"); break; } case 6: { system("clear"); write_data(list); printf("thank you for use..\n"); exit(0); } default :printf("unknow,please input again\n"); } printf("\n\n按回車建返回主選單........"); getchar(); getchar(); } write_data(list); return 0; }