1. 程式人生 > >The Password Reset MitM Attack 翻譯 (谷歌)密碼重置中間人攻擊

The Password Reset MitM Attack 翻譯 (谷歌)密碼重置中間人攻擊

The Password Reset MitMAttack

Abstract—Wepresent the password reset MitM (PRMitM) attack and show how it can be used totake over user accounts. The PRMitM attack exploits the similarity of theregistration and password reset processes to launch a man in the middle (MitM)attack at the application level. The attacker initiates a password resetprocess with a website and forwards every challenge to the victim who eitherwishes to register in the attacking site or to access a particular resource onit.


The attack hasseveral variants, including exploitation of a password reset process thatrelies on the victim’s mobile phone, using either SMS or phone call. Weevaluated the PRMitM attacks on Google and Facebook users in severalexperiments, and found that their password reset process is vulnerable to thePRMitM attack. Other websites and some popular mobile applications arevulnerable as well.


Althoughsolutions seem trivial in some cases, our experiments show that thestraightforward solutions are not as effective as expected. We designed andevaluated two secure password reset processes and evaluated them on users ofGoogle and Facebook. Our results indicate a significant improvement in thesecurity.


Since millionsof accounts are currently vulnerable to the PRMitM attack, we also present alist of recommendations for implementing and auditing the password resetprocess.



A password isthe primary and most popular mechanism for account protection. Users ofweb-services all use passwords to prevent unauthorized parties from accessingtheir accounts. For decades, this key role of passwords in the security worldhas attracted many hackers and security researchers.


The firstcomputers had no need for passwords, and physical obstacles were the onlysecurity countermeasures. The need for passwords appeared with the rise ofshared environments. Initially, passwords were saved in plain text. The firstcases of password theft introduced the need for other solutions, such as usingencryption, hashing, and salt.


Despite theimprovements in secure password storage techniques, attackers still hackdatabases and get information about users and their hashed passwords. Theattackers then try to break the passwords offline using classical attacks likebruteforce or dictionary attacks.


Even the mostsecure password storage will not help a user who chooses a weak password.Unfortunately, many users tend to choose easy to remember but also easy toguess passwords. To prevent users from making this kind of mistake, manywebsites force their users to use strong passwords, or at least give them anindication about the strength of their password. Enforcing strong passwords byapplying restrictions to the user passwords and providing indications about thestrength of the password were shown to be effective. In addition to the strongpassword requirement, web-services such as banks, which allow sensitive operations,often force their clients to change their passwords frequently. Choosing astrong password and ensuring it is securely stored are imperative tomaintaining account security. However, these efforts are not worth much if thepassword reset process is vulnerable to attacks.


The fact thatmany users tend to forget their passwords has raised the need for passwordreset mechanisms. Paradoxically, the security requirements for choosing strongunique passwords and periodically replacing them, only makes passwordforgetting more common. Today, most of the websites with a password-based loginsystem allow users to reset a lost password.


Passwordresetting is a challenging process. The website needs to ensure that the usercan prove her identity without that password. Most websites rely on the emailaddress of the victim, e.g., by sending a reset password link to the emailaddress that was used to register the website account. However, this becomesmuch more challenging for the very important websites that provide the emailservices.


Websites thatcannot reset passwords via email address, and websites that support cases inwhich the user lost access to a registered email account, offer alternativeways to reset the password. These websites use security questions or othercommunication channels such as mobile phone to authenticate the user before shereceives the option to reset her password.


This papershows that existing password reset processes in many popular websites arevulnerable to attacks by a weak attacker. In particular, we characterize,research, and evalute a new attack, which we call password resetman-in-the-middle (PRMitM).


In a basicPRMitM attack, a user accessed the website of an attacker to get a resource,e.g., free software. The attacker requires the user to login for free in orderto access the resource. During the registration process, or via othercross-site attacks, the attacker gets the email address of the victim. Then, onthe server side, the attacker accesses the email service provider website andinitiates a password reset process. The attacker forwards every challenge thathe gets from the email service provider to the victim in the registrationprocess. In the other direction, every ”solution” that is typed by the victimin the registration process is forwarded to the email service provider. Thatway, the cross-site attacker is actually a man in the middle of a passwordreset process.


Some of thechallenges the attacker may come up against when he tries to reset a user’spassword are CAPTCHA challenges, security questions, and code that is sent tothe mobile phone. Figure 1 illustrates a basic PRMitM attack.


