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如何檢視Android SDK原始碼版本



# Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Handle various build version information.
# Guarantees that the following are defined:
#     BUILD_ID

# Look for an optional file containing overrides of the defaults,
# but don't cry if we don't find it.  We could just use -include, but
# the build.prop target also wants INTERNAL_BUILD_ID_MAKEFILE to be set
# if the file exists.
INTERNAL_BUILD_ID_MAKEFILE := $(wildcard $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/build_id.mk)

  # This is the canonical definition of the platform version,
  # which is the version that we reveal to the end user.
  # Update this value when the platform version changes (rather
  # than overriding it somewhere else).  Can be an arbitrary string.
  PLATFORM_VERSION := 4.2.2   # SDK Version

  # This is the canonical definition of the SDK version, which defines
  # the set of APIs and functionality available in the platform.  It
  # is a single integer that increases monotonically as updates to
  # the SDK are released.  It should only be incremented when the APIs for
  # the new release are frozen (so that developers don't write apps against
  # intermediate builds).  During development, this number remains at the
  # SDK version the branch is based on and PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME holds
  # the code-name of the new development work.

  # This is the current development code-name, if the build is not a final
  # release build.  If this is a final release build, it is simply "REL".

  # This is the default minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to use for
  # all .apks created by the build system.  It can be overridden by explicitly
  # setting these in the .apk's AndroidManifest.xml.  It is either the code
  # name of the development build or, if this is a release build, the official
  # SDK version of this release.

ifeq "" "$(BUILD_ID)"
  # Used to signify special builds.  E.g., branches and/or releases,
  # like "M5-RC7".  Can be an arbitrary string, but must be a single
  # word and a valid file name.
  # If there is no BUILD_ID set, make it obvious.

ifeq "" "$(BUILD_NUMBER)"
  # BUILD_NUMBER should be set to the source control value that
  # represents the current state of the source code.  E.g., a
  # perforce changelist number or a git hash.  Can be an arbitrary string
  # (to allow for source control that uses something other than numbers),
  # but must be a single word and a valid file name.
  # If no BUILD_NUMBER is set, create a useful "I am an engineering build
  # from this date/time" value.  Make it start with a non-digit so that
  # anyone trying to parse it as an integer will probably get "0".
  BUILD_NUMBER := eng.$(USER).$(shell date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S)
[email protected]
:/home/hejian/rk3066-4.2/build/core# [email protected]:/home/hejian/rk3066-4.2/build/core# cat version_defaults.mk # # Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # Handle various build version information. # # Guarantees that the following are defined: # PLATFORM_VERSION # PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION # PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME # DEFAULT_APP_TARGET_SDK # BUILD_ID # BUILD_NUMBER # # Look for an optional file containing overrides of the defaults, # but don't cry if we don't find it. We could just use -include, but # the build.prop target also wants INTERNAL_BUILD_ID_MAKEFILE to be set # if the file exists. # INTERNAL_BUILD_ID_MAKEFILE := $(wildcard $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/build_id.mk) ifneq "" "$(INTERNAL_BUILD_ID_MAKEFILE)" include $(INTERNAL_BUILD_ID_MAKEFILE) endif ifeq "" "$(PLATFORM_VERSION)" # This is the canonical definition of the platform version, # which is the version that we reveal to the end user. # Update this value when the platform version changes (rather # than overriding it somewhere else). Can be an arbitrary string. PLATFORM_VERSION := 4.2.2 endif ifeq "" "$(PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION)" # This is the canonical definition of the SDK version, which defines # the set of APIs and functionality available in the platform. It # is a single integer that increases monotonically as updates to # the SDK are released. It should only be incremented when the APIs for # the new release are frozen (so that developers don't write apps against # intermediate builds). During development, this number remains at the # SDK version the branch is based on and PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME holds # the code-name of the new development work. PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION := 17 endif ifeq "" "$(PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME)" # This is the current development code-name, if the build is not a final # release build. If this is a final release build, it is simply "REL". PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME := REL endif ifeq "" "$(DEFAULT_APP_TARGET_SDK)" # This is the default minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to use for # all .apks created by the build system. It can be overridden by explicitly # setting these in the .apk's AndroidManifest.xml. It is either the code # name of the development build or, if this is a release build, the official # SDK version of this release. ifeq "REL" "$(PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME)" DEFAULT_APP_TARGET_SDK := $(PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION) else DEFAULT_APP_TARGET_SDK := $(PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME) endif endif ifeq "" "$(BUILD_ID)" # Used to signify special builds. E.g., branches and/or releases, # like "M5-RC7". Can be an arbitrary string, but must be a single # word and a valid file name. # # If there is no BUILD_ID set, make it obvious. BUILD_ID := UNKNOWN endif ifeq "" "$(BUILD_NUMBER)" # BUILD_NUMBER should be set to the source control value that # represents the current state of the source code. E.g., a # perforce changelist number or a git hash. Can be an arbitrary string # (to allow for source control that uses something other than numbers), # but must be a single word and a valid file name. # # If no BUILD_NUMBER is set, create a useful "I am an engineering build # from this date/time" value. Make it start with a non-digit so that # anyone trying to parse it as an integer will probably get "0". BUILD_NUMBER := eng.$(USER).$(shell date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S) endif


如何檢視Android SDK原始碼版本

PLATFORM_VERSION := 4.2.2 位於/build/core/version_defaults.mk # # Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under th

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