const char* c_str ( ) const;public member function
const char* c_str ( ) const;
Get C string equivalent
Generates a null-terminated sequence of characters (c-string) with the same content as the string object and returns it as a pointer to an array of characters.A terminating null character is automatically appended.
The returned array points to an internal location with the required storage space for this sequence of characters plus its terminating null-character, but the values in this array should not be modified in the program and are only guaranteed to remain unchanged until the next call to a non-constant member function of the string object
標準標頭檔案<cstring>包含操作c-串的函式庫。這些庫函式表達了我們希望使用的幾乎每種字串操作。 當呼叫庫函式,客戶程式提供的是
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
int main(void) {
string add_to = "hello!";
const string add_on = "baby";
const char *cfirst = add_to.c_str();
const char *csecond = add_on.c_str();
char *copy = new char[strlen(cfirst) + strlen(csecond) + 1];
strcpy(copy, cfirst);
strcat(copy, csecond);
add_to = copy;
cout << "copy: " << copy << endl;
delete [] copy;
cout << "add_to: " << add_to << endl;
return 0;
copy: hello!baby
add_to: hello!baby
_str()函式返回一個指向正規C字串的指標, 內容與本string串相同.
這是為了與c語言相容,在c語言中沒有string型別,故必須通過string類物件的成員函式c_str()把string 物件轉換成c中的字串樣式。
注意:一定要使用strcpy()函式 等來操作方法c_str()返回的指標
char* c;
string s="1234";
c = s.c_str();
在vc++2010中提示的錯誤原因: Error:不能將"const char*”型的值分配到"char*"型別的實體。
char c[20];
string s="1234";