Counterintuitively,websites that rely only on sending password reset message code to the user’smobile phone are sometimes more vulnerable to the attack. This is because theattacker can launch the PRMitM attack on them even in scenarios that are simplerthan registration to a website.


We explore andanalyze the different password reset SMS messages sent by popular websites totheir users as well as password reset using phone calls.


We surveyed thepassword-reset mechanism of the most popular websites and of other popularemail service providers, and analyzed how vulnerable they are. Our findingsshow that popular websites are vulnerable to PRMitM attacks, some of them veryseverely.


For example, wefound that Google, the most popular website in the world, is extremelyvulnerable to PRMitM attacks that exploit Google password reset using a phonecall. We also evaluated the PRMitM attack using SMS messages on Facebook, theworld’s second most popular website. Beyond Google and Facebook, we foundvulnerabilities in Yahoo!, LinkedIn, Yandex and other email services. We alsodiscovered additional problems that occur in other websites and analyzed PRMitMvulnerabilities in mobile messaging applications like Whatsapp and Snapchat.


Beyond thesurprisingly high number of vulnerable popular services, our findings includeseveral problems, some of them surprising, that have not considered before inthe design of secure password-reset process:


1) Informativepassword-reset messages do not prevent exploitation of users, mainly becausemany users ignore the text and just copy the code.

2) Users mightbe vulnerable to the attack, depending on their language settings. This iseither due to difference in the content of password-reset messages in differentlanguages or due to services that provide services in several languages, butsend password-reset messages in another language.

3) The PRMitMattack can be used to take over accounts of very popular websites (e.g.,Facebook) given minimal information about the user (e.g., phone number only).This allows easy exploitation in additional scenarios (not registration).




As existingdesigns of password-reset processes are vulnerable, we designed secure passwordreset processes using SMS and phone calls. We then evaluated theireffectiveness on real Facebook and Google users with excellent results, mainlycompared to the poor results achieved by their current mechanisms. We summarizeour work with a list of recommendations for testing and improving the securityof password reset processes in many websites.



We make thefollowing contributions: 1) Introduce the PRMitM attack, a new attack thatexploits bad design of password-reset process in websites and applications. 2)Evaluate the PRMitM attack on Google and Facebook, the two most popularwebsites in the world. 3) Review the password reset processes of many popularwebsites and comparing the different approaches. 4) Explore further andidentify similar vulnerabilities in popular mobile applications. 5) Designsecure password reset processes using SMS and phone calls, and evaluate of themon Google and Facebook users. This was necessary, as our experiments indicatedthat in some cases, the straightforward solutions are not effective enough (seeExperiment 2). 6) List recommendations for the secure design of the passwordreset process. Following the number of popular websites affected, this list iscritical for quickly patching the vulnerabilities.



Our work hasalready helped several popular services improve the security of their passwordreset process. We believe it will help many other websites protect their users.



We begin with adescription of the adversary model in Section II; this section also includes asurvey that justifies the practicality of this model. In Section III, wedescribe the basic PRMitM attack. In Sections IV and V, we present and evaluatePRMitM attacks on password reset processes using SMS and phone-calls,respectively. Section VI shows that the PRMitM attack can also be launched onsome mobile applications. Section VII presents possible defenses and evaluatesthem, and Section VIII discusses related work. The last two sections summarizeour findings in a list of recommendations that can be used by websites to testand improve their password reset processes.




Our instituteshave no ethics committee. Nevertheless, we followed common sense and advicefrom experts to conduct the research ethically.

We reported ourfindings to the vulnerable vendors. Vendors that are severely vulnerable to thePRMitM attack, either fixed the vulnerability (Snapchat, Yahoo!) or informed usthat they plan to fix the vulnerability (Google, LinkedIn and Yandex). Otherwebsites, which are less vulnerable (e.g., Facebook) thanked us, and told usthey will consider using our findings in the future, but they do not plan toapply fixes soon.

In theexperiments we conducted, we avoided accessing information we did not get fromthe participants in advance. We also did not take over their accounts or changeanything in their accounts. Additionally, we did not keep any privateinformation beyond the final results (e.g., attack has succeeded or not).





