1. 程式人生 > >Spring.NET學習筆記(3)-註冊事件注入



<object id="source" type="Spring.Objects.TestObject, Spring.Core.Tests"/>

<object id="staticEventListener" type="Spring.Objects.TestEventHandler, Spring.Core.Tests">
  <!-- wired up to a static event -->
  <listener event="StaticClick
" method="HandleEvent"> <ref type="Spring.Objects.TestObject, Spring.Core.Tests"/> </listener> </object> <object id="instanceEventListener" type="Spring.Objects.TestEventHandler, Spring.Core.Tests"> <!-- wired up to an event exposed on an instance --> <listener
event="Click" method="HandleEvent"> <ref object="source"/> </listener> </object>

internal class TestEventHandler 
        public virtual void HandleEvent (object sender, EventArgs e) 
            _eventWasHandled = true;

        public virtual bool 
EventWasHandled { get { return _eventWasHandled; } } protected bool _eventWasHandled; }
public event EventHandler Click;

public static event EventHandler StaticClick;

/// <summary>
/// Public method to programmatically raise the <event>Click</event> event
/// while testing.
/// </summary>
public void OnClick()
    if (Click != null)
        Click(this, EventArgs.Empty);

/// <summary>
/// Public method to programmatically raise the <b>static</b>
/// <event>Click</event> event while testing.
/// </summary>
public static void OnStaticClick()
    if (TestObject.StaticClick != null)
        TestObject.StaticClick(typeof (TestObject), EventArgs.Empty);


public virtual void InstanceEventWiring()
    DefaultListableObjectFactory factory = new DefaultListableObjectFactory();
    XmlObjectDefinitionReader reader = new XmlObjectDefinitionReader(factory);
    reader.LoadObjectDefinitions(new ReadOnlyXmlTestResource("event-wiring.xml", GetType()));
    ITestObject source = factory["source"] as ITestObject;
    TestEventHandler instanceHandler = factory["instanceEventListener"] as TestEventHandler;
    // raise the event... handlers should be notified at this point (obviously)
                  "The instance handler did not get notified when the instance event was raised (and was probably not wired up in the first place).");