1. 程式人生 > >React Native下載開啟pdf檔案

React Native下載開啟pdf檔案


  • react-native-fs 檔案下載元件 GitHub - johanneslumpe/react-native-fs: Native filesystem access for react-native

  • react-native-pdf-view pdf顯示元件 GitHub - cnjon/react-native-pdf-view: React Native PDF View



npm install react-native-fs --save
react-native link react-native-fs
npm i react-native-pdf-view --save
react-native link react-native-pdf-view



  1. varDownloadFileOptions={

  2.            fromUrl: pdfDownloadURL,// URL to download file from

  3.            toFile:this.pdfPath         // Local filesystem path to save the file to

  4. }

  5. var result = RNFS.downloadFile(DownloadFileOptions);

  6.        console.log


  7. var _this =this;

  8.        result.then(function(val){

  9.            _this.setState({

  10.                isPdfDownload:true,

  11. });

  12. },function(val){

  13.            console.log('Error Result:'+ JSON.stringify(val));

  14. }

  15. ).catch(function(error){

  16.            console.log(error.message);

  17. });


  1. render(){

  2. if(!this.state.isPdfDownload){

  3. return(

  4. <View style={styles.container}>

  5. <Text>Downloading</Text>

  6. </View>

  7. );

  8. }

  9. var pages =[];

  10. for(var i =2; i <this.state.pageCount +1; i++){

  11.            pages.push(

  12. <PDFViewref={(pdf)=>{this.pdfView = pdf;}}

  13.                    key={"sop"+ i}

  14.                    path={this.pdfPath}

  15.                    pageNumber={i}

  16.                    style={styles.pdf}/>

  17. );

  18. }

  19. return(

  20. <ScrollView style={styles.pdfcontainer}>

  21. <PDFViewref={(pdf)=>{this.pdfView = pdf;}}

  22.                    key="sop"

  23.                    path={this.pdfPath}

  24.                    pageNumber={1}

  25.                    onLoadComplete={(pageCount)=>{

  26. this.setState({ pageCount: pageCount });

  27.                        console.log(`pdf共有: ${pageCount}頁`);

  28. }}

  29.                    style={styles.pdf}/>

  30. {pages.map((elem, index)=>{

  31. return elem;

  32. })}

  33. </ScrollView>

  34. )

  35. }

完整程式碼: GitHub地址:https://github.com/forrest23/reacttest