D.Methodology Challenges andLimitations

This paperpresents a set of attacks and evaluates them on different settings. Althoughthe attack exploits vulnerability in the design of the password-reset process,the attack includes interaction with users. Hence, extensively rely on userstudies and surveys. Totally, 536 participants took part in the surveys and theexperiments that were done in this research; each of them participated only inonce experiment or survey.


The need ofmany participants for both the surveys and the experiments was a technicalchallenge for us. Moreover, the nature of most of the experiments made thischallenge becomes even harder. As our experiments simulate versions of thePRMitM attack, we preferred to rely on volunteers that will feel free to leavethe experiment at any step. If participants get money, they might feelobligated to complete the experiment.


Like many otherresearches on related topics like phishing and password security, e.g., wedecided to rely on students from our institute. Although it is preferred toconduct larger user studies also on other populations, like other researchers,we believe that conducting all the experiments and the surveys with studentsgives good and reliable results that are relevant also for other populations.Other alternatives like Amazon Mechanical Turk workers (which is not availablein our country) are not better, as there are many common characteristics to theusers there.


Except of theages of the students that were used to make sure that all the participants areadults, we did not collect any private information about the participants, aswe did not think that this is necessary for the results. Of course, all theparticipants are required to be web users; otherwise, they cannot be used toevaluate the situations discussed in this paper. Like in most of thedepartments in our institute, the ages of the students in all the experimentsranged between 18 and 35, almost uniformly.



To launch aPRMitM attack, the attacker only needs to control a website; no MitM oreavesdropping capabilities are required. The attacker attacks visitors of hiswebsite and takes over their accounts in other websites. This is similar tocross-site attacks like cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery, andclickjacking. We extend the discussion on the differences from cross-siteattacks and from phishing in Section II-B.


In order toinitiate the password reset process for a website in the name of the victim,the attacker needs basic pieces of information; these include items such asusername, email, or phone number. This information can be extracted from thevictim by the attacker during a registration process to the attacking website(Section III) or before some operations like file download, when the victim isrequired to identify herself using her phone.


For somewebsites, the attacker may be able to use cross-site attacks such as cross-sitescripting, cross-site script inclusion, or newer techniques to gather detailsabout the user. However, the use of these techniques implies restrictions,e.g., the user must be logged into the attacked website (see below for moredetails).

對於某些網站,攻擊者可能能夠使用跨站點攻擊,例如跨站點指令碼,跨站點指令碼包含或更新的技術來收集有關使用者的詳細資訊。 然而,這些技術的使用意味著限制,例如,使用者必須登入到攻擊的網站(更多細節見下文)。

In addition toa visit to the attacker’s website, the attacking page has to lure the victimsinto registering or inputting their phone number to get a code. To do that, theattacker can apply known and common methods. For example, the attacker cancreate a website that offers (or claims to offer) free services, e.g.,streaming or files download. The website can require basic authentication(prove you are not a bot) before accessing some or all the services or torestrict them only for registered users. Section II-A shows that thisrequirement is reasonable.


A.Personal Details in UnknownWebsites

Our attack isbased on the assumption that users will agree to register or to have a one-timecode sent to their phone in order to enjoy services online. Although it will begood for attacking website to provide valuable services to attract potentialvictims, in practice, the attacking website can only claim it is offering suchservices.



To test thisassumption we conducted an anonymous survey among students in our institute. Inthe short survey, we asked participants whether they would agree to eitherregister to a website or prove they are human using their phone or both theoptions, in order to use common online services such as file downloads forfree.


Among 138participants, only 6 claimed they will never register for unknown websites orgive their phone number, no matter what free services are offered. Of theparticipants, 60.9% said they would agree to use both the options. Anadditional 27.5% would only agree to register, and the remaining 7.2% wouldonly agree to identify themselves using their phone.

在138名參與者當中,只有6人聲稱他們永遠不會註冊不知名的網站或給他們的電話號碼,不管提供什麼免費服務。 60.9%的受訪者表示同意使用這兩種方案。 另有27.5%的人只會同意登記,其餘的7.2%只會同意使用電話表示身份。

These resultsstrengthen our assumption and show that the adversary model, in which victimsregister or authenticate themselves using their phones, reflects a commonsituation on the web.


Some of ourcolleagues were surprised by the willingness of users to use their phonenumber. For ethical reasons, we could not create a website with attractivecontent, and a fake website would not do the job. Hence, we conducted asimulation with the participation of another 99 students.

