1. 程式人生 > >工具介面標準(TIS)可執行連結格式(ELF)規範-卷I-前言


本文是對Tool Interface Standard (TIS) Executable and Linking Format (ELF) Specification Version 1.2的翻譯

工具介面標準(TIS)可執行連結格式(ELF)規範版本 1.2



This Executable and Linking Format Specification, Version 1.2, is the result of the work of the Tool Interface Standards (TIS) Committee--an association of members of the microcomputer industry formed to work toward standardization of the software interfaces visible to development tools for 32-bit Intel Architecture operating environments. Such interfaces include object module formats, executable file formats, and debug record information and formats.

The goal of the committee is to help streamline the software development process throughout the microcomputer industry, currently concentrating on 32-bit operating environments. To that end, the committee has developed specifications--some for file formats that are portable across leading industry operating systems, and others describing formats for 32-bit Windows* operating systems. Originally distributed collectively as the TIS Portable Formats Specifications Version 1.1, these specifications are now separated and distributed individually.

TIS Committee members include representatives from Absoft, Autodesk, Borland International Corporation, IBM Corporation, Intel Corporation, Lahey, Lotus Corporation, MetaWare Corporation, Microtec Research, Microsoft Corporation, Novell Corporation, The Santa Cruz Operation, and WATCOM International Corporation. PharLap Software Incorporated and Symantec Corporation also participated in the specification definition efforts.This specification like the others in the TIS collection of specifications is based on existing, proven formats in keeping with the TIS Committee's goal to adopt, and when necessary, extend existing standards rather than invent new ones.
TIS委員會成員包括來自以下公司的代表:Absoft, Autodesk, Borland International Corporation, IBM Corporation, Intel Corporation, Lahey, Lotus Corporation, MetaWare Corporation, Microtec Research, Microsoft Corporation, Novell Corporation, The Santa Cruz Operation, and WATCOM International Corporation。PharLap Software Incorporated 和 Symantec Corporation也參與了標準的定義。

About ELF: Executable and Linking Format

The Executable and Linking Format was originally developed and published by UNIX System Laboratories (USL) as part of the Application Binary Interface (ABI). The Tool Interface Standards committee (TIS) has selected the evolving ELF standard as a portable object file format that works on 32-bit Intel Architecture environments for a variety of operating systems.The ELF standard is intended to streamline software development by providing developers with a set of binary interface definitions that extend across multiple operating environments. This should reduce the number of different interface implementations, thereby reducing the need for recoding and recompiling code.

About This Document

This document is intended for developers who are creating object or executable files on various 32-bit environment operating systems. In order to extend ELf into different operating systems, the current ELF version 1.2 document has been reorganized based on operating system-specific information. It is divided into the following three books:
• Book I: Executable and Linking Format, describes the object file format called ELF. This book also contains an appendix that describes historical references and lists processor and operating system reserved names and words.
• Book II: Processor Specific(Intel Achitecture), conveys hardware-specific ELF information, such as Intel Architecture information.
• Book III: Operating System Specific, describes ELF information that is operating system dependent, such as System V Release 4 information. This book also contains an appendix that describes ELF information that is both operating system and processor dependent.

  • 卷I:可執行連結檔案格式,描述ELF檔案格式。本卷的附錄部分包含描述歷史參照、編目處理和作業系統保留字;
  • 卷II:特定處理器(Intel架構),表述硬體相關ELF資訊,比如Intel架構資訊;
  • 卷III:作業系統特性,描述作業系統依賴的ELF資訊,比如System V Release 4的資訊。本卷附錄描述了同時依賴作業系統和處理器的ELF資訊。