OpenWRT 編譯 error GNU libiconv not in use but included iconv.h is from libiconv
-iconv=no --with-libiconv=gnu
貌似 --
總覺得此種解決方法不夠完美,應該還有更好的方法,知道的童鞋,留個言 ^_^
from :
The OpenWrt menuconfig gained a new boolean symbol called "CONFIG_BUILD_NLS" which is disabled by default [2]. Turning it on will enable the building of the full gettext (libintl) and libiconv packages. The setting can be found in the "Global Build Settings" menu, called "Compile with full language support". Packages using either iconv or intl have been changed [3] to include the new convenience file "include/" which exports variables to use within Makefiles to pull in the right iconv or intl implementation. The exported variables are: ICONV_FULL - set to 1 if the full iconv implementation is used, else unset ICONV_PREFIX - path to the location of the include/ and lib/ dirs of the currently used iconv implementation ICONV_DEPENDS - expands to a dependency specification that results either in +libiconv-full or nothing, depending on the CONFIG_BUILD_NLS symbol ICONV_CFLAGS - contains the appropriate CFLAGS to make programs find the iconv headers ICONV_CPPFLAGS - alias to ICONV_CFLAGS ICONV_LDFLAGS - contains the appropriate LDFLAGS to make programs link to the iconv implementation INTL_FULL - set to 1 if the full libintl implementation is used, else unset INTL_PREFIX - path to the location of the include/ and lib/ dirs of the currently used libintl implementation INTL_DEPENDS - expands to a dependency specification that results either in +libintl-full or nothing, depending on the CONFIG_BUILD_NLS symbol INTL_CFLAGS - contains the appropriate CFLAGS to make programs find the libintl headers INTL_CPPFLAGS - alias to INTL_CFLAGS INTL_LDFLAGS - contains the appropriate LDFLAGS to make programs link to the libintl implementation Additionally the include automatically extends the TARGET_CFLAGS, TARGET_CPPFLAGS and TARGET_LDFLAGS variables so that most programs should pick up the libs automatically in their configure/make process. To adapt existing package Makefiles to the new mechanism, the following changes must be made: - Add "include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/" below the existing "" include - Remove existing extensions to TARGET_CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS/LDFLAGS like "TARGET_CFLAGS+=-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/libintl/include/" (if any) - Replace existing extensions to other variables with $(ICONV_PREFIX), $(INTL_PREFIX) where applicable (e.g. "EXTRA_CPPFLAGS+=-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/libiconv/include" to "EXTRA_CPPFLAGS+=$(ICONV_CPPFLAGS)" or "EXTRA_CPPFLAGS+=-I$(ICONV_PREFIX)/include") - Replace dependency specifications like +libiconv, +libiconv-full, +libintl or +libintl-full with $(ICONV_DEPENDS) or $(INTL_DEPENDS) - Some packages have configure switches like "--with-libiconv=gnu", those should be wrapped similar to this: "$(if $(ICONV_FULL),--with-libiconv=gnu)" - If a program is known to fail with the stub implementation, a dependency like "DEPENDS:[email protected]_NLS" can be specified to hide and disable the package from menuconfig if CONFIG_BUILD_NLS is unset Neither the stub nor the full packages install their (shared) objects and headers into a "standard" location ($(STAGING_DIR)/usr/...) anymore so programs that must use them have to use the facility. Programs with optional iconv/intl support will just skip over them as they're not detectable without extra flags anymore. As the current Backfire branch and Trunk share the same packages feed, the BUILD_NLS support has been merged into the latest branch as well.
openwrt lede解決編譯:error GNU libiconv not in use but included iconv.h is from libiconv
1.lede 17.1.5 2. 工程中沒有glib2 需要手動新增一個,所以我從其他版本中直接拷貝過來一份glib2的配置(glib2 版本2.44.1) 3.當編譯的時候出現了,error GNU libiconv not in use but included ic
OpenWRT 編譯 error GNU libiconv not in use but included iconv.h is from libiconv
如題,編譯時碰到上述錯誤,google後一大堆,唯獨沒有OpenWRT的解決辦法,找到這篇文章: 按照文章的方法,在glib目錄下,手動執行: ./configure --enable-iconv=no --with-libiconv=gnu 貌似 --enable-ic
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編譯安裝libiconv報錯:./stdio.h:1010:1: error: 'gets' undeclared here (not in a function)錯誤如下: In file included from progname.c:26:0: ./stdio.h:101
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