我們有些同事對使用者使用他們的電話號碼的意願感到驚訝。 出於道德原因,我們不能建立一個有吸引力的內容的網站,一個虛假的網站不會做這項工作。 因此,我們進行了一個模擬,另有99名學生的參與。

In thissimulation, we described a website that stores files and requires a valid phonenumber to download them. The verification is done via SMS code, and the user isonly required to insert his phone number.

在這個模擬中,我們描述了一個儲存檔案的網站,並且需要一個有效的電話號碼來下載它們。 驗證通過簡訊程式碼完成,使用者只需要輸入他的電話號碼。

We asked theparticipants whether they would agree to insert their phone number to receivethe files in which they are interested. Of these, 39.4% said they would inserttheir phone number immediately, and 14.1% said they would first try to obtainthe files via friends or via online SMS services. An additional 18.2% percentsaid they would insert their phone number only if they really needed the files(rather than just wanting them). In total, 71.7% of the participants wouldagree to insert their phone number.


B.Comparison to Cross-SiteAttacks and Phishing


Visiting amalicious page might expose the user to several attacks. If the browser or oneof its plugins has security bugs, an attacker could exploit these bugs to takeover the entire machine. However, finding such bugs is considered a difficulttask. Once a critical zero-day bug is discovered, it is quickly patched bypopular browser vendors such as Chrome and Firefox.


Other riskscome from vulnerabilities in the websites themselves, although it is challengingto find security bugs in popular websites. An attacker who wants to take overan account using classical web attacks like XSS or CSRF, has to intenselyexplore each of its target websites. Without finding a vulnerability it is hardto know for sure whether the website is vulnerable or not. Unlike PRMitM, incross-site attacks users must also be authenticated to the attacked website.

其他風險來自網站本身的漏洞,儘管在熱門網站上發現安全漏洞是一項挑戰。 想要使用XSS或CSRF等傳統網路攻擊來佔用賬號的攻擊者必須深入探索其每個目標網站。沒有發現漏洞,很難確定網站是否易受攻擊。與PRMitM不同的是,在跨站點攻擊中,使用者還必須對受攻擊的網站進行身份驗證。

On the otherhand, more interaction between the attacking page and the victim is required tolaunch PRMitM attacks. Unlike clickjacking and some XSS attacks, where only afew clicks are required, in PRMitM attacks, the victim is required to performan operation in the attacking page and to insert at least a single minimalcorrect piece of information about herself, e.g., a phone number.


The need toinsert private information is similar to phishing attacks in websites. However,in phishing attacks, the attacking page impersonates a legitimate website andtricks the victim into inserting her credentials (username and password). In PRMitMattacks, the victim is only required to give personal information (e.g., phonenumber) that users agree to give in order to get some services (see SectionII-A).


Sophisticatedphishing attacks might also follow similar application-level MitM approach toimitate legitimate websites or during the entire login process. Such a MitMapproach might overcome also 2-factor authentication schemes, as the victiminserts codes and passwords into the phishing website. Hence, one might missthe most significant difference between phishing and PRMitM attacks: thevulnerability itself. Namely, for each of the attacks, there is a differentanswer to the question what is being exploited?


Phishingattacks exploit the users; there is no bug in the design of the attackedwebsite and the attacker exploits unwary users who ignore indications given tothem by the browsers. On the other hand, PRMitM attacks exploit bugs in thedesign of password-reset process.


The greatestchallenge of the phishing attacker is the impersonation to another website.Users with minimal understanding can detect phishing attempts by carefullychecking the site URL and whether HTTPS is on. Other anti-phishing solutionsmake the launch of phishing attacks harder also against other users. The PRMitMattack obviates the need for impersonation; it can be launched naturally fromevery website.


As the PRMitMattack exploits server-side design bug, depending on the severity of thevulnerability, there is no chance for the users and other client-side defenses(e.g., browser builtin mechanisms or extensions) to detect the attack. Table Isummarizes the comparison.




This sectiondescribes the basic password reset MitM (PRMitM) attack, and presents thechallenges and difficulties of the attacker. This section also surveys themechanisms used by popular websites during the password recovery process.

