1. 程式人生 > >Functional MRI (second edition) -- 4. Basic Principles of MR Image Formation

Functional MRI (second edition) -- 4. Basic Principles of MR Image Formation

Bloch Equation
dM⃗ dt=γM⃗ ×B⃗ +1T1(M0Mz)1T2(Mx+My)————————–1



Functional MRI (second edition) -- 4. Basic Principles of MR Image Formation

Bloch Equation dM⃗ dt=γM⃗ ×B⃗ +1T1(M0→−Mz→)−1T2(Mx→+My→)————————–1 可以分解為三個標量方程: dMxdt=MyγB−MxT2————–2 dMydt=−MxγB−MyT2————–3 d

Functional MRI (second edition) -- 2. MRI Scanners

———————————————————————————————– M–main static magnetic field R –delivery of energy at the resonance frequency of the targeted a

Functional MRI (second edition) -- 6. From Neuronal to Hemodynamic Activity

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