本節介紹基本的密碼重設MitM(PRMitM)攻擊,並介紹攻擊者的挑戰和困難。 本節還將對密碼恢復過程中受歡迎網站使用的機制進行調查。

Password ResetMitM Attack 密碼重置MitM攻擊

The basicPRMitM attack exploits the similarity between the registration process and thepassword reset process. In both the processes, it is common to solve CAPTCHAchallenges, answer security questions, get a confirmation link to the email, orto type in a code that is sent to a phone number. Hence, the attacker can takechallenges from a password reset process of Our attack is based on theassumption that users will agree to register or to have a one-time code sent totheir phone in order to enjoy services online. Although it will be good forattacking website to provide valuable services to attract 253 a user, andpresent them to her as legitimate challenges during the registration process.

基本的PRMitM攻擊利用註冊過程和密碼重置過程之間的相似性。 在這兩個過程中,解決CAPTCHA挑戰,回答安全問題,獲得電子郵件的確認連結,或輸入傳送到電話號碼的程式碼是很常見的。 因此,攻擊者可以從密碼重置過程中挑戰我們的攻擊是基於這樣的假設,即使用者同意註冊或者將一次性程式碼傳送到他們的電話以便線上享受服務。 雖然攻擊網站有利於提供有價值的服務來吸引使用者,並在註冊過程中作為合法的挑戰呈現給使用者。

We now describethe attack in detail. For simplicity, we describe the attacked website as theemail service provider of the victim. When a user initiates a registrationprocess in the attacker’s website, the attacker either asks the user toidentify herself with her email address or launches another cross-site attackto extract it .

我們現在詳細描述這個攻擊。 為簡單起見,我們將被攻擊的網站描述為受害者的電子郵件服務提供者。 當用戶在攻擊者的網站上啟動註冊過程時,攻擊者要求使用者用自己的電子郵件地址標識自己,或者啟動另一個跨站點攻擊來提取它。

Once theattacker knows the victim’s email address, he already knows both her emailservice provider and her username in this service. The attacker initiates a passwordreset procedure against the attacked website with the email address of thevictim. The attacker acts as man in the middle between the victim user and theattacked website in the password reset procedure.

一旦攻擊者知道受害者的電子郵件地址,他就已經知道她的電子郵件服務提供者和她在這個服務中的使用者名稱。 攻擊者利用受害者的電子郵件地址對攻擊的網站發起密碼重置程式。 在密碼重置程式中,攻擊者充當受害者使用者和被攻擊網站之間的中間人

The attackerforwards almost every challenge (see Section III-C) from the attacked websiteto the victim under the cover of the registration process. This process isillustrated in Figure 1. Given the email address of the victim, the attackercan similarly initiate a password reset process in the name of the victim inother websites, e.g., Facebook.   

攻擊者幾乎把每一個挑戰(見第三節C)從受到攻擊的網站傳送到受害者的註冊過程中。 該過程如圖1所示。給定受害者的電子郵件地址,攻擊者可以類似地在其他網站(例如Facebook)中以受害者的名義啟動密碼重置過程。


We now discussthe four most common challenges that the attacker may encounter during thepassword reset process. The challenges are described from the easiest to themost difficult. 1) CAPTCHA Challenges: CAPTCHA challenges do not aim to preventan attacker from resetting the password, but rather aim to prevent the attackerfrom doing this automatically. A human attacker should be able to solve CAPTCHAchallenges just like a human victim. However, to launch the PRMitM attack on alarger scale it is necessary to solve them automatically. Therefore, the PRMitMattacker forwards the CAPTCHA challenges to the victim users, and forwards thesolutions submitted by them back to the attacked website. 2) Security Question:Another identification challenge is presented by security questions. During theregistration, users are sometimes asked to answer personal question(s) thatwill be used to identify them in case the password is lost or forgotten. Whenthe attacker receives a security question in the password reset process, he canjust forward this question to the victim who is currently registering to theattacker’s website. The attacker will forward the user’s answer on to theattacked website. 3) Code to the Mobile Phone: Authentication can be done viaone of three approaches: (1) something you know (e.g., password), (2) somethingyou are (e.g., fingerprints), and (3) something you have (e.g., special tokendevice or a phone) Therefore, when users forget their password, many websitesallow them to authenticate themselves via something they have, like a mobilephone. This is usually done by sending a message with a password reset code tothe phone of the user via SMS. Some websites also support an automated phonecall to the user, in which the code is given. The user is required to insertthis code in order to change her password. In Section IV, we analyze thedifferent messages sent by popular websites and show that it is possible launcha PRMitM attack also in this case. In Section V, we show that phone calls arealso vulnerable to the attack. 4) Reset Link to the Email: The most commoncountermeasure involves sending a link to reset the password of the victim’semail address. To bypass this mechanism, the attacker must be able to access datain the email account of the victim; therefore, the PRMitM attack cannot beapplied on websites that allow password reset only by sending a reset link tothe email. Unfortunately, this option is usually not relevant for the emailservices themselves. Moreover, relying only on this option blocks passwordrecovery when users have lost access to their email account.

我們現在討論攻擊者在密碼重置過程中可能遇到的四個最常見的挑戰。挑戰從最簡單到最困難的描述。 1)驗證碼挑戰:驗證碼挑戰不是為了防止攻擊者重新設定密碼,而是為了防止攻擊者自動進行。人類攻擊者應該能夠像人類受害者一樣解決CAPTCHA的挑戰。但是,要在更大規模上啟動PRMitM攻擊,則需要自動解決這個問題。因此,PRMitM攻擊者將CAPTCHA挑戰轉發給受害使用者,並將他們提交的解決方案轉發回受攻擊的網站。 2)安全問題:安全問題提出了另一個身份驗證挑戰。在註冊過程中,有時會要求使用者回答用於識別密碼的個人問題,以防密碼遺失或遺忘。當攻擊者在密碼重置過程中收到安全問題時,他只能將此問題轉發給當前正在註冊攻擊者網站的受害者。攻擊者會將使用者的答案轉發到被攻擊的網站。 3)手機程式碼:驗證可以通過以下三種方法之一完成:(1)你知道的東西(例如密碼),(2)你的東西(例如指紋)和(3)你有的東西例如,特殊的令牌裝置或電話)。因此,當用戶忘記密碼時,許多網站允許他們通過他們有的東西(如手機)進行身份驗證。這通常是通過傳送帶有密碼重置碼的訊息通過SMS到使用者的電話來完成的。一些網站還支援給使用者的自動電話,其中給出了該程式碼。使用者需要插入此程式碼才能更改密碼。在第四節中,我們分析了流行網站傳送的不同訊息,並表明在這種情況下也可能發起PRMitM攻擊。在第五節中,我們表明,電話也容易受到攻擊。 4)重置連結到電子郵件:最常見的對策包括髮送連結重置受害者的電子郵件地址的密碼。為了繞過這個機制,攻擊者必須能夠訪問受害者的電子郵件帳戶中的資料;因此,PRMitM攻擊不能應用於僅通過向電子郵件傳送重置連結來允許密碼重置的網站。不幸的是,這個選項通常與電子郵件服務本身無關。而且,僅僅依靠這個選項阻止了使用者在失去訪問他們的電子郵件帳戶時的密碼恢復。

Challenges inPopular Websites 熱門網站的挑戰

 We surveyed the challenges used during thepassword reset process by the most popular websites in the world . Table IIsummarizes the findings. The 10 most popular websites support password resetusing the user’s email account and most of them allow password reset using aphone as an alternative.

我們調查了世界上最受歡迎的網站在密碼重置過程中使用的挑戰。 表二總結了調查結果。 10個最受歡迎的網站使用使用者的電子郵件帳戶支援密碼重置,其中大部分網站允許使用電話重置密碼

Google is theonly one that also supports security questions, and three of them requiresolving a CAPTCHA in addition to one of the first two challenges.


We alsosurveyed popular email-services, because those have difficulty offering anemail-based password recovery process. Email-services are usually verysensitive; by obtaining access to the victim’s email account, an attacker canfurther reset the password of other websites.

我們還對受歡迎的電子郵件服務進行了調查,因為這些服務很難提供基於電子郵件的密碼恢復流程。 電子郵件服務通常非常敏感, 通過訪問受害者的電子郵件賬號,攻擊者可以進一步重置其他網站的密碼。

The challengesused by popular email-services that do not appear in Table II, are summarizedin Table III. We chose only email services to which we could register, all ofthem from USA, Russia, India, and Germany.

表III中總結了表II中未列出的常見電子郵件服務所使用的挑戰。 我們只選擇了我們可以註冊的電子郵件服務,全部來自美國,俄羅斯,印度和德國。

Among these 10email services, we found that Yandex, one of the most popular websites in theworld, mail.com, gmx.com and reddif.com allow password recovery by onlyanswering a security question and solving a CAPTCHA. In Yandex, this option ispossible only for users who did not input their phone and alternative email.This makes these websites vulnerable to a simple variant of the PRMitM attack,in which the attacker only forwards the security question and the CAPTCHAchallenge to the victim to solve, and then takes over the account.

在這10個電子郵件服務中,我們發現世界上最受歡迎的網站之一Yandex,mail.com,gmx.com和reddif.com只允許回答安全問題並解答驗證碼,從而允許恢復密碼。 在Yandex中,此選項僅適用於未輸入電話和備用電子郵件的使用者。 這使得這些網站很容易受到PRMitM攻擊的一個簡單變種,攻擊者只將安全問題和CAPTCHA挑戰轉發給受害者解決,然後接管賬戶。

Google alsosupports password recovery using security questions. However, Google’smechanism is mainly based on activities done by the user in the account, and onother parameters like the IP address and the browser used by the requester.Although Google also uses general security questions in some cases, PRMitMattack alone cannot be used to overcome the security questions. See alsoSection VII-A.

Google還使用安全問題來支援密碼恢復。 但是,Google的機制主要基於使用者在帳戶中完成的活動,以及其他引數,如請求者使用的IP地址和瀏覽器。 儘管Google在某些情況下也使用一般的安全問題,但單靠PRMitM攻擊無法解決安全問題。 另見第VII-A部分。

Clearly, mostof the popular websites and email services support authentication using amobile phone. In Sections IV and V, we show that sending the reset passwordcode by SMS or phone call is also vulnerable to attack.

顯然,大多數受歡迎的網站和電子郵件服務都支援使用手機進行身份驗證。 在第四節和第五節中,我們表明通過簡訊或電話傳送重置密碼也容易受到攻擊。

Evaluation:PRMitM with Security Question


As somewebsites still allow password reset that relies on security questions, weconducted a small user study (Experiment 1) to test whether or not usersprovide the correct answers for such questions. Since popular websites do notrely on security questions, we could not recruit participants and simulate areal attack on their accounts.

Yet, under theassumption that users who give the correct answer in a low-importance websitewould also correctly answer their security question in more reputable websites,the experiment should offer a good indication. Although not analyzed in thisexperiment, users who give the same wrong answer to both the attacked and theattacking websites, are vulnerable to the attack.
       由於一些網站仍然允許依賴安全問題的密碼重置,我們進行了一項小型的使用者研究(實驗1),以測試使用者是否為這些問題提供了正確的答案。 由於受歡迎的網站不依賴安全問題,我們無法招募參與者並模擬真實的賬戶攻擊。

然而,假設在低重要性網站上給出正確答案的使用者也可以在更有信譽的網站上正確回答他們的安全問題,這個實驗應該提供一個很好的指示。 儘管在這個實驗中沒有進行分析,但是對被攻擊和攻擊的網站給予同樣錯誤答案的使用者也很容易受到攻擊。

 EXPERIMENT 1: Correctness of securityquestion’s answer.


 Experimentprocess. Participants were asked to register to a website in order toperform a short experiment. During the registration process, they were asked totype their email address, and only then, to answer a classical securityquestion: What is your mother’s maiden name. Once the users completed theregistration, we asked them whether the answer they just typed was correct.

Ethics. We did not save anyprivate data about the participants. We only saved the answer distribution ofthe last question.

Participants. 52 volunteer students fromour institute.

Results. Although registering to alow-importance website, 76.9% of the participants provided the correct answerto the security question.

Bonneaue et al.conducted a larger survey with the participation of 1500 users. There, 37% ofthe participants reported that they gave wrong answer to the security questionwhen registering on their primary email account. Beyond the population and thenumber of participants, the difference in the results can be due to theexperiment process.

In ourexperiment, the users answered a security question; in the users were onlyasked about registration that probably occurred several years ago. It issurprising that the survey of did not include statistics about users that donot remember their answers. For example, the authors of this paper do not evenremember if they were asked to answer a security question during theirregistration to Gmail.

Even if only63% of the population are vulnerable to the attack, this is still a highpercentage and an indicator for the problem of relying on security questions.









Popular websitesalso usually offer mechanisms for password recovery to users who lost access totheir email account. The problems with security questions and the popularity ofmobile phones has made the authentication using mobile devices a preferredoption for password recovery (e.g., see Tables II and III). The most common wayto authenticate a user via mobile phone is by sending a code to the device. Theuser then has to insert the received code into the website to reset the password.


Unfortunately,in some cases, when the reset code is sent by SMS, the PRMitM attack is stillpossible. The attacker asks the victim for her phone number, claiming that acode will be sent to it. Then the attacker initiates a password reset processusing this phone number in the attacked website, causing this website to sendan SMS with a password reset code to the victim’s phone. The victim receivesthe expected message, and may type the code in the attacking page. Now, theattacker can complete the password reset process.


The attacker caneven trick the user into disclosing her password reset code under simplerconditions. Unlike security questions, a code to the mobile phone is not usedsolely for registration and password recovery. Although email addresses thatcan be generated easily and for free by bots, mobile numbers are harder andmore expensive to attain. Therefore, sending a code to a mobile device is areasonable way to both prove that users are not bots and to prevent overuse byusers. Instead of the registration process, the attacker can ask the user toinsert a code sent to her mobile phone before accessing a resource ordownloading a file.

攻擊者甚至可以在簡單的條件下欺騙使用者公開自己的密碼重置程式碼。與安全問題不同,行動電話的驗證碼不僅僅用於註冊和密碼恢復。 雖然電子郵件地址,可以輕鬆地和免費的機器人生成,移動號碼是更難和更昂貴的。 因此,向移動裝置傳送程式碼是一種合理的方式,既能證明使用者不是殭屍程式,又能防止使用者過度使用。 攻擊者可以在訪問資源或下載檔案之前,要求使用者輸入傳送到手機的驗證碼,而不是註冊過程。

In the rest ofthis section we discuss the problems with password reset using SMS (SectionIV-A), survey this mechanism in popular websites (Section IV-B), and ultimatelyevaluate the attack on Facebook users (Section IV-C).


A.    Limitations ofPassword Reset Using SMS


We identifiedseveral problems with sending a password reset via SMS. While the first problemis inherent, we found additional problems that appear in some of the websitesand can be easily fixed.


Unclear message. SMS is limitedto 160 ASCII characters, and there are at least 3 pieces of information thatshould appear in each message in addition to the password reset code: (1) thesending website, (2) explanation about the code’s meaning (password reset), and(3) a warning to avoid disclosing the code to anyone else. Most of the websitesare aware of the need to include these three elements. As evidence, theyinclude all of them (and more) in emails that are sent to reset a password.Yet, the length limitation and the desire to avoid sending multiple SMSmessages prevent them from sending the optimal message.


Sender identity. SMS spoofingis the process of setting the sender of SMS messages to a value that is not theoriginating mobile number. The sender can be set to another number or toalphanumeric text. Usually, SMS messages are sent from numbers that are notknown to the users. Using SMS spoofing, the sending companies can give the useran indication about the sender. However, we noticed that some of them do not usethis option at all, or they use it with a sender name that is non-informative.In spite of that, the importance of using informative sender identity seems tobe minor compared to content of the message; see the results analysis ofExperiment 2.


Token validity period. When a code isgiven, the user can use it only during a limited time period. However, thistime period varies between websites, and can be anywhere from 15 minutes to 24hours. In the PRMitM attack, this time slot is critical. Ideally, the attackerwould like to reset the passwords as late as possible. An attacker who gets thecode at noon would prefer to reset the password late at night, when the user issleeping.


Language compatibility. Many websitesoffer services in many languages, but some do not send the SMS message in thesupported language. Users who cannot read and understand the text, but only toidentify the code, become exposed to the attack. Namely, users who get a messagein an unfamiliar language, can read the code, but not the attached text. Insuch cases, an informative warning text becomes irrelevant.


B.    Websites Survey


Table IVsummarizes the SMS messages sent by popular websites during their passwordreset process. We also specify which text represented the sender, the code’svalidity period, and whether the language is adjusted to the user.


The tablepresents only websites that support multiple languages. The second column showsthe English message sent in the SMS by each of the websites.

Unlike commonpassword reset emails, none of the websites’ SMS messages included a warningabout the danger of disclosing the code. The fact that this message was sent aspart of a password reset process appears in only 4 of them. Popular websiteslike Yahoo and Google have a general message about verification codes. Such amessage can be easily abused by a PRMitM attacker. Moreover, unlike theirmessages in the other lang